He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, May 18, 2020

God Cares For Me

          I love birds in our yard and for the most part I’m not partial to what birds visit, although, I’m not a fan of the black birds. (Does that make me horrible?!)  I like  watching them flit to and fro, up and down and around from the ground to the trees and feeder. It's fascinating.

 I enjoy the bright colors of the yellow house finch, red of the cardinal, mixed gray and red of the robins, blues of the blue birds, orange of the orioles, grays of the mocking birds and cat birds and I even like the blue jays, but they can be aggressive.  The little titmouse and hummers are always welcome additions and even the wrens are fascinating to watch.  The woodpeckers are awesome to see visit and peck the trees clean of bugs and such, while the sounds of the mourning dove is amazing.  This list is ridiculously short of the variety of birds any one area may have.  And the music they make is glorious!

What’s amazing, however, is the knowledge that God created these little critters and cares about each one, who sleep in nests in a tree.  They do not work for their food and have to rely on their ability to find food in natural habitats or from those like me who enjoying inviting them in ‘my space’ via a feeder.

They offer a valuable lesson, given their dependency on the God of the Universe to take care of them.  We, as humans, often fret about how we are going to pay bills, get an education, keep a job, put food on the table, provide a home for our families to live in, our health and on and on.  Along with those things I’ve mentioned, is a list unique to each individual person and family.

I admit, I’m terrible about fretting, often about things over which I have no control.  It makes no sense for me to lose sleep, eat (comfort food, right?) or a hundred other things that I could do (some illegal and some just plain not good for us) over things I can’t change or do anything about!  Yet I find myself still ‘stewing!’  Asking myself “Why do I do this” doesn’t always keep me from reaching for those peanuts or not being able to shut my brain down and sleep.

            God calls us to trust Him in faith, after asking him (or telling him) what is on my mind.  We are encouraged to share our thoughts with our Father and nurture relationship.  The Bible says ‘you have not, because you ask not!’ (James 4:2)  Of course, asking includes being in God’s will and he isn’t going to give you something that is out of his will.

            It’s no different than having your seven-year-old child come up to you and ask to have a house (right now) to live in all by himself just because he was angry with you for not letting him do what he wanted.  Or having your teenager ask you for one million dollars for him/her to go shopping.  It’s not going to happen (well usually anyway!)  Even if their request is totally inappropriate, you still want them to ask and share.  That builds relationship.  

            God wants relationship with his children.  We are his ultimate creation.  He loves and cares for us, even more than the beautiful birds that grace my yard.  It’s my responsibility to talk with him daily, read his Word and commune with him just like I would my best friend---after all, isn’t He?  

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