He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, March 18, 2019

Vision, Strategy And Reality

             I was reading an article today on leadership, especially from a Biblical perspective.  God’s Word has much to say about those who are gifted with leadership skills, including challenging those with leadership abilities to step up and take their roles seriously.  I can’t say I’m necessarily a leader.  I can lead, but it’s not my strength, unless the subject is something I know a great deal about.  That’s probably as it should be, and I prefer to be on the “you tell me what you want done list!”

            These thoughts were floating about randomly in my brain, as I mulled around the information I gleaned.  It occurred to me, it’s important, even if you aren’t a leader, to still embrace a vision, strategy and reality component no matter what we are doing!  We are all given gifts to enhance the Kingdom.  It’s what we do with our gifts that matter.

            When we plod through life without any vision or expectation, we are just a “placeholder.”  We really aren’t accomplishing much.  Even if we are maintenance worker, mechanic, carpenter or gardener instead of a corporate leader or CEO of a big company, we should still consider our contribution to society, our neighbor and certainly our eternity.  We need to be able to see where we are going, know what we’d like to do and the direction we are headed, regardless of the status we currently hold.  

            Following having a vision, the next step would be to have a strategy.  Leaders who give presentations begin with the vision and then follow up with how they intend to get there.  When there is a concrete plan, the “vision” can be described through the steps it takes to achieve the goal.

            Of course, it’s necessary to look at the whole picture and understand our reality.  Very often, especially if the “vision” is going to move forward, monetary funds are often required.  It’s important to have a strategy in place to encompass whatever anticipated road blocks may come our way.  And sometimes we can’t anticipate all the hindrances we might encounter.

            Our lives are no different.  The gifts we’ve been given are provided for a purpose. Can we see it?  Does our life have meaning, or are we being a “placeholder?”  God’s plan was for every person be a participant in life.  He’s enabled each of us to have a vision that moves us forward, …and upward.  To continue the movement, our strategy should be to make a difference in every life we encounter.  It might be prayer to encourage another person, show compassion, empathy, share joy, or to use our specific gifts in other ways to make the world a better place.

            Our reality should be based in God’s Word.  In this arena, funds may not necessarily be a requirement, since God can, (and often will) provide the means if we are open to his calling on our lives.  Our reality is the belief we will one day live with Him in heaven, and in the meantime do what we are called to do while here in this world.  

            What vision do you have for your life?  Are you using your gifts strategically to further God’s Kingdom in this world and meet the needs of those you encounter every day?  

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