He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, December 30, 2019

My Faith-Based Bucket List

           Bucket lists.  It seems we all have them, although not everyone calls it that.  Some call it a wish or dream list; others simply say ‘stuff I want to accomplish/do before I die list; or depending on how it’s being used, a ‘to-do list.’

            Someone asked what my ‘faith-based’ bucket list would look like.  I had to think on it a moment to refocus from the ‘faith-based’ perspective.  Now, understand, I have lots of lists and some might even cross over to other lists, but this is specifically about ‘big’ things that go beyond what I can or would normally do.  It’s a list that has grown out of my faith, or because God has placed a seed starter somewhere deep inside my soul, and I want to carry out His plan, so those too, are on my list.  

            For years, the only thing I had on that list was going to Israel.  It was my heart’s desire to ‘walk where Jesus walked,’ to see the places where Jesus taught, to see the River Jordan, and step into the Red Sea and gaze over the Sea of Galilee, and so much more.  

            While this was my dream, it was not my husband’s!  He spent time in Viet Nam and the last thing he wanted any part of, was to be in a place where fire arms were carried openly in the streets.  (Yes, it really is different than how we think of our police force here in the states.)  As time passed, God changed my husband’s heart and we did make that visit to Israel.  He said he’d never felt as safe anywhere as he had during our time in there.  

            God more than answered my prayer and filled my heart!  We did walk where Jesus walked, took a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee and witnessed miracles.  It was amazing, and time we both will always cherish! 

            Another ‘faith-based’ bucket list item was answered in a totally unusual way.  Our family has visited Dollywood in TN for many years. One of our favorite things to do is be part of the Sunday Morning worship services held in the chapel right on the park campus during the summer and then on Sunday Nights during the winter season.  It was always such a special event and I wanted desperately to somehow be a part of the ministry at Dollywood.  

            Unknown to me at the time, the Chaplain there had been praying God would send someone who would be willing to write inspirational blog posts he could send out regularly to the employees of Dollywood as part of his ministry.  (There are over 3000 employees at the park!)   He and I would have conversation in passing for several years, but imagine my surprise when he asked me if I’d be willing to write these posts!  What a gift!  For me, it was another answered prayer; another miracle!

            I have two more items on my ‘faith-based’ bucket list, yet to be completed.  I am certain God has asked me to go to Alaska.  I haven’t any idea yet how, when or why I would make such a trip, but I’m excited about the possibilities; and I know I will absolutely make it there!

            The last ‘big’ thing on my list is directly related to my writing.  I would love to see the Paxton Series become an animated TV show for children.  It would benefit not only the children dealing with special needs/disabilities, but it would be a great learning tool for children everywhere.  I’m convinced God has a plan!  If he plants a good idea in a person’s heart, surely he has the means, heart and capability of making the most unlikely event not only possible but probable!  

            I haven’t a clue when this will happen either, but I believe it will---someday.  In the meantime, I will trust my heart and my God to pull it all together in just the right time, place and way!

            I serve a BIG God and am looking forward to all He has in store in 2020!  

            What is on your ‘faith-based’ bucket list?  Share so we can pray and celebrate the miracle with you!

            Happy New Year, everyone!

Monday, December 23, 2019

We All Have Struggles

            It’s been an interesting six weeks.  There have been four Emergency Room visits; three included extended stays in the hospital.  We’ve learned, that regardless how a person looks on the outside (totally wonderful and healthy), the insides can be in total turmoil!  We’ve been deep in conflict with medicines that do or don’t work, doctors trying to figure out how to handle the continuing or new health issues, and emotional struggles that come with an illness that is all encompassing and potentially life threatening.

            It’s likely most everyone reading this has dealt with a circumstance in their life where emotions and fear cause struggles that leave a person feeling like they are stuck in a shoulder deep snowdrift and totally unable to make any forward progress.

            When asked how I dealt with struggle, I had to really think about it.  First and foremost in any situation, I’d like to say I immediately call out to God; and in some sense I do.  But my initial instinct is “What can I do –or need to do --about this right now?  I’ve got to go to the hospital.  I’ve got to make sure this or that is done.  Do you see the pattern?   “I’ve, I’ve, I’ve.”   

            It’s not about me!  It’s about God’s plan.  I need to stop and remember that I am not alone in my suffering, no matter what kind it is! (The medical issues belong to my husband, but we both are impacted!)  The emotional side of it also takes its toll!  We are both on a journey to places we’ve never gone before and it’s hard!  To paraphrase someone else’s thought;  “The devil keeps knocking at my door and I keep opening it, rather than rebuking him in Jesus’ name!”  I’m working on that!  

