He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Breaking The Fall


            I was thinking just this morning about how many times God has saved me from harm, whether it be an accident that ‘didn’t’ happen, keeping me from getting into the wrong crowd while in high school—even from the drug scene back in the 70’s.  (I wouldn’t have recognized a drug if I’d stepped on it!)  And it’s not just from physical harm that God intervenes.  It can be from emotional situations.  It might be a new job, a move or even as a mom with children all around, and on and on.

A friend shares the experience of having realized the dream of backpacking the Grand Canyon and even after the training required for such a feat found herself slipping and falling down the canyon wall.  A small bush from seemingly nowhere broke her fall and she was able to be rescued.

Another friend shared a similar story about the Appalachian Trail when she was hiking.  He took a wrong turn and ended in a slide down the rock face.  He was able to finally get stopped and although sore and battered, was able to climb back up and continue.

It doesn’t have to be something as dramatic as hiking in unknown territory (or even familiar ones!)  Yet another friend shared she and her husband were horse back riding on their own property.  All was perfectly wonderful, until it wasn’t!  Her husband ended up in the trauma unit, looking at extensive rehab!  Our lives can change in the blink of an eye, yet often we think we are in control!

As humans we work hard to get an education, training and take the necessary steps to move forward in our career and lives.  Often as young people (speaking for myself, at least) we forget we are not in charge.  We forget to ask God his opinion on our plans and forge forward without regard to His Higher Power.  

Then we fall….flat….and wonder why.  Sometimes the fall comes after years of trying.  We finally realize what we need the most is on our knees!  It is Christ who gives us what we require at any given moment.  

I received salvation when I was a very young person.  Yet, I admit, some of the decisions I made through my teen years and perhaps even during my early years of marriage, were likely not the ones God planned for me.  His will, will still prevail regardless of my mistakes, but imagine how much easier it would have been if I’d taken the right path in the first place!  Instead I have to deal with scraped knees, turned ankles, a bruised heart and tears of frustration!

The greatest ‘saving’ will be when we are welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven after we leave this life.  This world is a hurting place, filled with trials, hate, discontent, anger, bitterness and so much evil.  Sin abounds.  It’s going to be a wonderful day for those who believe in their Salvation when Jesus reappears to take us home and away from all this darkness!  This is where ‘breaking the fall’ will be at it’s best!


  1. I love this Margie! I'm blessed to know you.

  2. You are very kind! Thank you! I am blessed that you would take the time to comment! Hugs!
