He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, May 13, 2019

Unwanted Phone Calls


            Walking into the store, we were surprised when we didn’t see “Liz” anywhere. She was almost always working when we visited!  So we inquired about our friend.  “She doesn’t work here anymore,” said the cashier tersely, without any other emotion. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” we said. “Any idea where she works now?” I asked. “No,” said the woman.  

            So, we shopped for a few moments, made our purchases and left.

            “Did you notice that lady never smiled the entire time we were in there?” I queried from my husband.

            “Yup!” he answered.  “I don’t see us shopping there anymore!”

            Have you ever been in a store where everyone seemed unhappy or even mad?  It might not have anything to do with the work environment, but rather it "seems" everyone is having a bad day!  It makes for an unhappy shopping experience, for both sides!  It’s hard to enjoy anything –even shopping -- when those around you are unpleasant!
            I read recently that a person can “hear” you smiling over the telephone.  What a pleasant idea!  I don’t know how true it is, but you can tell from a person’s voice if they feel bad, had been crying or if they are eating, so why not be able to "hear" when a person is smiling?  It’s the sounds in their voice or the inflections in their words.

            Smiling is a good way to answer the phone, but telephone solicitors can test the best personalities when solicitors become so involved in what they are selling, you can’t get a word in to even make a comment.  I’m no different!  While usually fairly pleasant, it can be hard to smile, when you just want to scream, “I’m not interested!”

           When I answer the phone and realize a solicitor is on the other end, I try hard to be patient until they are finished with their promotion and then say, “no thank you” as politely as possible.  Sometimes, however, they don’t give up and continue to pressure about their product, regardless of how many times I say, “excuse me”….  By the time I convince them I’m not interested in their sales pitch, my “smile” isn’t so apparent!  (My husband tells me to just hang up—but somehow that just seems rude, although there have been times, when I’m left with no choice.)

            I could not be a phone solicitor.  How frustrating it must be to be “turned down” so often—or even have someone hang up on you.  A friend of mine, whose daughter attempted this line of work said, “A person can only handle so much rejection!”   The solicitor eventually must lose their share of joy, kindness and self-control with so many people opposing their call.  And the person being called often loses their composure because they feel imposed upon.

            Yet the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Is there ever a time when these fruits aren’t supposed to be apparent?   We are human and likely we don’t feel this way all the time.  But surely in all circumstances God expects us to try – even when we receive the unwanted phone call!

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