            I also need to remember that I need not struggle alone!  I like the expression “Do not fear, God is always near!” But it’s wonderful to have human words and physical embraces that are encouraging and supportive, even when I’m having a melt down!    I’ve discovered not only do I have biological family that has completely had my back by staying with me during every hospital visit while my husband fights to regain his health again, but a church family that has embraced us with all the love and aid we could imagine.

            This is how it’s supposed to be!  We are to be a ‘community;’ a ‘family’ who holds up every other member within our congregation, as well as Believers who need us even when we hardly know them at all –or in some cases don’t know them at all.  This doesn’t apply only to a medical issue, but to other types of struggles families and individuals find themselves.  Sometimes it happens because of choices, other times, it has nothing to do with anything anyone did.  It’s life!  It’s ‘stuff’ that happens beyond our control.

            During these dark times, we can be reminded of Mary and Joseph who had plans of an engagement, and marriage and probably dreams of their married life.  But God had other plans.  They were obedient and God blessed them.  God’s timing was perfect; and He gave us the perfect gift for his perfect purpose.

            As Christmas closes in, I encourage you to embrace those around you who are struggling with all kinds of different circumstances.  Each of us have a story.  Embracing each other in love and kindness is a gift that keeps on giving and giving.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Sounds Of The Season

          Music has a way of touching us right where we need it.  It’s Christmas; time to set the channel finder to a station that plays all Christmas music!  I love it!  (Course, truth be told, it doesn’t have to be the Christmas season for me to enjoy the holiday music!)  There’s nothing like hearing that “special song,” cranking up the volume and singing along with all the gusto I can muster.

            There are times, when singing with ‘gusto’ doesn’t work, because it’s a soft song that plays on the soft harp strings within my heart. It causes me to reflect, and remember the first Christmas.  So, I just must stop what I’m doing, and listen.

            At the Christmas program I attended, where my grandchildren performed, I was blessed to hear children of all ages sing and play a variety of different musical instruments.  The levels of ability were varied from just learning, to accomplished, but each had something to offer.  It was amazing and thrilled my soul.

            Sometimes people will ask what my favorite Christmas Carol is.  That’s so hard to answer!  It totally depends on the day or even moment!  "Joy To The World"is so fun to sing and fills my heart with pure elation!  I was surprised to learn this song was not written about the birth of Christ but about his return, based on Psalm 98.

"Mary, Did You Know" is a song that causes me to reflect on what Mary must have wondered as a mom, and more how would I have handled the same situation if it had been me.  I’d like to think in the same way, but really????  What a perfect model she is as a servant of The Lord.  I’d love to be that faithful!

            The Carol “O Holy Night” is yet another favorite, as a song that describes the night of Christ’s birth, while intertwining the deliverance and redemption of the world.  It’s powerful and the heart of what matters about the season.

            Another favorite is "O Come, O Come Emmanuel."  There is something exhilarating about the knowledge the Messiah was promised years before he came.  People, for years, waited expectantly, until finally the prophesy was fulfilled in the Christ Child.  Knowing that Emmanuel means “Christ with us,” makes this song even more moving!

            "Silent Night" is probably the song that tops the ‘favorites’ list, however.  The history about how the English and German troops sang this song in 1914 during World War 1 is incredible, but how it makes me feel now, is equally amazing.  I am filled with awe and washed in incredible peace and just bubble over with calm and serenity, know the Christ Child came to save the world--and even me!

I’ve shared my favorite Christmas music.  I’d love it if you’d share yours and it’d be awesome if you would share why.  We each are moved by music in different ways for different reasons.  I'd love to hear your stories!

            Merry Christmas…..and enjoy this special time of year in the sounds of the season!


Monday, November 25, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s almost Thanksgiving, and instead of writing a typical blog, I just want to share a few things I am thankful for!

First and foremost, I am thankful for a living God; one who cares for me, offers salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ and saved a sinner like me!

I’m also thankful for my family and friends. Along with my incredible husband of 46 years, I have five amazing adult children with four equally amazing spouses (one isn’t married yet).  I also have 16 grandchildren who share their love unconditionally!  What a wonderful gift!  

 I am thankful for YOU and blessed to have an amazing support group!

Additionally, I am thankful we are able to travel and see this incredible place we call home here in the US, we eat well, dress warmly and have more material things than we need!  

Each day brings its own blessings of laughter and contentment, sunshine, rain (Yes, I really do like the rain!) --snow occasionally, and rest at the end of the day!  

I hope you are able to reflect on God’s goodness during this holiday of Thanksgiving.  Life isn’t always kind, and there always seems to be bumps in the road.  It is however, what we make of it! Choose to make it happy and filled with gratefulness

I’d love it if you would comment by sharing 3 things for which you are grateful.  


