He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, November 25, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s almost Thanksgiving, and instead of writing a typical blog, I just want to share a few things I am thankful for!

First and foremost, I am thankful for a living God; one who cares for me, offers salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ and saved a sinner like me!

I’m also thankful for my family and friends. Along with my incredible husband of 46 years, I have five amazing adult children with four equally amazing spouses (one isn’t married yet).  I also have 16 grandchildren who share their love unconditionally!  What a wonderful gift!  

 I am thankful for YOU and blessed to have an amazing support group!

Additionally, I am thankful we are able to travel and see this incredible place we call home here in the US, we eat well, dress warmly and have more material things than we need!  

Each day brings its own blessings of laughter and contentment, sunshine, rain (Yes, I really do like the rain!) --snow occasionally, and rest at the end of the day!  

I hope you are able to reflect on God’s goodness during this holiday of Thanksgiving.  Life isn’t always kind, and there always seems to be bumps in the road.  It is however, what we make of it! Choose to make it happy and filled with gratefulness

I’d love it if you would comment by sharing 3 things for which you are grateful.  


Monday, November 18, 2019

Resting In The Arms Of God

            There are days when even after a full night’s sleep, I am still tired.  I ask myself, why?  It’s amazing what stress can do to you!  It can cause anxiety, eating disorders, headache, muscle aches, mood changes, substance abuse, fatigue, chest pain and this is only half the list!  Personally, I find when I am stressed, I get the feeling of being overwhelmed and just want to sleep!

            Recently we had a bit if a crisis in our lives and that’s just what I did!  After spending the day at the hospital, I’d come home and sleep!  --Even beginning at 6:30 one evening!  I can’t seem to think or process information correctly!  By the next morning, I could start all over again, feeling well, and even maintain it during the day, until I arrived at home again, and then I’d collapse in sleep!

            In the morning, it was wonderful to reach for His Word to be refreshed for the day.  It’s reassuring to know that God wants to reveal things to me while I rest in him.  It’s not just my body and emotions which needs to be refreshed, but also my spirit.  When I allow stress to overtake me, I’m setting myself up to miss His blessings and leaving my human mind vulnerable to the wiles of satan’s attacks!  Stress steals my ability to even communicate in some instances.  I run a total blank and can’t hear a word God is saying to me.

            I read somewhere this week that to be successful in the business world we need to just stop—relax—and allow ourselves quiet time to think!  I find when I am stressed, even as I sleep, my mind is going full speed.  I don’t settle anything, of course, and it’s not until I actually do stop and rest my mind, that I can actually think clearly!  

            When we stop to spend time with God we are being renewed with His Spirit, which is capable of mighty things. (Which for me must be in the morning after I’m rested because I shut down at night!) He enables us to be able to deal with those circumstances in our lives for which we might not be prepared, such as an unexpected hospital stay and the news that follows. 

            We may not have all the answers—or not any answers, but we can know that God knows the beginning and the end.  He is always with us.  We are never alone.  And it’s in times like these we can trust the arms of God for the rest we need to carry on for yet another day.  That’s all we can ask for really, because none of us are promised another day; not even another moment.

            But knowing the arms of God encircle me, gives me the strength to face the crisis, even if I don’t understand or have a hundred questions!  His peace settles in my soul and gives me the power to tackle what is before me.  Will I make mistakes.  Very possibly.  But I know God is a forgiving God and will protect me when my judgement is off and encourage me to listen more closely for the path he has chosen for me.  

            I am grateful I can rest in the arms of God regardless of any situation or crisis.  I hope you are too!


Monday, November 11, 2019

The Ringing Of The Bells

          There is something absolutely inspiring about hearing church bells on Sunday morning or the ringing of a church bell choir playing a familiar hymn.  Bells ring in the New Year and sometimes bells will ring on Christmas Eve.  Bells were used in the early years to round up the cowboys on a ranch to let everyone know it was time for dinner, and used by the town crier to announce any big news that would affect the settlement.  And one of my favorite things to hear, is the ringing of chimes on my porch as the wind moves them softly!

            While I enjoy the sound of bells and even chimes, I have one friend who loathes the sound.  She and her husband at one point bought a home and the previous owners left a small wind chime in a nearby tree.  While visiting one sunny afternoon, I heard the “music” and commented on how wonderful it was.  She immediately went to the tree and took it down and handed it to me.  “Here,” she said.  “I hate them!  They are totally noisy and distracting!”

