He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, February 3, 2014

I Serve A Big God


          I’ve long considered myself a person with solid faith.  I know God is real, have seen him work in my life, change the course of things, and make me joyful despite circumstances.  Yet I wonder sometimes about the depth of my faith.  This week during devotional time, I read:  You do not have, because you do not ask….,” which comes from James 4:2
            In my view things get complicated sometimes, because there are circumstances when I don’t know what to ask!  Am I alone here?  It would be easy to say what I want, but I keep coming back to “Is it what God wants?”  How can you tell the difference?  What is the “right” thing?  How long do we wait for answer?  Will the answer be clear enough?  How will I know it’s the right one?  Where exactly do I find the answer?

            In church on Sunday I heard the song, “Had It Not Been.”  Part of the lyrics are “Had it not been for a place called Mount Calvary,  Had it not been for an Old Rugged Cross, Had it not been for a man called Jesus, then forever my soul would be lost.”   Those words have resonated all week in my head, played over and over again.  Ultimately it’s all about God.  As God’s children we must remain in His will with whatever decision is made, despite the circumstance.  Our faith must stay grounded in a God who knows the beginning and the end.  He knows everything about each one of us; our strengths and weaknesses.  He knew circumstances would be what they are before they ever happened.   He is a Big God, bigger than anything we have to deal with; and nothing is impossible with Him. (I've included an awesome video of the song I mentioned earlier-  I added the link separate just in case it doesn't work when you move the mouse over the title.)     Had It Not Been   

            While waiting on the Lord to show us His will, we must first surrender the “issue” to Him and believe in faith he will answer.  Fears will be replaced with a confirmation of God’s desire in some form.  Of this I am certain.  Does this mean all fear will be gone?  I don’t think so.  But I do believe it will be a different kind of fear.  The “old fear” will be exchanged with excitement intermingled with the faith that God’s will is being followed.

            Does it mean the “wait” will be easy?  Again, I don’t think so.  Sometimes it is painfully difficult.  I was reading, Life Principles to Live By, by Dr. Charles Stanley.  The one that struck me this morning:  “God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.”  If we can’t trust a God who works and acts on our behalf, who can we trust?  If we can’t believe in a God who will work things out in a way that is best for us, who can we believe in?  I know I repeat myself but, My God is a BIG God, bigger than anything we have to deal with; and nothing is impossible with Him!

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