Monday, November 18, 2019

Resting In The Arms Of God

            There are days when even after a full night’s sleep, I am still tired.  I ask myself, why?  It’s amazing what stress can do to you!  It can cause anxiety, eating disorders, headache, muscle aches, mood changes, substance abuse, fatigue, chest pain and this is only half the list!  Personally, I find when I am stressed, I get the feeling of being overwhelmed and just want to sleep!

            Recently we had a bit if a crisis in our lives and that’s just what I did!  After spending the day at the hospital, I’d come home and sleep!  --Even beginning at 6:30 one evening!  I can’t seem to think or process information correctly!  By the next morning, I could start all over again, feeling well, and even maintain it during the day, until I arrived at home again, and then I’d collapse in sleep!

            In the morning, it was wonderful to reach for His Word to be refreshed for the day.  It’s reassuring to know that God wants to reveal things to me while I rest in him.  It’s not just my body and emotions which needs to be refreshed, but also my spirit.  When I allow stress to overtake me, I’m setting myself up to miss His blessings and leaving my human mind vulnerable to the wiles of satan’s attacks!  Stress steals my ability to even communicate in some instances.  I run a total blank and can’t hear a word God is saying to me.

            I read somewhere this week that to be successful in the business world we need to just stop—relax—and allow ourselves quiet time to think!  I find when I am stressed, even as I sleep, my mind is going full speed.  I don’t settle anything, of course, and it’s not until I actually do stop and rest my mind, that I can actually think clearly!  

            When we stop to spend time with God we are being renewed with His Spirit, which is capable of mighty things. (Which for me must be in the morning after I’m rested because I shut down at night!) He enables us to be able to deal with those circumstances in our lives for which we might not be prepared, such as an unexpected hospital stay and the news that follows. 

            We may not have all the answers—or not any answers, but we can know that God knows the beginning and the end.  He is always with us.  We are never alone.  And it’s in times like these we can trust the arms of God for the rest we need to carry on for yet another day.  That’s all we can ask for really, because none of us are promised another day; not even another moment.

            But knowing the arms of God encircle me, gives me the strength to face the crisis, even if I don’t understand or have a hundred questions!  His peace settles in my soul and gives me the power to tackle what is before me.  Will I make mistakes.  Very possibly.  But I know God is a forgiving God and will protect me when my judgement is off and encourage me to listen more closely for the path he has chosen for me.  

            I am grateful I can rest in the arms of God regardless of any situation or crisis.  I hope you are too!


Monday, November 11, 2019

The Ringing Of The Bells

          There is something absolutely inspiring about hearing church bells on Sunday morning or the ringing of a church bell choir playing a familiar hymn.  Bells ring in the New Year and sometimes bells will ring on Christmas Eve.  Bells were used in the early years to round up the cowboys on a ranch to let everyone know it was time for dinner, and used by the town crier to announce any big news that would affect the settlement.  And one of my favorite things to hear, is the ringing of chimes on my porch as the wind moves them softly!

            While I enjoy the sound of bells and even chimes, I have one friend who loathes the sound.  She and her husband at one point bought a home and the previous owners left a small wind chime in a nearby tree.  While visiting one sunny afternoon, I heard the “music” and commented on how wonderful it was.  She immediately went to the tree and took it down and handed it to me.  “Here,” she said.  “I hate them!  They are totally noisy and distracting!”

            And of course bells are signals that a change is about to happen.  In our school system bells rings to announce a change of classes, or a fire drill or other emergency.  They can be used as a wake-up call, or an announcing an incoming telephone call.

            I couldn’t help but wonder if there is an actual religious symbolism after I saw bells ringing one night in my mind, after prayer.  Bells in the Bible aren’t mentioned often, but seen in Exodus 28 and 39 where it describes bells being part of the adornment on the robes the High Priest wore into the Holy of Holies, so the sound could be heard by those outside, and know that the Priest was not dead.
            According to some searching on the internet the official symbolism in Christianity, is “said to represent the ‘voice of God;’” and it “represents the mind’s ability to ascend conscious awareness and tap into the wisdom of our higher conscious—which is boundless.”   https://mastermindcontent.co.uk/the-symbolic-meaning-of-bells/
            I don’t know how much of that is true, but if it is, the assumption is that we need to listen to hear God’s voice.  That part is true!  And bells aren’t even a part of that knowledge.  But if you add bells to the equation, then whenever we hear a bell ringing, whether it be in an emergency (and often I find myself saying a prayer when I pass by a fire truck, or ambulance –although that’s more of a siren), but bells ringing for an alarm, a telephone call or a church bell whether on Sunday morning; or any time during the week or even the soft chimes that ring outside my door when the wind blows, it can work as a reminder that I can speak to the Lord about anything on my heart and know He hears me.  I only need to listen to hear his voice.
            I am thankful God gives us reminders of things.  It’s so easy to forget in our modern world.   We get so wrapped up in our lives we sometimes, even forget God!  Worship him today no matter where you are or what you are doing; while listening for the bells!  
            An added note!  Today is Veteran’s Day so we have another reason to be thankful, and a reason for a time of remembrance!  Thank you to ALL Veterans, past and present for your dedication and sacrifice for our country!  

