He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, August 12, 2013

Take Time To Pray

            The more I search and read about honoring God in every area of my life, the more challenging it seems to become!  The list of areas I need to turn over, seems to morph, and I am constantly surprised when another pops up!  This week the area of “time” appeared out of nowhere!  And while I mention it now, it will be dealt with more fully later.  But it made me realize how much I want God to be honored in every facet of my life; and how many areas I really have vulnerable!  

            The one consistent element which appears in every category is overwhelmingly, to pray!    There are a variety of places the Bible tells us Jesus prayed.  He went to the mountain alone to pray, or to the wilderness or even to a lonely place.  In Bethany when Jesus called Lazarus from the tomb, he prayed to the Father first.  I am reminded of our recent journey to Jerusalem when we entered the Garden of Gethsemane.  It was in this area Jesus prayed to the Father in agony as he faced death on the cross, giving his life for mine, requiring separation from the Father.

          This leads me to believe the single most important element in honoring God comes in the form of daily prayer.  Certainly, Jesus found it necessary and important to pray, and He is our perfect role model.  What a person labels as important will define the result. If prayer becomes an essential part of the daily habit or routine, it tends to change vision or perspective, yet it requires discipline, control and desire while being balanced with the rest of the daily schedule.  Yet adding daily prayer to our lifestyle makes a positive spiritual difference in our life.  
            It is in an attitude of prayer where we can listen for God’s voice and guidance for our lives.  It is here we can ask for the ability to follow through on commitments and focus on developing and perfecting our relationship with the Father.  Prayer allows our personal fruit to grow through His nurturing.  We can offer Him his rightful place in our lives as "First" and give him the “wheel” allowing him to be in control of the day.  It is here we can thank Him and praise him for all his blessings.   I have discovered if I neglect to stop and have time with God in the morning, the rest of the day seems somehow disjointed.  It’s like the day is spent trying to find my focus.  I feel the need to be re-calibrated!

            I’m the first to admit time is always a factor with a commitment like this.  To pray first thing in the morning, especially for those still in the job sector, means waking early on already too early mornings!  Yet what we put into it directly affects our perspective.  On the surface it may not seem like time in prayer can make a difference.  But I am here to affirm prayer not only makes a difference but can create unimaginable, positive results.  It affects attitude, thought processes, responses to adverse situations, the “heart” when someone needs help, even temperament when everything seems to go all wrong.  It’s putting Jesus first that matters.  I know when I take time to pray, especially in the morning; the day doesn’t seem to seem so gray and tangled no matter what I deal with.  I know, because of communion with God during my quiet time, He is in control.