He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, December 30, 2024

A Deep Desire To Learn

  I am a study bug!  I drive my children nuts with my intense desire and preference to keep reading “informational” books over what I usually label “junk” books that have little or no unique plots and offer nothing more than “entertainment.”  My goal is to learn something new every single day!  Do I always succeed?  Probably not, but I can try!

My efforts pale next to Helen Keller who learned to read despite blindness or Abraham Lincoln who walked twenty miles to get a book or even Booker T Washington who considered education so important he made a decision to learn despite all obstacles including being born a slave in poverty.  

Thomas Jefferson believed education was paramount to freedom, self-reliance, and responsibility.  He believed education established knowledge and the qualities required to shape a self-governing citizen.  He was a leader in education reform, establishing free schools for children to learn reading, writing and arithmetic, so they would grow into an adult having skills to make educated decisions.

As a “mature student” in college I was amazed at the apathy many of my younger peers displayed.  Many weren’t at all interested in being in class, chose not to do any homework or participate in any of the discussions.  It made me angry when students were less than honest when a professor would ask why they missed class or were unable to turn in an assignment.  And, I found myself really upset when working as a group, 75% of the group did only as much as necessary to get by, contributing little or no preparation for an oral presentation.  I admit, I couldn’t understand it!  

These young people were energized about everything except college!  Why were they there? I understand, in our late teens it’s likely we don’t have a clue what we plan to do with the rest of our lives.  We’ve just finished high school and the last thing we really want is to sit in a classroom again.  Yet, what an opportunity!

As the mature student, I did have an advantage.  I knew what I wanted and it was important to me to get the education to enable me to do it.  I was willing to read the assignments and do the work, study for tests and be a willing participant in class, first because I honestly enjoyed it, and I wanted to learn, despite the obstacles I faced!

We all face some kind of road block.  The path is rarely easy.  Helen Keller faced blindness; Booker T. Washington, slavery; Thomas Jefferson, politics; I faced dealing with marriage, a home, children and grand children and the fact it had been 30 years since I’d been in a classroom.  I had a lot to catch up on!  But I was driven!  I wanted so much to fill my mind with information that would enable me to become self-confident, independent, competent to make my own decisions, qualify me to join the work place should I desire to do so, and empower me with the tools I needed to fulfill my dreams.

But with all that said, there is another area where I desire to excel in the realm of ‘learning.’  As a Believer the very idea that the Bible is ‘God’s love letters to me’ is intriguing.  Why wouldn’t I want t read about the God who delights in me, loves me and wants only the best for my life?  God’s Word is a Living Book.  It’s more important than any other book on the planet!  It’s my life guide, truth, life changing, inspiring, encouraging, convicting, teaching, coaching, and ultimately the perfect book for any question in life I could imagine!

So I encourage you to pick up reading material that will strengthen the mind and character.  And more than that, I suggest picking up God’s Word, the Bible, which can change your life forever. Place aside, even if only for a few moments that “junk” book, video game, or TV show you wanted to see.  Find something inspirational that will “feed” your mind and more importantly, your soul! 

Photo Credit: Bible Study

Monday, December 23, 2024

Happy Holidays

         Holidays are wonderful!  There are all kinds: summer vacations, New Year’s, Easter, Thanksgiving and many others that we celebrate all year long.  Our “holidays” may find us at the ocean relaxing in the warm sunshine while wriggling our toes in the hot sand.  We may choose to visit other countries, or National and State parks to enjoy nature’s bounty.  Or we may choose to visit monuments, cities, or even choose to stay in a quiet cabin in the country.  Whatever our desire when we want to get “away” we choose to take a “holiday.”

There is much discussion in politics and between friends and neighbors about the use of “Happy Holiday” verses the familiar “Merry Christmas!”  Let me begin by saying I prefer Merry Christmas, but was calmed when I understood that “holiday” actually can mean “holy-day.” Now that said, it doesn’t necessarily have that definition anymore.  In fact, as the word has changed over the years, it has acquired a much more secular meaning.

Because of the way we look at what a holiday is in our world today, it’s hard to connect the idea of a sacred “Holy Day” --- Christmas --- by simply saying “holiday.”  The word holiday holds no sacred meaning, given the way we use it.  This is likely why so many people are outraged that using it seems somehow politically correct, but the term “Merry Christmas” carries the connotation of sacredness!

Originally the word had more to do with a religious festival or a hallowed day.  Now the word has more to do with a “free day” off from work or school because it’s a federally designated day.  People today, usually don’t even equate “holiday” with the original “holy-day” meaning at all.  For the business world it’s another “big money day” while for shoppers it’s usually a discount day!  We’ve even created a day called “Black Friday” because following the day after Thanksgiving, it’s become the biggest shopping day of the year!

So we come to an impasse.  We have holiday stamps and wrapping paper.  There are holiday greetings and celebrations. And we have been instructed to say “Happy Holidays” rather than Merry Christmas so we don’t offend anyone; staying “politically correct!”

Does it matter to my faith that we say, Happy Holidays?  It does only in the sense that I am being singled out as a Believer, implying that my faith doesn’t matter, because someone else is offended by the term.  Yet we can say Happy Kwanza or Happy Hanukkah.  Yet to say Merry Christmas is unacceptable.  

I love Christmas!  It’s the most “wonderful time of year!”  It’s a time when people seem to put most of the prejudices aside and are collectively kind and caring for each other.  I love the music, the magic, decorations, movies, snow (yes, I love having snow this time of year!), gift giving (getting is fun too!) and the general time of love.