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Dreaded "C" Word

          Some years ago, I knew a woman who worked with my husband who discovered she had cancer.  It was a difficult time, but she was amazing and wanted nothing but a celebration for her funeral.  And while we wept at the loss of her in our physical midst, we knew she was no longer in pain and suffering.
            Years later, I lost another friend who didn’t have the same mindset as my friend who worked with my husband, but she was still strong.  Her funeral was not as celebratory, but we were able to work through it more easily because she too was now, no longer suffering.
            I have a relative who has cancer and was told recently he has only several more months to live.  How do we deal with this?  It’s different with each person.  Part of it depends on relationship.  When we have a very strong bond with someone, the pain is more intense.  There is so little or even nothing we can do, and that brings even more pain.  But I'm convinced it has much to do with the faith both the person with the cancer has, and the person who mourns.
            My mom had cancer, and while that evil did not take her life, she did have a double mastectomy.  I’ve been told I am at high risk for the dreaded “C” word due to my parental history and the fact that I had five children.  Does this frighten me?  Not really, at the moment.  Should it become a reality, I may have huge fears.
            I see this in another relative who is facing the possibility that she might have cancer.  She’s been told she has tumors pushing against her lymph nodes and yes, she is fearful, to a point.  She’s asked for prayer. 
            In church this week, the Pastor was talking about how as a child he believed God could do anything!  ANYTHING!  He had no doubt.  God was God and he could do just what he wanted.  He continued.  As life continues and we grow into adults, we often say God CAN do anything, but the world has jaded our perspective and while we know he CAN, we wonder if he will. 
            Doubts from life’s circumstances and human wisdom cause us, even as a Believer, to become cynical.  We look at situations from an earthy perspective, with Science and the ‘wisdom of the doctor’s’ mentality.  We kind of blast God right out of the water!  Our focus changes and rather than keeping our eyes on the Lord, we turn our eyes to the side, and the waves of doubt drown out our faith.  Even Peter, who was walking on the water while facing Jesus, starting sinking due to his doubt, when he took his eyes off Jesus.
            I remember the movie “Facing The Giants,” which has become my all time favorite!  It hits so many chords with me.  We all face fears, often in everyday kinds of situations.  Of course, there are many levels of fear, and sometimes the beast is very large, like the dreaded "C" word.  
           I wonder, what is your greatest fear at this moment?  How do you face your fears---  or “Giants?”  

Monday, October 28, 2019

A Changing World

            I was reading a news headline recently about a girl who overdosed on heroin.  The mother was writing that her daughter was not a “junkie.”  She was a professional—a law student who tried it once as an undergraduate and swore she’d never do it again.  But the drugs have an addictive power that rules over common sense or desire.  Ten years after that first “try” she overdosed. 

            Our world is changing so fast it makes our heads spin.  There are so many ‘undefined evils’ around us, it’s scary! As I write the word ‘scary’ I couldn’t help but sigh.  We are almost on Halloween.  The one day of the year everyone, even those who don’t believe in the occult will dress up in all sorts of costumes to ‘trick or treat.’

            I remember as a little girl wearing a decorated, brown paper bag over my head for the event.  We didn’t have any other costumes but that worked!  My sister and I with parents in tow, went into our community and collected Halloween candy, and it was fun!  Now the holiday isn’t always fun.  There are those who would choose to use it to trick instead of treat, and the tricks can be cruel.  The costumes aren’t always the fun super heroes, but horrible monster ones that creep me out even as an adult!

            As parents the last thing we want is our children to get involved in drugs.  The mom of the young woman I read about above mentioned that as parents they were not involved in drugs, and tried to do ‘all the right things’ in raising their daughter.  They were the parents who went to all the sports events she was involved in, encouraged her in academics and supported her decisions regarding her future.  Yet, somehow, the world’s evils still stole their precious little girl.

