He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, June 13, 2022

My Very Dry Bones

There are days when I just want to cry and I can’t explain why.  I’m sad with no apparent reason and become very frustrated.  My one daughter will tell me in those moments, I’m depressed.  I’d never given it that label and I’m not even sure why.  I think I’ve always thought it would make me seem weak.  Besides, my ‘episodes’ usually only lasted a day or so and I’d shake it off and be my normal, happy self!

Recently a friend shared their battle with the overwhelming sadness that is labeled depression. She explained that her sadness went beyond the ‘everyday’ kind of thing, and gravitated into her spiritual life.  She no longer had a desire for Bible reading or prayer; church had become draining and stressful.  Activities which had always brought her joy, now seemed like a huge burden.  She described it as a ‘dry season’ beyond any she’d ever experienced.  Her frustration led her to become angry and outraged at God until she finally screamed at him asking, “Why?  How did this happen?”

Over time, her anger subsided and she reached again for God’s Word and was drawn to Ezekiel.  She saw the words “Mortal, can these bones live?”  The passage caused her to drink deep of God’s love as she read about how God breathed life into those dry bones all around.  She savored the breath being blown into her lungs and spirit, as she read about the rattling sound and then those bones standing on their feet.  

I think we all have struggles that leave us feeling out of touch with God.  We no longer seem connected with a God who cares about the misery and burdens we are carrying.  Our hope has been snatched away by Satan, and he’s beating us up in every way imaginable.

But just like God breathed life into those dry bones on the battle field, and into the life of my depressed friend, we can draw strength from Him too.  He isn’t a God who isolates himself from us.  He is with us every step of the way, even when our human minds, and wounded spirit, can’t see it.  He’s there.  He’s always there.

Our daily lives are filled with exhausting situations.  It might be an illness financial loss, a lost job; the loss of a loved one, even a child; it could be substance abuse, family breakdown, physical abuse, a divorce, or those ‘things’ we can’t name.  I could write for pages, and still probably not have all the ways the world, through the whims of Satan, will try to tear us apart.

But my ‘dry bones’ won’t stay dry!  I won’t allow Satan to thieve my joy, and desecrate the relationship I have with God.  Oh, certainly, there are going to be days when Satan may win a battle, but he won’t win the war.  

For me it’s about putting on some Gospel music, whether it be praise and worship music, or traditional Southern Gospel; having conversation with God and remembering 'to be still and know that HE is God!'  It’s about taking me out of the hole I’ve let myself sink into and rising above, and reminding myself that Satan is below!  

I understand there are those who need medication for depression because it is a true medical condition.  But sadness is something we all endure.  I know, however, God is greater than my sadness and any mountain I see in front of me.  Even in sadness, I will worship Him.  He is God and he’s holding my hand and promised to never let me go!  

PHOTO CREDIT:  https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/decomposed-abused-legs-tied-camel-bones-1959558847 

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