He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, November 4, 2013

Leisure Time

            I have written before about my many interests.  I enjoy reading, quilting, chatting, my family, traveling and what seems like a ridiculously long list of more!  Added to these things I enjoy, is the list of “to-do” that often seems longer than my “fun” stuff.  After all, I am a mother and even though my children are grown, motherhood doesn’t stop.  I am a grandmother who loves “doing” for the grand babies.  I am a wife who tends to the needs of her husband, as well as, taking care of the domestic duties that never seem to go away, both in the house; and in the summer and fall, preserving those wondrous summer gifts from the garden.  Of course, there is the laundry, cooking and more.  The point is, by the end of most days, I am very tired and my lists are not nearly completed!  I move several items to the next day and then the next.  

            Admittedly, I don’t “work” outside the home and I know there are many women who do.  I applaud them.  I do, however, try to keep up with my writing.  This is what God has called me to do, as I wrote about last week.  It is my responsibility to put on paper the thoughts of my heart that will help and encourage others.  But where does that leave my time?  There are only 24 hours in the day, and I’ll admit sleep is a necessary element of my life.  I spoke with a man today who functioned on about three hours a night.  Me?  Well, I can’t operate like that!  I need (emphasize the need!) about seven hours.  So how do I find the time to spend with the Lord?

            Jesus was a busy man.  He traveled, healed the sick, taught and was about his Father’s business.  But he took “time” to be with those he knew and loved.  He went to the wedding in Cana.  He had supper in the home of Zacchaeus, visited with Mary and Martha and his friend Lazarus, and shared endless hours with his disciples.  But more important than this, Jesus spent time with the Father.

            What made Jesus’ time with the Father so important?  Jesus knew, even though he was God’s son, he was also a man.  Men need to draw strength from others to do well, no matter what his calling.  If Jesus needed to have a relationship with his Father; to spend time with someone he knew as well as he knew himself, isn’t the implication even greater that we need this time?

            We fill our lives with so many things to do; we forget we are defined by how we live our lives or by what we don’t do.  When we forget or neglect to draw strength from our Lord and Savior, our Rock, Fortress and Shelter, what we “do” loses meaning.  We rob ourselves of energy and abilities, not to mention blessings, while our successes risk losing their worth and importance because we attempt to do it on our own away from God. 

            Leisure time is a gift in our world’s economy.  That said, “leisure time” is often defined in perspective.  What one person does for the sheer joy of the activity, others would consider stressful work!  I believe “leisure time” would be defined as spending time being with or doing things which brings you to a place of low stress and a place where our minds, bodies and spirits can rest.  

How do you spend your “leisure time?”  Do you make a conscious decision to allow yourself to “regroup” in an environment of encouragement?  Are there specific people you choose to share your life with who are supportive, yet challenge you to do your best when you are tackling a project?  Do you make deliberate effort to spend time with the Father every single day, to draw from his strength and glean his guidance?  I challenge you to consider these questions as you confront life this week.

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