He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, April 7, 2014

Expect The Unexpected

            We’re getting ready to celebrate Easter, yet I can’t help but think of the Christmas story.  How like God to move and answer prayers in an unexpected way!  The people of Israel were expecting a king who would rescue them by storm and brute force!  Instead they received this beautiful baby boy, tender and kind, wise and loving; human yet God.   It was such an unexpected answer to their prayers, many completely missed it!

            I think sometimes in our lives, we do the same thing.  We have this problem or situation which we are certain we know how God will handle.  And then wouldn’t you know it, He goes and does something we never dreamed of and the answer is almost missed because we didn’t recognize it!

            Friends recently prayed for over a year trying to decide how to handle a situation.  A job change seemed likely, but somehow the doors didn’t open and they decided that wasn’t what God wanted.  They were unsettled, but waited on God and trusted Him to open the doors they were to go through.  Once trust was engaged, doors did open and they are beginning a "life change" rather than just a “job change!”  Had they not been willing to wait on the Lord, pray and trust, they would have missed the journey God planned for them.

            Another friend has been waiting on the Lord for a problem she has been facing for some time.  Every time she thought she had it figured out, another door would close.  Yet, when the answer did come she almost missed it!  Trusting God, she is ready for whatever comes next even while knowing, like my friends above; she faces a lot of unknowns.  

            Moving out on faith can be a frightening step when viewed only from a human perspective.  There are so many unanswered questions which can create paralyzing fear if we don’t stand solidly with the Lord.  There are the obvious questions: Why there? Why now? With whom?  How?  When? But also, a variety of "what ifs."  What happens if I fall on my face?  What if after all this, I still fail?

            Can you imagine if anyone but God had sent his son to save the world and asked all those questions?  God knows all the answers already!  He knew why he sent his son, Jesus. God knew Jesus would be both God and man, on this planet we call Earth.  God knew when the time was right, and which parents to choose to lead him through his childhood and into adulthood.  He knew all the answers to the “what if” questions and He knew Jesus would not fall on his face in failure!  He knew Jesus would have the strength to go to the cross, taking the sins of the world on his shoulders, and die, be buried and then three days rise again; victorious!  God knew that!  There was no second guessing!

            If God can know the perfect time to send his Son to save the world, preparing the way for us to accept the free gift of salvation, then shouldn’t I be able to trust him to open doors, or close the doors as necessary in this little tiny corner of the world that I call my life?  I serve an awesome God who knows what I need just when I need it, can change the hearts of kings, divide the great sea, calm storms, heal the sick and do anything he wants,  all just because he can! God’s plan is always the best plan.  All I have to do is trust him and expect the unexpected!  For that I praise Him!  

          I’ve added a You Tube link to the song “Expect The Unexpected” sung by the Kingdom Heirs which really emphasizes this thought.  I hope you enjoy it!

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