He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, July 25, 2022

Unlikely Heroes

  I love the idea that God uses unlikely people to do amazing things.  David was an adulterer and a murderer yet killed Goliath, wrote the Psalms, was a great king and so much more.  Joseph caused great jealousy within his family and was thrown into the cistern, yet was used by God in Egypt during a time of famine when he ruled with the Pharaoh.  

Jonah ran from God and ended up in the belly of a whale before he used him to preach to the city of Nineveh.  Moses stuttered but was called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.  Abraham was an old man, yet God called him to another country and was the Father of many nations.  Paul, as Saul, was a huge persecutor of Christians, yet was given the title ‘Apostle’ after God changed his life, and the list goes on and on.

A friend tells the story about how her church needed someone to lead the choir.  As she discussed the  problem with others, it was suggested that she do the leading.  Her first reaction was to say ‘I’m not qualified!’  She was afraid of falling flat on her face in front of the congregation.

She couldn’t help but think about the ‘heroes’ of the Bible.  Her hero of choice however, was the small boy who had only a few fishes and two small loaves of bread, which the Lord blessed and filled the multitudes.  She ultimately offered her limited musical skills and the choir not only grew, but thrived.  She insists “that was all God!”  

Another friend shared that as member of the trustee at her church, new ideas come in fairly often.  The trustees vote on the measure and usually pass it through, knowing that if God wills it, it will be a success!  Sometimes these ‘ideas’ include merging with other denominations as joint ventures.  They’ve had weekly dinners for the homeless, food distributions and more.  But they trusted God to ‘work the miracle.’

What happens when we walk away from leading, if or when we are asked?  Walking away--or saying 'no',  could be an opportunity for a missed blessing for both us and for others.  It’s vital we search the scriptures and remember that ‘good ideas come from the Lord’.  When we are in line with scripture and feel led by God to do something, even if it’s simply helping a neighbor, or something more intimidating like beginning a new ministry, we should trust God’s will and his timing.

God has this amazing ability to work things for his good and uses unlikely people to fulfill his will.  Perhaps you’ve seen this in your life.  If not, maybe it’s just looking for the possibility.  Opportunities are encountered often in our lives, but we must be willing to listen to, and discern God’s will.  He can and will provide the skills needed for the task before us, even when we see ourselves, in some way inadequate. 

Noah built a big boat; Esther was placed in the palace for the task of saving her people, Rahab was a prostitute, Job lost everything, and again the list could go on and on.  But God used unlikely people for unique work and he can use each of us too! 

Photo credit: Free images of loaves and fishes 

Monday, July 18, 2022

Love Thy Neighbor


       The “Good Samaritan” story is familiar to most of us.  It’s the story of how a Priest, a Levite and a Samaritan passed by a man—a Jew-- who was robbed and beaten by thugs and left to die.  The most likely candidate to take care of the wounded man seems to be the priest.  He is after all, seemingly, a godly man, yet he chooses to walk away.  The Levite, another supposed godly man does the very same thing.  It’s clear they saw him, but chose to not take any action. 

Then a Samaritan came by.  This is significant because in those days Jews and Samaritans were enemies.  They didn’t talk to each other or communicate in any way.  The usual tactic was avoidance.  Yet, this enemy of the Jews, chose to give him aid.  What a great role model!  

Our world is changing in ways most of us would never have imagined.  As “success” is defined by how much material wealth a person can have, we seem bent on climbing the corporate ladder to the highest rung, as quickly as possible, regardless of who we step on during our climb, and even sometimes through, in less than moral ways.  It’s the “way of the world” and totally expected and often accepted!

The political arena has people stepping on their tongues, talking backwards and sideways, with fake news ruling the social media platforms; while going shopping, school, or just standing on the street is reason enough for someone to pull out a weapon and cause all kinds of destruction!

It makes me wonder what happened to the Good Samaritan thought process!  To find someone who will stop to help another [especially a noted enemy] is unheard of --- or so rarely heard of, that if the media hears of it, it’s instant news!  Most of the time,—- it’s ‘how hard do I have to hit you to get you down beneath me?….And oh, while you’re there, I’m gonna give you a good swift kick’!

God didn’t intend His people to be unkind, mean or thoughtless!  God’s world is defined by light, and goodness, kindness and love.  So I encourage you to reflect on who you call “your neighbor.”  Is the person in front of you at the supermarket, “your neighbor?”  Is the homeless person on the corner, the sick and impoverished of your town, “your neighbor?” 

  Can we really “choose” who our neighbor is?  God loves all people, and that is what he wants to see in us, as well---regardless of race, color, creed, religious beliefs, nationality or anything that makes us different! 

    This doesn't mean we have to agree with their political views, or other beliefs.  What we do for them, in any form of kindness, will display our own beliefs, even if they are different from those we are helping.  That's just what happened with the Jew and the Gentile Good Samaritan so many years ago!

    Will you find ways to be kind and helpful this week?


Photo credit: https://www.dreamstime.com/photos-images/love-neighbor-your.html 

Monday, July 11, 2022

Urging Of the Spirit


        I recently read a book about what the author called ‘God-Winks.’  I’ve believed for a very long time that there is no such thing as a coincidence.  It’s a ‘God Incidence!’  Only a few years ago, I heard the expression of ‘God-Winks’,  and find it totally accurate.   It, as the author explains, is God’s way of reassuring us or letting us know He’s thinking about us.  

It’s hard to imagine a God of the universe who can be everywhere at once, taking care of needs across the globe, getting requests and various ‘phone-calls’ from people of every nationality, yet still have time for my issues and insecurities!  Yet, He does!  That’s pretty impressive!  

But how can we know we’ve gotten a ‘God-Wink’ and know it’s from the God of the universe?  And add to that, I hear the question raised, ‘How can we know we are actually feeling the urging of the Holy Spirit’?  Hearing what we believe as God’s voice or the Holy Spirit can be a bit intimidating if you don’t recognize it for what it is, especially if it's out of the comfort zone in any way!

A friend of mine said "the Holy Spirit was Jesus’ Best Friend while He was on earth.”  I’d never thought of it that way. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit just before he was crucified, ‘who would come.’  Yet, He was with Jesus the whole time.  They were always a “Triune God!”  God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit.  

As God leads us through life, he gives us signs which we may or may not recognize as coming from Him.  But there are times when we can’t help but recognize that what we are ‘hearing or witnessing’ can be nothing other than God intervening on our behalf.  Sometimes the ‘odds’ of something happening are so great, it can only be God.  I’ve always just said ‘it was a God Thing!’  and there are plenty of clear evidences of this as I reflect on my life.  

When these incidences occur, we need to be ready to respond and accept it as the Holy Spirit working in our lives.  What an amazing gift.  It’s a reassurance that God cares for us and wants to be active in our lives, just as he did His own Son while Jesus was on Earth.  

When Jesus was in the wilderness for forty days, surely God was with him.  As He walked through the masses of people who followed him, searching for truth, healing and even understanding, it was the Holy Spirit and The Father who enabled Jesus, in their ‘Oneness’ to complete the mission before Him.  We have that same blessing when we are committed to the cause and believe in Faith, that God will never fail us and will provide everything we need— including the signs along the way!

God is alive and well!  There can be no disputing that, when you are a Believer.  But Satan has a way of trying to foil the best laid plans of humans and the even better laid plans of our God.  As we search God’s Word, and lay our hearts before Him for directions in our lives even if it’s a ‘sharp left turn’ —-he will provide the answers when we listen to the Holy Spirit—-and sometimes it comes through events which seem like a coincidence, that can only be called ‘a God Thing’ or even a ‘God Wink!’