He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, December 30, 2019

My Faith-Based Bucket List

           Bucket lists.  It seems we all have them, although not everyone calls it that.  Some call it a wish or dream list; others simply say ‘stuff I want to accomplish/do before I die list; or depending on how it’s being used, a ‘to-do list.’

            Someone asked what my ‘faith-based’ bucket list would look like.  I had to think on it a moment to refocus from the ‘faith-based’ perspective.  Now, understand, I have lots of lists and some might even cross over to other lists, but this is specifically about ‘big’ things that go beyond what I can or would normally do.  It’s a list that has grown out of my faith, or because God has placed a seed starter somewhere deep inside my soul, and I want to carry out His plan, so those too, are on my list.  

            For years, the only thing I had on that list was going to Israel.  It was my heart’s desire to ‘walk where Jesus walked,’ to see the places where Jesus taught, to see the River Jordan, and step into the Red Sea and gaze over the Sea of Galilee, and so much more.  

            While this was my dream, it was not my husband’s!  He spent time in Viet Nam and the last thing he wanted any part of, was to be in a place where fire arms were carried openly in the streets.  (Yes, it really is different than how we think of our police force here in the states.)  As time passed, God changed my husband’s heart and we did make that visit to Israel.  He said he’d never felt as safe anywhere as he had during our time in there.  

            God more than answered my prayer and filled my heart!  We did walk where Jesus walked, took a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee and witnessed miracles.  It was amazing, and time we both will always cherish! 

            Another ‘faith-based’ bucket list item was answered in a totally unusual way.  Our family has visited Dollywood in TN for many years. One of our favorite things to do is be part of the Sunday Morning worship services held in the chapel right on the park campus during the summer and then on Sunday Nights during the winter season.  It was always such a special event and I wanted desperately to somehow be a part of the ministry at Dollywood.  

            Unknown to me at the time, the Chaplain there had been praying God would send someone who would be willing to write inspirational blog posts he could send out regularly to the employees of Dollywood as part of his ministry.  (There are over 3000 employees at the park!)   He and I would have conversation in passing for several years, but imagine my surprise when he asked me if I’d be willing to write these posts!  What a gift!  For me, it was another answered prayer; another miracle!

            I have two more items on my ‘faith-based’ bucket list, yet to be completed.  I am certain God has asked me to go to Alaska.  I haven’t any idea yet how, when or why I would make such a trip, but I’m excited about the possibilities; and I know I will absolutely make it there!

            The last ‘big’ thing on my list is directly related to my writing.  I would love to see the Paxton Series become an animated TV show for children.  It would benefit not only the children dealing with special needs/disabilities, but it would be a great learning tool for children everywhere.  I’m convinced God has a plan!  If he plants a good idea in a person’s heart, surely he has the means, heart and capability of making the most unlikely event not only possible but probable!  

            I haven’t a clue when this will happen either, but I believe it will---someday.  In the meantime, I will trust my heart and my God to pull it all together in just the right time, place and way!

            I serve a BIG God and am looking forward to all He has in store in 2020!  

            What is on your ‘faith-based’ bucket list?  Share so we can pray and celebrate the miracle with you!

            Happy New Year, everyone!

Monday, December 23, 2019

We All Have Struggles

            It’s been an interesting six weeks.  There have been four Emergency Room visits; three included extended stays in the hospital.  We’ve learned, that regardless how a person looks on the outside (totally wonderful and healthy), the insides can be in total turmoil!  We’ve been deep in conflict with medicines that do or don’t work, doctors trying to figure out how to handle the continuing or new health issues, and emotional struggles that come with an illness that is all encompassing and potentially life threatening.

            It’s likely most everyone reading this has dealt with a circumstance in their life where emotions and fear cause struggles that leave a person feeling like they are stuck in a shoulder deep snowdrift and totally unable to make any forward progress.

            When asked how I dealt with struggle, I had to really think about it.  First and foremost in any situation, I’d like to say I immediately call out to God; and in some sense I do.  But my initial instinct is “What can I do –or need to do --about this right now?  I’ve got to go to the hospital.  I’ve got to make sure this or that is done.  Do you see the pattern?   “I’ve, I’ve, I’ve.”   

