He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, June 25, 2012

Even When We're Tired

            Near the end of last year, I was approached by some members of our congregation and asked if I would write a Christmas play for the church.  They had specific criteria they wanted included and could not find it in the available material. 

My first reaction was something like panic since I’d never written a play before.  “That’s a whole new ball game for me!” I said.  “I don’t know if I can do it.”  Breathing deeply I said simply,  “I’ll have to pray about it and get back to you.”  And pray I did for several weeks.  I just wasn’t sure what to do!  I considered the possibility with excitement, fear and much uncertainty about my ability.  I wondered what I even knew about writing a play!   You have to worry about setting and what the people say and directions and all these things I have no clue about!  I was certainly out of my comfort zone!  So I prayed and waited.

Late one night I went to bed, completely exhausted as normal!  I was nearly asleep when I was suddenly awake, knowing exactly how to write the play!  I was absolutely amazed.   I could only say to the Lord, (and I even said it out loud-Charles hadn’t come in to bed yet.) “Okay, if you want me to write it then I will!” I closed my eyes and fell off to sleep.

What was equally amazing is I didn’t get up to write anything down, but had complete recollection of it in the morning!  Usually I forget that “magnificent thought” if I have it when I’m nearly asleep!  But in the morning I rose, got paper and pen, and it was just there!  God blessed me with the outline and followed up with dialogue and setting and direction and all the other elements needed to write the play!  

The Sunday school department was delighted because it was what they wanted.  God has a way of working things out when we let him. Even when we’re very tired, God can work his plan.   He has designs and purpose for us and it’s up to us to first recognize his voice in whatever form it comes and then carry out his instructions so that prosperity can come to further his kingdom.  What a wonder!  He indeed gives hope and joy and love.  What a God we serve! 

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.   Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, June 18, 2012

Be Still, Wait, And Know He is God

            Some months ago we were all set to spend several hours fellowshiping with several couples from our church.  One couple had been detained.  They were waiting on a phone call from the doctor about their 3 year old grandson.  Was the leukemia returning?  He had gone through rigorous chemo at age 18 months and had been declared in complete good health.  The Lord had healed him and now here they go again….  The call came about half an hour later.  It was confirmed.  Little Matty must begin chemo again.  There is a donor for the bone marrow transplant, but the child must be in remission first.  How frustrating…..we must believe God is in control and he knows things we don’t, we kept telling ourselves.  There’s a reason for this test…..Matty is strong and God has a special purpose for that little guy.

            As a parent or grandparent it is exceedingly difficult to “be still” when you hurt for your loved ones and even more so when it’s a child.  When they fall down and scrape their knees, we clean the wound, put a band aid on it, dry the tears, give lots of hugs and send them on their way.  It’s more difficult for a broken arm, but generally you know after a trip to the doctor, you’re going to walk away with a confidence that it’ll all be okay.  A broken heart is a little more difficult to fix since it isn’t a physical wound and that takes time to heal, but you’re right there should they need a shoulder to cry on.

            But what about something big?  What about cancer?  We can’t just “fix” that.  It’s a mean, cruel disease and there aren’t any answers or quick fixes.  “Being still” just now takes all the energy and faith a body can muster!  Then there are the questions of funding, the home that is left untended while treatment is given in a city miles away, the other children, and the list goes on and on.  But still, there’s that scripture that says, “Be still…..and wait.”

            All we can do is ask God for the ability to indeed “Be still…and wait” knowing that God loves that little guy even more than we do.  He’s special and God’s got a plan!  As of this writing, Matty is doing better.  He was able to have the bone marrow transplant, but still, there is a mountain to climb.  We have an awesome God and are grateful he has come this far.  

            If you are facing an uphill battle and you are exhausted from the fight, I ask for God’s grace in your life and the strength that has been displayed through this child.  I know prayer changes things and encourage you to not give up.  Be still, wait and know that He is God!

Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.  Psalm 37:7

Monday, June 11, 2012

Soaring Like the Eagle

           A friend of mine recently said, “Today is one of those days when I feel completely drained.  It seems nothing is going right and no matter what I say, it’s wrong. And what makes it worse, it seems to be a carryover from last night!”    Everyone probably has days like this occasionally but when it happens frequently we begin to wonder of our value or our worth.  We ask questions like, “Why do I even bother?”  Who cares what I have to say anyway?  What would happen if I just didn’t say anything about anything?”

I’ll admit to having days like that, although, thankfully not often. But isn’t it easy to just give up and get down in a pit of depression that hangs like an ugly, gray, heavy cloud above us? It taints everything we attempt to do.  The adage about attitude carrying your altitude has merit!  When my attitude is less than perky, then my circumstances tend to reflect that!  When I am happy, energetic and animated, it seems to carry over into conversations and into the work I am trying to accomplish.  This is a good thing!  Being happy is so much more fun than being sad or in a bad mood!

            It’s so good to know that God cares.  He knows our hearts, our hurts, our worth.  And we have the promise that if we hope in the Lord, we will be renewed.  That doesn’t mean necessarily, it will happen today (although one can pray for that!) but it will happen in God’s time and with his purpose.  There is joy and freedom in just knowing a time will come when we will be able to soar like an eagle.  Now there is freedom exemplified! With this knowledge, we can know better days are coming! 

            I pray your week is filled with such joy and energy that it leaves you surprised at the altitude your attitude took you!  
But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:31

Monday, June 4, 2012

Finding Rest

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  Matthew 11:28-30

            I love this verse.  There are times when I am so emotionally or physically spent I feel like I can go no further.  I can work for hours and fall asleep right away when I am physically exhausted, and often find this is a deep, restful sleep.  There is great satisfaction from knowing I’ve worked hard and can actually see the “fruits of my labor!”  There is a sense of accomplishment as I stand back, for example, and see the windows on my house completely clean again, or the flower garden completely free, albeit short lived, of weeds!

             When I am emotionally spent, however, I am often robbed of my ability to sleep.   My body is tired, but the rest of me just won’t shut down.   Even when sleep does finally find me, I feel like I haven’t slept at all.  I am as tired when I awake as when I closed my eyes.  I know I’ve been asleep only because the arms on the clock have changed.  It seems my mind has kept up its motion and work, allowing for the trial before me to churn endlessly in my head.  It may be a complex situation dealing with my children, something work related, a health situation or other issue that I simply have no control over.  Yet, I find myself distraught regarding the problem.

            It is at these times I find this verse most comforting.  God doesn’t expect me to fight my battles alone.  In fact he requires I trust him in times of great difficulty.  It is here I draw closer to him and grow in my Christian faith.  This doesn’t mean it is easy, however.  Many of us feel the need to control the situation and make something happen.  It’s difficult to say, “Okay, Lord.  It’s all you.  I let go of this crisis and give it to you to handle.”  One friend says sometimes there’s even a tug of war with God about who is doing the most to conquer the problem.  She says she gives her problem to God and then takes it back!  I expect most of us do the same thing.  We are human, after all!   Things just don’t happen as fast as we believe they should, or in the way we expect.  

            Still, there is comfort in this verse.  God says he will take my burdens.  He loves me, he knows me and he knows what is best for me.  If I allow Him to take the problem, and keep it, I can find tranquility in these truths, accept his rest, and welcome the peace that accompanies it.  It is here I can sleep without distress!