            No one is exempt from the claws of satan.  He and all his demons are all around us in all types of guises.  He’s the master deceiver and uses every ploy imaginable to steal our children.  As I view young people totally engrossed in video games that kill and destroy everything around them in order to conquer, I shiver!  But the music that plays over the radio waves and TV shows or movies frighten me even more.  

            Back ‘in the day’ even when someone was killed, they didn’t show all the gore and such that goes with that.  Our TV shows are much more reality driven!  They ramp up the gore to make it more engaging, but even our news broadcasts often will display graphics of these kinds.  It seems to be the ‘thing’ that increases ratings!  

            On top of all this is how the ‘occult world’ is penetrating our lives all around, even into our elementary schools as mentioned in a previous blog.  I believe it’s a real truth that our world is spiraling out of control!  A friend said recently, “We’re living in Revelation!”  She’s right.  Christ will be coming back soon.  The signs get clearer and clearer.  How much more will He allow before he says “Enough!” And as in the days of Noah, make it all come to an end?  I believe it’s going to be soon.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Elephant In The Room

          Elephants are fascinating creatures and have quite the history!  Their massive size and huge tusks make them somewhat formidable when faced against a human!  I think that’s why when I see them being led by animal trainers in a circus or even in a zoo, I become a little overwhelmed!

            There are all kinds of symbolism across the world regarding elephants.  They are supposed to promise good luck and longevity.  Add the color white, which make a stunning animal, given how rare they are, legends will tell you they project power, purity, peace and are even considered sacred in some circles.

There is an expression, “there’s a white elephant in the room.”   This expression implies there is something in the “room” which is incredibly costly, yet totally useless.  An example of this might be planning a climb up Mount Everest, but being totally unable to carry out the plan because of training, health problems or funds. The conversation, while a huge desire, ultimately must turn to the reality of the situation, which is; the plan, regardless how carefully thought through, cannot be carried out.

In some regards, I can’t help but think about Christ in this situation.  There are those in our culture today who consider Jesus and those who believe in Him through faith, as being the “white elephant in the room.”  In their minds, they are uncomfortable with the passion Believers exude in God, and think it totally implausible that this is the Believer’s reality.

Recall Christ hanging on the cross.  The Believers knew Jesus didn’t deserve to die there.  He, like the elephant symbolism, offered peace, projected power and was sacred.  Yet He was chosen to sacrifice his life and take on the sins of the world, including yours and mine.  This kind of love is not only rare but unique.

His sacrifice was costly, (although not useless!) and brought sadness and grief to those who witnessed the event.  Yet those who were part of the angry crowd, looked at Jesus as being anything but pure, powerful or even sacred. He was different from what the ‘general population’ perceived as right, even though they’d been waiting for the Messiah for hundreds of years.  They couldn’t see how this man could possibly be the Messiah—or even sacred!  There was a tangible hostility in the air.  

As I reflect on our society today, it isn’t that much different.  While we’re not witnessing a person hanging on a cross, there are instances of pure hatred, rejection and persecution of those who believe in Jesus Christ.  In some areas there are physical instances of pain and abuse and even death for those who believe.  This began happening following the resurrection and continues in the world around us.

Consider even being the only Believer in a room of unbelievers. Depending on geography, this could be a death sentence to the one who Believes,  On the other side, if there are Believers meeting, The Holy Spirit is totally capable of letting the Believers in the room know, there is someone false in the room. They may even be led to pray fervently for the person, and yes, it can absolutely make a difference.

We, as Believers, while perhaps not "the elephant in the room”--certainly can create hostility, given our culture that is spiraling downward every day.  It’s time we begin fervently praying for God’s intervention, in our lives, our communities and in our world.  It’s not going to be long before Jesus returns.  Are we ready?


Monday, September 30, 2019

Evil Spirits In Our Classrooms?

            I heard of a teacher requesting prayer over her classroom.  Obviously, legally she could not pray over her classroom within the confines of the school, but she held a prayer within her heart.  She shared the story of a student who was “interacting with a spirit” during the day at recess, which supposedly caused an object to move.

