I know I am a wife, mom, grandmother, friend, student, quilter, writer and along with what seems like twenty other hats I wear. I have no problem identifying my very human characteristics which define me. Yet to say, “I am a child of God” seems surreal. It is something so profound when I say it, it doesn’t seem possible.
There are scriptures which I’ve tried to memorize which validates this truth, because long ago I did accept Christ as my Savior. It’s something I’ve believed for as long as I can remember, yet the idea that God calls me as one of his, and specifically His child is amazing.
I reflect on my human parents. My mom took care of me as an infant and my dad was wonderful in situations where my mom wasn’t strong. My siblings and I were close, while we were children and I’m grateful. It isn’t much different with my Heavenly Father. God absolutely takes care of me, Jesus gave his life, so that could become truth for me. The Holy Spirit is also always close by for comfort and direction. Each one of the Trinity ‘grows' me like my earthly family. And add to this my ‘church family’ and other Believers, I have a huge family on whom to rely and take counsel from, should I need it---and ask for it!
Once this reality totally sinks in, I can acknowledge God cares about my tears, my questions and frustrations. He finds joy in my successes and will reprimand me when I sin, through conviction. His gentle arms surround me when I need a hug and his heart breaks when mine does. He knows my weaknesses and my strengths; and knows how to use my flaws for his good. He cares about the little things just as much as he cares about the big ones.
He teaches me through his word, through experiences, and other Believers. He not only cares about my questions, but will lead me to the answer if I’m willing to look for it. God cares about our heartbreaks, economic status, death, diseases, sin, and yes, even me.
Even knowing all this, as I face days that seem overwhelming in their struggles, I cower. I want to just hide. How self-centered of me! I should instead be standing strong and face my struggles like Paul did when he was imprisoned. He would sing! I often can’t sing when I’m sad! Songs seem to accentuate the element or level of my despondency and discouragement.
Still, when I physically pick up His Word or cry out to him, I am overcome with a calmness that is almost palpable yet indescribable. I feel washed in His Stillness. Then I am able to rest, physically and emotionally; and perhaps more than that, I'm able to accept all the spiritual rest that His comfort brings.
As humans, we sometimes find it difficult to rely on the comfort of a God we cannot see with our eyes. Yet, when we look around at all his provisions every day, even moment by moment we can accept this truth for what it is. We are a family and I am a child of God. One day I will be with him in Paradise.