            It’s not about me!  It’s about God’s plan.  I need to stop and remember that I am not alone in my suffering, no matter what kind it is! (The medical issues belong to my husband, but we both are impacted!)  The emotional side of it also takes its toll!  We are both on a journey to places we’ve never gone before and it’s hard!  To paraphrase someone else’s thought;  “The devil keeps knocking at my door and I keep opening it, rather than rebuking him in Jesus’ name!”  I’m working on that!  

            I also need to remember that I need not struggle alone!  I like the expression “Do not fear, God is always near!” But it’s wonderful to have human words and physical embraces that are encouraging and supportive, even when I’m having a melt down!    I’ve discovered not only do I have biological family that has completely had my back by staying with me during every hospital visit while my husband fights to regain his health again, but a church family that has embraced us with all the love and aid we could imagine.

            This is how it’s supposed to be!  We are to be a ‘community;’ a ‘family’ who holds up every other member within our congregation, as well as Believers who need us even when we hardly know them at all –or in some cases don’t know them at all.  This doesn’t apply only to a medical issue, but to other types of struggles families and individuals find themselves.  Sometimes it happens because of choices, other times, it has nothing to do with anything anyone did.  It’s life!  It’s ‘stuff’ that happens beyond our control.

            During these dark times, we can be reminded of Mary and Joseph who had plans of an engagement, and marriage and probably dreams of their married life.  But God had other plans.  They were obedient and God blessed them.  God’s timing was perfect; and He gave us the perfect gift for his perfect purpose.

            As Christmas closes in, I encourage you to embrace those around you who are struggling with all kinds of different circumstances.  Each of us have a story.  Embracing each other in love and kindness is a gift that keeps on giving and giving.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Sounds Of The Season

          Music has a way of touching us right where we need it.  It’s Christmas; time to set the channel finder to a station that plays all Christmas music!  I love it!  (Course, truth be told, it doesn’t have to be the Christmas season for me to enjoy the holiday music!)  There’s nothing like hearing that “special song,” cranking up the volume and singing along with all the gusto I can muster.

            There are times, when singing with ‘gusto’ doesn’t work, because it’s a soft song that plays on the soft harp strings within my heart. It causes me to reflect, and remember the first Christmas.  So, I just must stop what I’m doing, and listen.

            At the Christmas program I attended, where my grandchildren performed, I was blessed to hear children of all ages sing and play a variety of different musical instruments.  The levels of ability were varied from just learning, to accomplished, but each had something to offer.  It was amazing and thrilled my soul.

            Sometimes people will ask what my favorite Christmas Carol is.  That’s so hard to answer!  It totally depends on the day or even moment!  "Joy To The World"is so fun to sing and fills my heart with pure elation!  I was surprised to learn this song was not written about the birth of Christ but about his return, based on Psalm 98.

"Mary, Did You Know" is a song that causes me to reflect on what Mary must have wondered as a mom, and more how would I have handled the same situation if it had been me.  I’d like to think in the same way, but really????  What a perfect model she is as a servant of The Lord.  I’d love to be that faithful!

            The Carol “O Holy Night” is yet another favorite, as a song that describes the night of Christ’s birth, while intertwining the deliverance and redemption of the world.  It’s powerful and the heart of what matters about the season.

            Another favorite is "O Come, O Come Emmanuel."  There is something exhilarating about the knowledge the Messiah was promised years before he came.  People, for years, waited expectantly, until finally the prophesy was fulfilled in the Christ Child.  Knowing that Emmanuel means “Christ with us,” makes this song even more moving!

            "Silent Night" is probably the song that tops the ‘favorites’ list, however.  The history about how the English and German troops sang this song in 1914 during World War 1 is incredible, but how it makes me feel now, is equally amazing.  I am filled with awe and washed in incredible peace and just bubble over with calm and serenity, know the Christ Child came to save the world--and even me!

I’ve shared my favorite Christmas music.  I’d love it if you’d share yours and it’d be awesome if you would share why.  We each are moved by music in different ways for different reasons.  I'd love to hear your stories!

            Merry Christmas…..and enjoy this special time of year in the sounds of the season!