            She was at first skeptical about the incident being relayed by another student, but when she questioned the student practicing the craft, he said, absolutely; that he had indeed chanted a spell and an object moved by his design.  It was due to this incident the teacher requested prayer.
Witch craft is alive and well; strong and growing in our world. There are schools for magic all over the internet, with classes online and you-tube explanations and videos for those interested!  There are hands-on instruction and more being offered as “professional education.”  Some invite attendees to be a “witch for a weekend,” with so much interest in some schools, that there is a waiting list for up to a year!   One internet site which I did not enter, was about the “woes” and trials of being a witch today
Another site tells me that in today’s world, witchcraft has actually been “re-invented” from an old religion of the pagan world. In some circles, even without internet connections, there are those offering resources on the study of this phenomenon. It seems to have become accepted in some geographic areas as, “it is what it is” and while not encouraged, it is acknowledged as part of the current culture.
I remember when in elementary school being interested in the Salem witch Trials.  I found it difficult to believe people honestly believed in such things!  But my young mind and heart wasn’t tuned into what satan could do, even though I completely believed in God and his powers!
What is sad, is to know that our world has changed so dramatically even over the last 25-50 years!  We used to be called a “God-fearing nation.”  That isn’t the case, anymore, although many will still tell you they believe in God.  There are as many who choose the opposite side of the table and tell you there is no God, or are involved in satanic cults, which in effect is their god!
Where does that leave us, as Believers?  I believe we must recognize the strong hold satan has in the world all around us.  He and his minions have infiltrated our schools, political leadership arenas and even our church houses!  We must be aware of the power he and his demons have.  
The request for prayer of the teacher’s classroom is valid.  While she may be a Believer, satan can still use his power to wreak havoc around her if the children there get caught into the power the dark world has.  Prayer is essential for those we care about, those at our workplace, for those in leadership positions who govern our country and in our lives every single day.  
Satan is out there and he’s gaining ground.  The end is near.  Prayer is critical for the safekeeping of our young ones and even our own lives, as he twists and turns, and convolutes the Biblical truths written in God’s Word.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Straight As An Arrow

           One thing I’ve always wanted to learn, but haven’t yet, is to shoot a bow and arrow.  Archery skills fascinate me.  Back before firearms were available, people hunted and protected themselves via the bow and arrow.  Those who used them had accurate aim and were confident in their ability.   

       I can shoot a pistol with pretty accurate precision, but in my mind’s perspective, shooting an arrow is more difficult!  The premise would be the same: aim and shoot.  But there is skill in holding the arrow, pulling the bow string at just right degree and knowing when to let go!  I’m not there!   

            There is significance, Biblically in shooting a bow and arrow, as discussed in 2 Kings 13:15-19.  There was a call to action by a dying Elisha to the king.  Elisha’s directive was to “take up the bow and arrow.”  He was telling the king to not be sad about his death, but to arm himself, go forward into battle with faith in God Almighty. He encouraged him to know that God would go before him, if he believed and was prepared.

Listening, however, can be especially difficult! When I consider a small child who is told again and again to not do something, (like touching a hot oven) very often, he tries anyway. Ultimately the little ones ends up with burnt fingers, hopefully not badly burned, but none the less, burned.  The child will usually learn his lesson from the pain received.  

As adults in real life situations, we are often no different than the child who was burned on the hot stove. We plunge forward acting on our own emotions, and thought process and trust in our strength. Then we fall flat on our face! Our plans fail or at least don’t turn out the way we planned.  We become angry and disillusioned and ask God, “Why?  Why did I fail?  Was my plan not worthy?”

          We get in a hurry, wanting to get things done, worked out, moving along at our speed, and from our perspective!  Because of these human traits, we forget to even ask God’s advice.  We need to recognize the value of Divine direction before we begin.  And then we need to listen! As mentioned we all make plans, work out the details and go into action, and sometimes we go before consulting the One who knows best! We might even think he may not be interested in something so small as a decision we have to make!  

            Certainly, God can use our mistakes and often does.  He teaches us lessons and then uses what we have done for his good, even though we may not recognize it.  Had we knelt before an all knowing Father before we embarked on our journey we would be better prepared for whatever boulders or struggles jump up to greet us on our path!

            I encourage you to search God’s heart and make sure yours aligns with His, as you make decisions in your life, both large and small.  He cares about everything we are doing!  Let’s make him the Master of our plans, and embark on a journey following God's arrow!  

Monday, September 2, 2019

Reaching For The Stars

          Here we are the beginning of September and I’m thinking of Christmas!  It is, along with Easter, my favorite time of year.  While I don’t necessarily count down the days until the holiday, there are many people who do and even get aid from a computer app that works as a reminder every day!  Currently, I’m happy with knowing there is about four months until Christmas, and for any projects I need completing, I’d better get on it!

