There are times, when singing with ‘gusto’ doesn’t work, because it’s a soft song that plays on the soft harp strings within my heart. It causes me to reflect, and remember the first Christmas. So, I just must stop what I’m doing, and listen.
At the Christmas program I attended, where my grandchildren performed, I was blessed to hear children of all ages sing and play a variety of different musical instruments. The levels of ability were varied from just learning, to accomplished, but each had something to offer. It was amazing and thrilled my soul.
Sometimes people will ask what my favorite Christmas Carol is. That’s so hard to answer! It totally depends on the day or even moment! "Joy To The World"is so fun to sing and fills my heart with pure elation! I was surprised to learn this song was not written about the birth of Christ but about his return, based on Psalm 98.
"Mary, Did You Know" is a song that causes me to reflect on what Mary must have wondered as a mom, and more how would I have handled the same situation if it had been me. I’d like to think in the same way, but really???? What a perfect model she is as a servant of The Lord. I’d love to be that faithful!
The Carol “O Holy Night” is yet another favorite, as a song that describes the night of Christ’s birth, while intertwining the deliverance and redemption of the world. It’s powerful and the heart of what matters about the season.
Another favorite is "O Come, O Come Emmanuel." There is something exhilarating about the knowledge the Messiah was promised years before he came. People, for years, waited expectantly, until finally the prophesy was fulfilled in the Christ Child. Knowing that Emmanuel means “Christ with us,” makes this song even more moving!
"Silent Night" is probably the song that tops the ‘favorites’ list, however. The history about how the English and German troops sang this song in 1914 during World War 1 is incredible, but how it makes me feel now, is equally amazing. I am filled with awe and washed in incredible peace and just bubble over with calm and serenity, know the Christ Child came to save the world--and even me!
I’ve shared my favorite Christmas music. I’d love it if you’d share yours and it’d be awesome if you would share why. We each are moved by music in different ways for different reasons. I'd love to hear your stories!
Merry Christmas…..and enjoy this special time of year in the sounds of the season!
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