He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, March 16, 2015

A Condition Of The Heart

          A friend of mine shared he’s recently lost his job due to health reasons.  He’s been unable to maintain the pace for sometime and they finally decided it was in the best interest of all concerned that he leave for the benefit of his health and family, as well as, the company.  This of course, left him in quite the dilemma since he has a wife and children.  Undaunted, however, he says, “God will provide.”

            Not surprising then, he discovered he has the opportunity to begin a new adventure in a completely different arena which would allow him to remain home, deal with his health issues, yet have a means to support his family.  How does this happen? 

           We all have things we are sure we must have to be happy.  Very often it includes a good deal of “stuff” that in truth, we only want, not really need.  Sometimes it’s very hard to separate the two, given the world we live in where everything we “want” is considered a need.   To be without any of the latest technological inventions, latest fashion, or lifestyle we desire, we believe we are absolutely in “need!” 

            I suggest it’s perspective and the condition of the heart.  It’s clear this young man completely believes God has control of the situation and knows what is best, even though the road and challenges before him are unknown.  I would like to think I have that kind of faith.  It takes courage to not buckle under when it seems like the world is throwing you a curve ball and you’re striking out, especially when it affects the people who count on you, and those you love.

            I admit, I don’t always have that kind of faith.  I become fearful and stress over whether I can do anything to improve my situation and if I can’t, what’s going to happen next?  It takes great focus to place my trust in God, even though I know He is there, knows what’s going on, cares about my life and wants only the best for me.

            When I ask the young man how he does it, he explains he spends a good deal of time in God’s Word, on his knees in prayer and in the company of people who support and encourage him. 

            In our world of “fix it right now—and immediate gratification” we lose sight of what is important.  We focus on what is happening right this moment, how we can be in control of whatever situation has become problematic and panic when we can’t.

            We seldom interact with God when things are going well and the world seems to be running according to plan.  It’s only when our lives are in turmoil that we find the need to be in communication with the Supreme Power of our lives.  When we finally feel like we need Him, we want immediate results!  And when the results, sometimes of a crisis we’re partly responsible for due to choices we have made, doesn’t happen when or the way we planned, we become impatient and angry.

            I challenge you to consider the tumultuous life circumstances you are currently dealing with.  It might be finances, health, children, parents, moving, a job or any number of issues.  When was the last time you took these issues, individually to the Lord and asked for His help or guidance?  Have you, like my young friend, found yourself lost in His Word, listening for His voice, or in fellowship of other believers before a situation became a crisis?

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