I must admit, when my husband and I are traveling, we end up required to occasionally take a detour for a variety of reasons---sometimes just going into a town to re-fuel, or taking a wrong turn, an accident (that’s an awful one, but does happen), or thinking we are in one place, but we’re not! The problem arises, when trying to get back to our original route! Usually, while my husband is frantic about finding the right road and not missing our turn, I’m totally enjoying the altered plan. I like thinking of it as “the scenic route!”
We each have difficulties daily to work through. This COVID-19 thing has added stress to already full plate of tension levels. It’s left people out of work, students unable to attend classes, altered graduation and wedding plans, eliminated weekly worship services and visiting friends and relatives, altered shopping routines and travel, and even created separation from those we love who are in the hospital.
Many of us are feeling not only horribly sequestered, but alone spiritually because, as human Believers we have need for interaction with other Believers for encouragement, teaching and learning. Admittedly we have technology to soften the distance, yet I find it not nearly as encompassing. I’m a hugger and it’s hard not to offer the ‘hug’ to another during a greeting, but there is something about being physically in a place with other Believers!
It’s so good to know that Christ’s light shines on the pathways of shadows and darkness as He whispers to us that regardless of what we are enduring, he’s with us. He offers a peace that can’t be conjured up in the imagination of human minds. It’s a peace that fills our whole being, giving us the ability to cope with our anxieties and rest in Him, knowing one day we will be together with others who share the love of Jesus.
When we can look at a situation that has gone awry, as being the ‘scenic route,’ we can better navigate through our emotions and even fears. We can trust God’s truth, whether in His Word, through music or other Believers (even if it comes via telephone, text, letter or any other means) and use them as indicators to help us get back on the right path that leads to peace.
It isn’t always easy and sometimes, depending on circumstances it creates a lot of anxiety and even fear. But God tells us to not be afraid, 365 times in the Bible. If he says it that often, I’d think he meant it and we’d need to pay attention. Again, that’s not always easy. But when we take a wrong path, life throws a curve, or we just feel lost; we can have His assurance that if we’ll follow Him, he’ll get us through!
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