Yet verse ten of that same chapter, says God created us to do good works. “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” This is not a contradiction. The responsibility of being a Christian prepares us to do the good works necessary to strengthen our walk with God.
Not only are we readied to do good works, we are expected to do good works; but our works are not what gives us salvation. Our works are a direct result of being saved. Our mindset changes and we become driven to “work for the Lord.” We leave those labors which go against our newfound faith, and turn toward those that would demonstrate this.
We have joy we can’t contain. We have an outpouring of doing what is right, and sharing the gospel. This is “good works.” Further, whatever our occupation, God can use us in that circumstance, to turn other lives around. We walk away from sin and darkness and walk into the Light—Into God’s Light.
God in his work in us, equips us to undertake tasks we never thought possible. We do this out of our joy and love for our risen Savior. What is our work? God in his infinite wisdom gave all of us gifts and it’s up to us to search for our gifts and then discover ways to use them for The Lord.
Just like flowers bloom and trees explode in a burst of color in the Spring, so we burst with an undeniable reflection of the love we now feel from our Savior. We become “driven to make a difference;” to let others see the change in us. We want to do whatever it takes to further the Kingdom. This explains why we search for ways to use the gifts and talents we’ve been given; we want to give back to God because of the salvation he has given us!
The gifts we had before we became a child of God can perhaps be used for God’s work by changing direction or even simply by changing our motives. Sometimes we discover gifts we never knew we had! It may be as easy as telephoning someone who needs a listening ear or as demanding as being a missionary in another land. It could be much more complicated, requiring us to take college classes as we are “readied” to carry out the plan God has for us. It may be training in any variety of areas, but God will provide the means necessary, if we are willing to following his guidance for our lives and “our work.”
Whatever it may be, God can use our gifts to his glory because we accepted his gift of grace by faith. Through our “work” we demonstrate how we are created to further God’s Kingdom. What an amazing way to honor him with our lives.
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