Even in our own family, there are times
when family members choose to make other plans during a family event to avoid
attendance. There is a history between
some members who can’t seem to come to grips with the situation and even years
after the occurrence are unable to be in the same room with out the hackles on
the back of their neck rising!
The Christmas holiday is officially upon us and
celebrations are part of the season tradition!
We each in our own minds, have personal expectations. We decorate our homes and trees, sign
Christmas cards and address envelopes, cook unbelievable desserts, clean our
house better than any other time of year and still we wonder if we’ve done
Aside from that, we dream of what we
might get for Christmas from our loved ones or even wonder what is inside those
beautifully wrapped boxes and ask if it’s possible any contain what we really,
really want. And on the other side of
the equation, as we wrap gifts for others, we wonder if we’ve bought the right,
or even perfect gift, for the recipient, or the reverse: will they even like the gift we've chosen?
Why are we so consumed with
“perfection” at Christmas? I was at "that place" some years ago. My Christmases as a
child weren’t stellar and as my own children were growing I stressed myself
into a state every year! It got so bad,
I would lose my voice for the duration of the season! It took some amount of counseling to finally
realize the problem with my loss of voice was stress! I didn’t recognize it for what it really
was! And before we finally discovered
the culprit, I worried about the lack of voice, causing even greater
My situation isn’t unique. As humans, Christians and non-Christians
alike, we put the emphasis of Christmas on all the glitz and trimmings instead
of where it truly belongs: on Jesus, the Christ Child. So when we put our focus on the material side
of the holiday we’ve completely missed the point!
So I challenge you during the next few
weeks, as Christmas Day draws nearer, to take a few moments every day to just Stop! Reflect on why you are celebrating this
holiday. Is the glitz and glitter
getting in the way of the real reason we are supposed to be celebrating? What is blocking your view? Then take it a step further and make a
genuine effort to change your perspective!
Remember that “Jesus truly is the reason for the season!”