Some years back, my daughter was in a horrific car accident. The damage to the car was incredible! As the rescue team cut her out, I was terrified we may lose her. Her major injury, however, was a broken arm. I’ve repeatedly said God was in that car with her! I express this view to Christians and non-Christians alike when I share the story.
The awesomeness of God is breathtaking. The Centurion and guards near Jesus that Resurrection Day those 2,000 years ago were terrified and knew they’d witnessed the Messiah’s death. But God’s power superseded all that was natural. He caused the earth to shake violently, the curtain in the temple to tear in two, from top to bottom, and caused rocks to split. The power of God is no small thing!
God’s power isn’t just demonstrated in big, supernatural events. Sometimes they are as delicate as the opening of a flower or soft as butterfly wings or the tiny, beautiful snowflakes that fall from the sky. He causes the sun to shine, food to grow from a tiny seed, and a gentle rain to fall. Yet, this same God can heal cancer within a body, cause the blind to see, deaf to hear and the lame to walk.
His awesome power has the ability to change the course of plans we humans make, for his purpose. A friend of mine, as a young person, wanted to be a missionary. While in college, in preparation for this field, she developed an autoimmune disorder that nearly took her life, but ultimately stole most of her sight. She found herself asking “why?” Her dream was noble, but God had other plans. Her loss of sight put her in the center of the “disability people group” and she now ministers (and is missionary) to these special people. God used her for his purpose and she is overwhelmed with gratitude, even though she can barely see.
I’m a writer. I wanted to write articles and stories and yes, even books. His power, however, was displayed when he took my writing abilities and turned it toward the special needs people group.
It is here where “Paxton the Prairie Dog and friends” share and learn about special needs and disabilities for children. This was not my plan, yet God has used me to make a difference in a genre I knew little or nothing about, but where I have the opportunity, to make a positive difference.
If we open our eyes and recognize Jesus, who indeed died on a cruel cross, we too, can witness this awesome power. God's power was inside the car with my daughter that day, years ago. God kept that car from collapsing in on her when she hydroplaned, lost control and flipped over while trying miss a deer. He was with my friend when she became horrifically ill with an autoimmune disease and he’s with me daily as I write. He's with you when you are following his call for your life, if you can't see the 'why'.
God’s power is awesome. He demonstrated this when his Son died on Calvary and resurrected Him three days later. He continues to demonstrate it in our lives every single day. All we need do is open our hearts with faith, open our eyes to see and open our ears to hear and receptive to his voice.