He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, September 7, 2020



           I watched a movie last year and a second one this year that used the expression “God-winks.”  I had never heard such a phrase, but I have the concept!  A ‘God-Wink,’ in a nutshell means that God works out things, that couldn’t have otherwise happened.  I’ve always called them ‘God-Incidents” rather than a 'coincident'!

            There have been all kinds of horrific natural disasters.  One friend posted a picture of three crosses, where both of the ‘outside’ crosses were down, but not the center one.  Another picture shows a Bible that was untouched despite all the other devastation around it; sometimes it’s an entire church that is spared when the rest of the community is completely obliterated.


            In our lives, God can use uncommon occurrences or meetings with people that can only be a ‘God-wink.’  It might be taking a wrong turn and causing us to miss a horrific traffic accident, had we been able to take our regular route.  Occasionally it’s a card or letter in the mail that comes at a most crucial time.  Some people will even share money has arrived in their mail box from an anonymous person just on the day when everything would be lost if they didn’t have the exact amount of funds they found.  How does this happen?


            We serve a God who knows our every need--- in fact he knows everything there is to know about us.  The Bible even says he knows the number of hairs on our heads.  (This one makes me giggle since when I brush my hair in the morning, I lose so many, it must require a recount!---sorry, bunny trail!)  The point is, God isn’t a bystander in our lives. He is active in the lives of those who believe in him (and even those who do not.  Remember Pharoah?  God used him and he wasn’t a believer!)


            Our world is in a state of confusion and in some cases, even panic and fear over the pandemic, financial woes, rioting, political dissension—(even among friends), and the natural disasters that seem to be filling our days, and more.  It makes you ask yourself, ‘When does it stop?’


            I don’t believe it’s going to stop.  God told us in His Word that these things would happen as a prelude to his return.  There’s a song that has a line in it, that says something like, “It’s 11:59.”  The implication here is, God’s return is imminent.  I tend to agree.  God’s time is not our time and I won’t even consider projecting a literal time frame, but I do think the signs tell us that we are indeed reaching the last moments before his return.


            In the meantime, when we look, we can see God working all around us, even as it disgruntles Satan.  It makes him work harder to create more havoc in our world.  Satan knows how the story ends too, and knows his time is limited!


            How do you feel about that?  Can you see the signs?  Do you even believe there will be a rapture of God’s children?  Do you believe in Jesus’ return?  While to Believers that may seem an unusual question, I know a Pastor who did not believe this.  That too, is a sign of the end times.  It’s worth thinking about!  

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