He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, May 9, 2016

Finding A Balance

         King Solomon is one of my Bible heroes.  I love that he asked for wisdom to lead the people rather than asking for wealth or world wide fame.  It gave him the ability to deal with situations in ways that best fit the need.  Most of us can recall the story learned as children, of his wisdom demonstrated when two mothers claimed one child.  When Solomon said, “Let’s cut the child in half,” the real mother said, “Oh no!  You must not do this.  Give the child to her!” (paraphrased)  The real mother obviously would rather give up the child than cause the pain (or death) of her offspring.  I’m sure Solomon knew this and it was his level headed strategy that provided the solution.

            Our world is spinning in religious confusion!  There are so many different religions, it boggles the mind.  What’s more, each religion believes far different from their counterparts, making a body wonder where the ideas originated!

            Tolerance seems to be one of the biggest factors right now.  I saw a bumper sticker just yesterday (and I’ve seen it many times over the last few years) that say’s “Co-Exist” with the different symbols for each religion.

            By nature, I am not a confrontationist.  I’d sooner say, “Fine, you believe what you believe and we’ll just have to agree to disagree!”  I hate to admit it, but this is not always the best way!  We have been given the perfect handbook to live by: the Bible.  This is God’s infallible Word!  Yet, it has been twisted, watered down, contorted, deleted, added to and deliberately misinterpreted by so many people, that if you don’t know the Bible and have a relationship with The Lord, you’re likely being misled!

            Having a Spiritual mind, or as explained in I Timothy 3 a “sober-mind,” is at a premium in our society today.  It is having this kind of “thinking” that enables us to have a strong Christian walk.  It is here we can develop and grow into the person God wants us to be when inundated with the massive altering, in a variety of styles, of God’s Word!  But we have to know it!  We have to be able to separate truth from all that is false around us. 

            When we are growing our faith by being in the Word, seeking out the Golden Nuggets, listening to His voice for clarification on how we should handle people, circumstances, temptations, deceptions and diversions the world throws at us, we will find ourselves solidly grounded in what is really right!

            Our culture of “extremisms” tells us to tolerate all that is false, even if it offends us as Godly believers, yet allows those offenders to attack us because we offend them because of our faith! 

            We must choose to be excited about our faith through our relationship with Christ.  It is imperative that we stand strong against the onslaught of deception plowing through our society like a mac truck!  Our “balance” through “sober-mindedness” comes through knowing the Bible like never before.  God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  His Word is as true now as when it was written.  It is in Him we will find the “right balance!”

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