He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, January 27, 2014

Fed By The Raven

            I am awed by the work of the Father.  He works in us in ways that are beyond our comprehension.  A friend of mine, some time ago, shared that she’d been trying to work through a difficult problem.  She told me the inner battles and struggles she faced seemed to be tearing her apart.  She’d feel one way for a while and then she’d feel another.   She said she finally went to bed one night and asked God to give her a “pure heart.”  What a concept!  She said God answered her in a very real way.  She didn’t “hear” a human voice, but she knew in her heart the direction she needed to go and was able to follow through.  Some of the fears she harbored were inconsequential and she said she was able to smile knowing the path she was taking, and had a measure of peace, even though she still had many unanswered questions.

            I’d like to think it’s always that easy, although I doubt she’d tell you it was easy at all.  Sometimes we face trials that seem overwhelming, leaving us screaming with unanswered questions.  But when we bring our hearts to the Lord, ask for His guidance and expect it, then I would like to think, like my friend, we’ll get an answer.

            Sometimes we get so caught up in our day to day lives, we forget that ultimately we are not in control.  God has a plan.  He can see the whole picture.  We can only see our world through a very narrow tunnel.  We can’t know the why’s and the why not’s and often have trouble understanding the “right now’s!”  He has put us where we are so we can grow and learn and then when we are ready for the next “adventure” we can move on.

            We often fail to see our human struggles are ultimately what draw us to the arms of the Father.   He wants us to put our trust in Him, allow Him to guide us, and then teach us the lessons He wants us to learn.  But we have to be open to what the Lord can use to teach us those lessons and to nurture us if that is what we need.  He seems to have the uncanny knack to use the most unlikely sources and through the most unpredictable circumstances.   

            I thought it was interesting when during devotional time this week I actually came across where the Lord used Ravens, not Doves to see to the needs of Elijah.   (1 Kings 17)  This miracle demonstrates an unlikely source of bread but direct filling of a need.  I’d like to think God could use such unlikely circumstances in my own life.  But to have that happen, I would have to be first willing to trust that God could fill my need; second that he has the resources required and the unique ability to see the whole picture; thirdly that He loves me enough to fill my request with just the right answer and lastly; unpredictable enough to surprise me in the way He ultimately fills my need.  I believe with all my heart, God loves his children and wants only their happiness.  He wants nothing more than to fill our hearts greatest desires.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Great Expectations

Someone said to me once, “I stopped reading romance books because it gave me expectations for my husband.  He couldn’t compete and it left me feeling down and disappointed.”  Sadly, I can relate to unmet expectations!  I think if we were honest, most of our expectations often exceed what is really going to be our reality. 

            When I read Proverbs 31 describing the wife of noble character, I cringe with horror! 

don’t nearly fit that description.  And then there are the images I have of Amish wives.  I have been in an Amish home and it is spotless!  And these ladies are known for their incredible cooking and baking abilities!  While my expectations of myself aren’t at the top of the ladder, I fall well below what I’d like to do, to be, to accomplish, how I’d like to look and on and on, ---on a daily basis.  How do I measure up to my husband; my family or others?

            Expectations don’t just arise with wives and husbands.  There are expectations between all natures of relationships:  husband to wives, mother to child, child to parents, teachers to students, employees to employers, retailers to consumers and on and on.  And of course each one mentioned is reflected back the other way.

            Do you ever think about your expectations?  Even as I write these words, I wonder about the expectations of the reader.  And you, as reader, have expectations of what you are reading.  Are expectations conditioned?  Is it something we learn or is it innate?   I know young people have innate expectations of their parents.  They rely on them to take care of their physical needs like providing a home and food to eat.  They expect their emotional needs to be taken care of, as well.  They expect hugs and other forms of physical touch, as well as, verbal declarations of the emotional tie to those they call Mom and Dad.

            As we get older, we have expectations of our teachers and that is probably also innate, as are others, but I’m not sure as I look at the short list I created which ones are conditioned, learned, or even innate.  Truth is expectations vary from person to person.  

            Then this morning I read about being patient with God.  As ludicrous as it sounds, I never thought of that before.  While I have always known things are done in His time, it still never occurred to me to “be patient with God.” So the question then arises: what expectations do I have of God?  

Clearly His word is filled with examples and declarations of his care and desire for us to be all we can be.  Do I expect God to make me the way he wants me, just like that?  Do I expect a miracle without any effort?  Do I expect God to save me when I make a decision based on my own choices instead of following his guidance?  No, of course not; but He will provide the means for me to walk in His way despite my mistakes, if I am open to Him.  