            I was reflecting on the Christmas tree recently, but particularly the star.  It seemed to be of most importance at the time.  I saw it as brightly lit, and shining for all the world to see.  That is, after all, what happened when the Shepherds saw it those many years ago, and the Wise Men followed to find the Christ Child.
            Considering this, it’s safe to say stars imply something wonderful and positive.  Even seeing a sky full of stars on a crisp, cool night in mid-summer is somehow energizing and encouraging.  The Pastor mentioned in a sermon recently that a clear sky in the dead of winter filled with brightly lit stars is a demonstration of the “heavens displaying God’s glory.”  I agree! It’s a breathtaking sight.
A star atop a Christmas tree somehow seems to inspire goals and lofty ambitions; changes and new beginnings; faith and dreams that can be realized. Isn’t this what we all dream for in our lives?   We desire to see our loftiest dreams and goals attained, not only for ourselves, but for our families.  It’s what drives us to do our best, regardless of our occupation to provide for our loved ones.   For those who are “faith” driven, our loftiest dream is to be obedient to whatever it is God has called us to do.
Even little children will look at a star and recite the lyric or poem line, “Star light, star bright; First star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.”  That’s just a little poem written by an anonymous author, but there is something to be said about stars and the inspiration they bring.
I’m not for “wishing” on a star, but I do have lofty dreams and believe, in time, the dreams will become a reality.  That doesn’t mean I can sit back and expect it to happen without a great deal of work.  Anything worth having is worth working for, and that’s as it should be.  When something comes free and easy, it often doesn’t have the same impact or importance on or in our lives, if some effort wasn’t required.
Dreams are wonderful!  They add a spark and drive to what might become dull and mundane and work not enjoyed, if it wasn’t something we truly desired.  In fact, there are those who would tell you, if you can do something (and get paid for it) that you really love doing, it often doesn’t qualify as work at all!  
I agree.  Even knowing it is “work,” being able to enjoy what we do, makes our day shine, much like the star on top of the Christmas tree.  It’s a way of shining brightly in a world that often is blurred with grayness and negativity!  I prefer the “shiny side of life!”  How about you?  Do you have lofty goals, that while striving toward, makes you smile with enthusiasm and positivity!?  

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Beautiful Lacy Collar

I had this picture enter my mind one evening after prayer: I first focused singularly on the beautiful lacy, intricate patterned collar….which I then took off and placed in Jesus’ lap.

It was a gentle reminder that in God’s eyes, I am beautiful, delicate, yet strong and have a desire for balance.  It was interesting to see the symmetry of the collar and how very interwoven all the thread was.  It reminded me of doilies my mom had when I was a little girl, that were crocheted in these intricate patterns.  

Our lives are incredibly busy and each of us wear many hats during the day.  To one we are spouse, to others, sibling, mom/dad, aunt or uncle, friend, or co-worker. To others we are artists, or quilters (often in the same breath!), musicians, engineers or auto mechanics. The list is endless and some days it’s a challenge to have symmetry or any type of balance in our lives.  That’s when we become frustrated, tired and less able to do our best.

Another thought crossed my mind, however.  The collar reminded me how even more are the special needs children, like the interwoven pieces of threads that creates a stunning pattern. These precious children are interwoven into our lives in ways we can barely fathom.  They generate a beauty all their own as their delicate personalities display themselves in a variety of different ways.

We are to live a life of value, because God values each single life, whether we are rich or poor, smart or not so much, social or more withdrawn, short or tall, a talented musician or garbage collector.   Regardless of any status, we are all beautiful in the eyes of God!

Much like the lacy collar I removed and placed in Jesus’ lap are the special needs children of our world.  Our culture has a difficult time seeing past what they consider “flaws” which Christ sees as beautiful birth marks; his own intimate creations.

These children are able to teach us about genuine kindness and love, because that is how they perceive life, rather than tainted with the gray discoloration of meanness, hate, rejection and even bigotry toward another human being.

Many special needs parents will tell you they are surprised at the depth of love they feel for their special needs child because they require, and draw out a profoundly unique sense of connection.  These parents give unselfishly to their children. As parents, we’d like to think we each give everything we’ve got to our kids.  That’s what parents do.  Yet, because of the unique needs of a special needs child, parents are required to dig even deeper within themselves to be able to respond to their precious gifts.

I believe God chooses who will be special needs parents (or teachers).  Their compassion and understanding and ability to cope with the unexpected, is remarkable!

I’ve learned much as I’ve written my special needs books, “The Paxton Series,” for these delightful children.  They are God’s special ‘little ones’ and I’m so glad to be a part of something so much larger than myself!  God is good and he knows just what we need and when we need it most!  I am indeed blessed.

If you pass a special needs child this week, look past any pre-conceived flaw.  Look through the eyes of God and see the beauty!  

Monday, August 19, 2019

Multiplied Blessings

          I was chatting with a friend recently who shared how her granddaughter needed prayers, and how she’d be traveling across the country soon, to bring together and spend time with two elderly sisters, who hadn’t seen each other in years.  She commented that life gets really busy sometimes with the many directions she feels pulled.  But when she stops to look at where she is in her life, she is blessed.  

