This past week friends
of mine had to endure distressing circumstances which threatened to overcome the
family with fear and grief. In another
family, God called a loved one home.
Still another family deals with abusive behavior and another, myriad
medical problems. There are friends facing
marital issues, and problems with children.
There are those who are having financial issues and wonder where their
next meal is coming from.
Does it ever strike
you that our world is turned upside down?
I read today that the United States exists only as a fragile friend with
Israel. Another school had a shooting
where a student and the assailant died.
Where does it stop? There is so
much pain in the world; it can be really hard to maintain a positive attitude.

I can smile because despite the thrashing Satan
tries to give me, there is reason for wonderment and delight. Our thirteenth grand baby was born this week
and during this next week grand baby number fourteen should make his
arrival. There is joy! Not only can delight be found in the birth of
new little ones, but in the world around us, even if we must look for it!
My spirit can soar
because I have friends I hold close to my heart. I can rejoice because the sun rose this
morning which allows me another day to serve the God I love. I can be glad that I can be productive and
use the gifts God’s given me, even if it’s no more than a smile and sharing an
encouraging word. I can celebrate the
life of Christ and His resurrection. I
am uplifted with good Gospel music and be excited about life even when Satan
attacks everything that seems worthwhile in my life. There is reason for joy.
I am resigned to live
the best I can in whatever situation I am in.
That said, sometimes when the worries, fears, sorrows, grief and
ugliness of this world assail me, I know I must turn my eyes to the cross and
place my knees on the ground and just know in my heart that, “God’s got
It is my prayer this week, you too can look at life in the wonderment and joy of Christ’s
creation. We all face challenges. Remember, if God can keep track of all those
tiny droplets of water pitching over the cliff, then he certainly can follow
you and all that goes on in your life.
Trust Him. Believe in His love for you.
Then you, too, can smile, and know, “God’s got this!”
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