He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, October 23, 2017

Our Christian Support Group

            There are many ways people choose to worship.  Many find they are close to God when alone in a boat on the water.   Others feel close to God in the mountains or other natural settings.  Some find communion with God in the silence of their own home.

            This communion with God is necessary each day of our lives.  It’s vital, also, to interact with other Believers for the encouragement gleaned from each other.  Other Christians are, in essence, “our support group.”

            How long do clubs remain functioning if no one attends meetings?  Whether it’s VFW, Weight Watchers or a civic organization; when people stop coming to meetings, interest falls, goals are left unmet, and the organization will fold.  People are what hold the “club” together.

            Church meetings are even more vital when looked upon from this perspective.  How long will churches last if no one comes?  How long will our interest hold and faith and strength remain, if we don’t stay involved, even with the best intentions?

            The Bible is specific on this subject.  Go to meetings for encouragement, and to encourage.  This is when our souls are fed and nourished, for the upcoming days in the week, when we may not have any other human contact.  It’s the tie that binds us to our Christian family.

            Recent surveys show statistically people in the South tend to be “church-goers” more than those in the North. Another article further describes the various kinds of churches available.  Congregations include mega churches that enjoys up to 2,000 or more as a weekly congregation.  There are also the smaller, lively and vivacious urban churches, that prefers intimacy over quantity, and finally there are others who do not claim affiliation with any specific denomination, yet do remarkably well in regular attendance.

            I admit, I gravitate toward a medium sized church, where most people know each other, that initiates community, yet still has energy overflowing in Christian love. There’s something really special about walking into God’s house and being welcomed by hugs from many of the members.  I’ve been to small churches, and even enjoy them; but I prefer a bit more activity.  On the mega church level, I tend to shy away, because I feel lost in something so large.  Regardless where I find myself on Sunday morning, I know I must attend church.

            Once in college, a professor asked the students in our class, “What one thing do you need from week to week to keep your routine in check?”  My answer: “Church attendance.”  She countered with, “Why?”  I explained, “When I miss church service, my entire week is thrown off.  My time in fellowship with other Believers on Sunday sets the tone for the rest of the week.  Listening to the sermon, prayers and singing the hymns, feeds my mind and soul all week long.”

            I encourage you to attend worship service regularly.  It’s the best way on earth to feed your mind, soul and spirit. 

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