So there are absolutely expectations!  God will completely provide for my needs, fulfill the desire of my heart, love and care for me as long as I stay in His will.  Will I have unmet expectations from God?  Only if I don’t trust him to know what is best for me.  He is Sovereign and no human can claim anything near that.  He knew me before I was born.  If I stay in His Word, in His will and in fellowship with Him, the expectations I have from God will be completely fulfilled…..and believe me….I count on that!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Striving For Perfection

            Accountability!  Sometimes this word scares me to death!  It means I am responsible, first to myself and then to whomever I’ve partnered with to keep me on task.  The truth is I am first accountable to God, because whatever it is I am choosing to do will one day be judged by the Almighty.  This is where having a partner is helpful!  It’s easy to brush off what I wanted to do as unnecessary if I only have myself to answer to!  

            I read another blogger’s post about “copying Benjamin Franklin.”  She explained that she’d read his autobiography and he, wanting to develop and nurture thirteen qualities, made himself a chart for plotting the progress each day of the week.  He would score his progress each day according to his success or failure.  

            I rather like this idea and see the merit since I too, have a list of ideas I would like to implement, but find myself slacking from day to day.  Oh I start out grand; for about three days!  Then I’m back to, “well if I don’t get to it today….”  You get the picture!  But to have something concrete and measurable for positive reinforcement might be the ticket to being successful!

            It was the quote by Benjamin Franklin at the end of her article that really struck me.  He was reflecting on his chart:  “on the whole, though I never arrived at the perfection I had been so ambitious of obtaining, but fell far short of it, yet as I was, by the endeavor, a better and a happier man than I otherwise should have been had I not attempted it.”

            I can’t help but see this from the perspective of being a Christian, too.  Paul talks a lot about perfection in the Bible.  I am so far from perfect, it’s downright scary!  But that said, spiritual progress is in a word:  progress!  We need to pay attention to what is important.  While God’s grace is free, (bought at the price of Jesus’ life), we are still all guilty!  We are all responsible for putting Him on the cross....every time we sin!  There is no one else to blame.

            So when it comes to accountability in this arena, we need to consider the importance from an eternal perspective.  While I’d love to eat better, exercise, read a book a month, etc; the more important issue is my prayer life, Bible Study, mission work, my writing (since this is what God has called me to do!), etc.  

            While like Ben Franklin, I will never be perfect, ---in this life, it is my responsibility to strive toward that end.  I am accountable to God first, myself and then to help me reach my goals, a partner who will help me.  If it includes a chart for added incentive, then so be it! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Falling Apart or Into Place?


             I read the quote “Sometimes when things are falling apart other things are falling into place” recently and it stuck with me for several days as I was struck by both the truth and beauty of it.  Our world seems to be coming apart at the seams!  The economy, government, morals, lifestyles, attitudes, and countless other realities all seem to be quickly deteriorating  The up side to this gloomy picture is God setting up for Christ’s return. Anyone who knows the Lord personally will tell you Christ’s return is a good thing, in fact a great thing! 
 In my personal life I see travel plans due to health issues falling apart!  Charles and I had planned to go West for several months, but circumstances seem to be nullifying those plans.  It leaves us with the question: What does God have in store instead?   

There are all kinds of areas where a “falling apart” can happen: Spiritually-- is this the time you choose to find God through additional prayer and study?   Emotionally-- is this where you begin to find yourself?  Physical weakening—does this set you on a journey of a more healthful lifestyle? Without a job or discontent in your job-- does this begin a passage into another career?  Relationship deterioration-- is it time to decide if you have chosen the right mate (assuming you aren’t married, of course) or if married, does it set you on a course to seek a way to right the problems?

It’s interesting, yesterday the Pastor talked about change!  He said as Christians we should be flexible, stay focused, remain faithful, look to the future, and remain fearless as long as our eyes are on Jesus!  

Change can bring about a degree of adversity but can also bring a form of renewal.  Accepting a problem isn’t the answer if the issue isn’t resolved.  The problem will reoccur, then again things fall apart and then again and again, becoming a vicious cycle.  But when you look at change as the answer, as a form of renewal, then perhaps the “falling apart” isn’t so horrible!  Instead it might be the beginning of an incredible, wonderful journey!  Now, that said, there is always the chance we’ll fall flat on our face, but as the old expression goes, “nothing ventured, nothing gained!”

When we search our hearts while down on our knees, we can be certain God will lead us in the path that is right for us when we listen.   Like the words to a song I heard recently:  “God is too wise to be mistaken.  God is too good to be unkind.  ….when you don’t understand, or see His plan……trust His heart!”   

Stepping out on faith isn’t always an easy choice, but it could be the best choice!  When we rely on following God’s voice while not giving into panic when things seem confusing, we can choose to say, “Yes!” to those things which are important to us, and open the door to a whole new wonderful world!