He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, August 13, 2018

In Just Three Years

            Some years ago, the book “Christy” became a television series.  It was captivating.  I read the book when I was young, watched the series and finally had the opportunity to visit Del Rio, TN to see the area where “Christy” taught school!  

Leonora Whitaker, (Christy, in the book) the mother of Catherine Marshall, author, volunteered at the Ebenezer Mission after attending a missionary conference in Montreat, North Carolina.  Her courage to teach for the Society of Soul Winners, despite remarkable odds, is an inspiration to all of us to do those things we are called to do by God.  We all have abilities which often are buried deep within our beings because we are afraid to leave the little cubicle in which we have locked ourselves.  We are certain we are under educated, unable to carry the responsibility, sure we don’t have the funds to support whatever it is we’d like to do, and convinced we’d be ridiculed for our efforts, since they seem out of the norm.  

            Leonora’s (Christy) life as a teacher in Cutter Gap, among other lessons, gave her insight to how people feel, learn, live, help each other and honor God.  The children she taught, taught her as much and influenced her life beyond what she ever imagined, even though she taught at the mission for just under three years.

            Someone else came into the lives of others and ministered for three years and had an impact that continues today.  Jesus Christ. He came at a time of unrest.  People wanted a Messiah, someone who would come as king to rule the people. He didn’t.  He came as a baby, grew into a young man, lived a sinless life and had a ministry among the people for a mere three years.  

Yet his impact has had nothing less than a miraculous impact.  People worldwide still worship him! He taught love and kindness, peace and good will. He healed the sick, restored sight to the blind, raised the dead, made the lame walk again, rebuked demons, fed the thousands with a few fish and a couple of small loaves of bread, walked on water, calmed the seas and changed water into wine, and ultimately gave his life for the salvation of anyone who would accept him as Lord; and this is just a sampling.

His effect on people continues to dramatically change lives.  With encouragement, any one of us has the ability to alter the lives of another through kindness, generosity or other act of warm sincerity.  When we rely on Christ for guidance in ways we can make a difference, we can be certain His light will shine through us, onto those around us.

I love it when I see a bumper sticker or a billboard that says, “Wise men, still seek him!”  He literally changed the world….and we have His Word to study and learn from!

            Do you ever think about the impact you have on people?  We are all here for such a short time and it’s amazing how even a brief encounter with the right person can change a life!  

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