So I encourage you to look beyond the expression of Happy Holidays, say Merry Christmas when you can, and share the wonder of Christmas with everyone you see.  When you do, it truly is magical, as we celebrate this special Holy Day!

Photo Credit: Merry Christmas 

Monday, December 16, 2024

We All Have Struggles

  My friend lamented, “It’s been an interesting six weeks.  There have been four Emergency Room visits; three included extended stays in the hospital.  We’ve learned, that regardless how a person looks on the outside (totally wonderful and healthy), the insides can be in total turmoil!  We’ve been deep in conflict with medicines that do or don’t work, doctors trying to figure out how to handle the continuing or new health issues, and emotional struggles that come with an illness that is all encompassing and potentially life threatening.”

It’s likely most everyone reading this has dealt with a circumstance in their life where emotions and fear cause struggles that leave a person feeling like they are stuck in a shoulder deep snowdrift and totally unable to make any forward progress.

When I was asked how I dealt with struggle, I had to really think about it.  First and foremost in any situation, I’d like to say I immediately call out to God; and in some sense I do.  But my initial instinct is “What can I do –or need to do --about this right now?  I’ve got to go to the hospital.  I’ve got to make sure this or that is done.  Do you see the pattern?   “I’ve, I’ve, I’ve.”   

It’s not about me!  It’s about God’s plan.  I need to stop and remember that I am not alone in my suffering, no matter what kind it is!  Medical issues belong to everyone in the family regardless of who is specifically ill!  The emotional side of it also takes its toll!  The family ultimately begins a journey to places they’ve possibly never gone before and it can be hard!  To paraphrase someone else’s thought;  “The devil keeps knocking at my door and I keep opening it, rather than rebuking him in Jesus’ name!”  I’m working on that!  

I also need to remember that I need not struggle alone!  I like the expression “Do not fear, God is always near!”  It’s wonderful to have human words and physical embraces that are encouraging and supportive even when circumstances cause a melt down!   Not only is our biological family important, but so is a church family that embraces the family with all the love and aid a family could imagine.

This is how it’s supposed to be!  We are to be a ‘community;’ a ‘family’ who holds up every other member within our congregation, as well as, Believers who need us even when we hardly know them at all –or in some cases don’t know them at all.  This doesn’t apply only to a medical issue, but to other types of struggles families and individuals find themselves.  Sometimes it happens because of choices, other times, it has nothing to do with anything anyone did.  It’s life!  It’s ‘stuff’ that happens beyond our control.

During dark times, we all suffer from time time, we can be reminded of Mary and Joseph who had plans of an engagement, and marriage and probably dreams of their married life.  But God had other plans.  They were obedient and God blessed them.  God’s timing was perfect; he gave us the perfect gift for his perfect purpose.

As Christmas closes in, I encourage you to embrace those around you who are struggling with all kinds of different circumstances.  Each of us has a story.  Embracing each other is a gift that keeps on giving and giving.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Photo Credit-Christmas Pics

Monday, December 9, 2024

Renew Daily

  A friend of mine recently shared she was experiencing serious changes in her life.  What she was certain would be her future changed nearly overnight.  Her first reaction was “why Lord?”  But as time passed, the questions subsided and she said, “Okay…..I just want to be obedient.  But I still don’t understand!”

I get this.  Sometimes we feel like we are “thrown under the bus” when life throws us a curve we didn’t expect and we just don’t know how to deal with it!  Being in God’s service, however, doesn’t mean we will always understand, even when we have an obedient heart.  Another friend of mine was sure she was supposed to teach after college; and she did, and did it well.  But God had other plans and led her down a path so far from teaching, her family was in a panic that she was making the wrong moves.  As she followed where God was leading, she completely believed, even though almost everyone close to her, gave her nothing but discouragement. 

Going against friend and family’s expectations can be a difficult thing.  It’s like being offered a position in the family business, but choosing to walk away.  Those “offering” can’t understand the mindset, even when they are told, “it’s not what God wants for me!”  They feel rebuffed and let down.

God knows our yesterdays, todays and our tomorrows.  He can take care of the future because he knows how it ends.  We haven’t a clue.  That’s the nature of being human.  From our perspective we are taking huge risks, and those risks are monumental to those who don’t understand our heart.

We are responsible for this moment.  It’s all we have.  We have a duty to carry out what is in front of us with pure motives, believing God will lead us in the right direction when we trust in Him.  What comes next, when we put our faith in the Great Creator is God’s plan.  We must trust His plan is so much better than what we had planned.  Even when changes come, and we clearly have no idea why, when, where or how; we can know when we are in His will, it’s going to be good—although it may be challenging!

When we are conscientious about searching God’s heart and will, and making a pure 'heart' decision to follow him daily, all the fretting, fussing, worrying and hard decision making, become easier.  We can be like my friend at the beginning of this post.  The heart will change, because God will change it.  He will remove the doubt, even if all the questions remain unanswered.  Because--- in God’s time, those questions will have all the right answers and it will make complete, good sense.

As you face decisions this next week, daily ask God’s will for your life.  Are you following what you want to do, or are you following God’s plan, even if it seems so unlikely, friends and family are having a panic attack?  As long as you are in God’s will, peace will reign in your heart and you can know it’s God, not you.

Photo Credit: Going Against The Grain