            And of course bells are signals that a change is about to happen.  In our school system bells rings to announce a change of classes, or a fire drill or other emergency.  They can be used as a wake-up call, or an announcing an incoming telephone call.

            I couldn’t help but wonder if there is an actual religious symbolism after I saw bells ringing one night in my mind, after prayer.  Bells in the Bible aren’t mentioned often, but seen in Exodus 28 and 39 where it describes bells being part of the adornment on the robes the High Priest wore into the Holy of Holies, so the sound could be heard by those outside, and know that the Priest was not dead.
            According to some searching on the internet the official symbolism in Christianity, is “said to represent the ‘voice of God;’” and it “represents the mind’s ability to ascend conscious awareness and tap into the wisdom of our higher conscious—which is boundless.”   https://mastermindcontent.co.uk/the-symbolic-meaning-of-bells/
            I don’t know how much of that is true, but if it is, the assumption is that we need to listen to hear God’s voice.  That part is true!  And bells aren’t even a part of that knowledge.  But if you add bells to the equation, then whenever we hear a bell ringing, whether it be in an emergency (and often I find myself saying a prayer when I pass by a fire truck, or ambulance –although that’s more of a siren), but bells ringing for an alarm, a telephone call or a church bell whether on Sunday morning; or any time during the week or even the soft chimes that ring outside my door when the wind blows, it can work as a reminder that I can speak to the Lord about anything on my heart and know He hears me.  I only need to listen to hear his voice.
            I am thankful God gives us reminders of things.  It’s so easy to forget in our modern world.   We get so wrapped up in our lives we sometimes, even forget God!  Worship him today no matter where you are or what you are doing; while listening for the bells!  
            An added note!  Today is Veteran’s Day so we have another reason to be thankful, and a reason for a time of remembrance!  Thank you to ALL Veterans, past and present for your dedication and sacrifice for our country!  

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Dreaded "C" Word

          Some years ago, I knew a woman who worked with my husband who discovered she had cancer.  It was a difficult time, but she was amazing and wanted nothing but a celebration for her funeral.  And while we wept at the loss of her in our physical midst, we knew she was no longer in pain and suffering.
            Years later, I lost another friend who didn’t have the same mindset as my friend who worked with my husband, but she was still strong.  Her funeral was not as celebratory, but we were able to work through it more easily because she too was now, no longer suffering.
            I have a relative who has cancer and was told recently he has only several more months to live.  How do we deal with this?  It’s different with each person.  Part of it depends on relationship.  When we have a very strong bond with someone, the pain is more intense.  There is so little or even nothing we can do, and that brings even more pain.  But I'm convinced it has much to do with the faith both the person with the cancer has, and the person who mourns.
            My mom had cancer, and while that evil did not take her life, she did have a double mastectomy.  I’ve been told I am at high risk for the dreaded “C” word due to my parental history and the fact that I had five children.  Does this frighten me?  Not really, at the moment.  Should it become a reality, I may have huge fears.
            I see this in another relative who is facing the possibility that she might have cancer.  She’s been told she has tumors pushing against her lymph nodes and yes, she is fearful, to a point.  She’s asked for prayer. 
            In church this week, the Pastor was talking about how as a child he believed God could do anything!  ANYTHING!  He had no doubt.  God was God and he could do just what he wanted.  He continued.  As life continues and we grow into adults, we often say God CAN do anything, but the world has jaded our perspective and while we know he CAN, we wonder if he will. 
            Doubts from life’s circumstances and human wisdom cause us, even as a Believer, to become cynical.  We look at situations from an earthy perspective, with Science and the ‘wisdom of the doctor’s’ mentality.  We kind of blast God right out of the water!  Our focus changes and rather than keeping our eyes on the Lord, we turn our eyes to the side, and the waves of doubt drown out our faith.  Even Peter, who was walking on the water while facing Jesus, starting sinking due to his doubt, when he took his eyes off Jesus.
            I remember the movie “Facing The Giants,” which has become my all time favorite!  It hits so many chords with me.  We all face fears, often in everyday kinds of situations.  Of course, there are many levels of fear, and sometimes the beast is very large, like the dreaded "C" word.  
           I wonder, what is your greatest fear at this moment?  How do you face your fears---  or “Giants?”