The scenario she shared resonated with me and probably every person who reads this blog.  Still every person deals with some level of anxiety, worry and fear.  It’s how we handle these situations that determines our emotional health and our view of “blessings.”  When we can let go of the stress factors, and leave it in God’s control, we can breathe a little easier.  But that said, ‘letting go’ and not ‘picking them up again’ can be challenging!  We are after all human!

            Watching “The Chronicles of Narnia” last evening, it was fascinating to see how the trees responded to the needs of the people, and sent messages to those needing important information.  Do you ever think of yourself as a “tree” in a giant forest?  That may sound a little bizarre, but think a moment of one person who needs to get so much done, so much information moved from place to place (ignore the fact for the moment, we now have instant access to computer and other media); with so many places to be and “personalities” to fill!  

            Each “tree” in the forest in the movie, did their part and shared the ‘leaves’ they could to disseminate the pertinent information.  Because they worked together the ‘blessing’ of being prepared before the enemy came, sustained the warriors of Narnia.

            We aren’t supposed to be standing alone, ever!  We all have a circle of friends, and family we can call upon to help us with whatever we are going through.  Sometimes it’s really hard to accept (or ask for) help from outside sources because we believe we are supposed to be strong and sturdy enough to deal with whatever challenges life throws at us.  Anything less is to be weak, insufficient or incapable.

            The thing is, when we allow other ‘leaves from other trees’ to sustain us, we are allowing for not only us receiving a blessing but also the other leaf.  It’s often as important to the giver, as it is the recipient.

            I’m not suggesting all family and friend circles are ideal for such scenarios but, in truth, we all need someone.  We are a human race designed to need each other.  We are the ‘trees’ in each other’s lives.  I came across this scripture and found it so comforting and reassuring of this thought:  That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, whatever they do prospers.   Psalm 1:3

            The next time you pass a forest, ask yourself if you are the tree in the forest ignoring all the other trees, even though your heart is screaming for understanding, comfort and care?  Or, are you the tree who can shake your branches and reach out to someone who may or may not display a need for kindness, encouragement or concern?

            If we focus on ways we can be ‘fruitful,’ being productive and prosperous would just come natural.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Standing On The Cliff

         About 25 years ago, my husband and I invited his mom to go on a month long vacation with us—and four of our five children.  Our oldest had left home by then and the youngest was only about 5.  We traversed across the United States, from one ocean to the other and then from the upper border into Canada and back down, crossing the southern border into Mexico, just to be able to say we’d been there!

            During our travels, we stopped at the Grand Canyon.  What a majestic place!  Walking the paths could almost make a person lose their balance as the depths of the areas you were scanning kept changing.  My mother-in-law chose to not walk those paths.  She opted to sit on a bench, safely away from any area too close to the edge.

            My husband is afraid of heights, but he enjoyed walking the paths and standing on solid ground near the steel bars that kept you from getting too close to the edge at the overlooks. A time or two I meandered near the edge where there were no rails and my husband immediately scolded that was I was too close to the edge.  He pointed out a rock could give way, I could slip or any other logical reason to get back, where it was safe.  He was right, of course and we made certain our children didn’t wander too close to the rim.  

            As I stood near the lip of the cliff, I found myself infused with awe of the wonder of this place.  I knew I should be frightened of being too close, but at the time I really wasn’t filled with fear of falling.  I felt grounded and inspired by the changing colors, the sheer depth and changing patterns as the sun and clouds moved over the formations within my sight.  

            I imagine our walk with God like this.  If I had to make decisions on my own, I couldn’t stand firmly with confidence that I wouldn’t fall.  There’s an energy that pulsates through my body as I think about God not allowing the boulder beneath my feet to break off and plummet down the side of the cliff.

            There are of course times when the sand beneath my feet shifts; or even small pebbles fracture, crack, and peel away, making me question my sanity of being where I am at all.  But I know, should a slide begin, God’s “got me.”  He’ll catch me if I slip.

            But to be safely in the hollow of His hand, I need to be deliberate about spending time with him, searching His Word and His Heart for His will in my life.  I’ve found when I’m digging deep for the “golden nuggets” found there, scriptures will sometimes seem to “leap” off the page at me, shouting for attention! 

            His Word is speaking to me.  The scriptures may be some I’ve read a hundred times before, but they’ve left the page at just the time I need them.  God is all powerful.  He will absolutely lead our lives when we are willing to stand on the cliff and allow him to take us places that leave us breathless.

            I encourage you to search for direction in your life and take the risks God is challenging you to. He’s not going to let you fall, if He is in control.  You can stand firmly, with confidence in the strength of His power, to do great and wonderful things, just the way he planned.