He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, August 8, 2022

We Are Chosen


        I remember in elementary school being called names which were unkind.  I admit, my sister and I were different.  We were poor as dirt, and we loved Jesus.  Our peers thought us both, at the very least, ‘unusual’!

Names are important.  Four of my five children have nicknames.  Some were by design, others ‘moved in’ when I wasn’t looking, and stuck!  My second daughter is the only one who doesn’t have a nickname, and to my surprise when she became an adult with children of her own, she deliberately named each of her children so they would have a nickname.  She always felt slighted that she didn’t have a nickname; but honestly, I loved her name!  (Still do!)  It didn’t occur to me that she’d be in any way upset about it--and honestly it wasn't deliberate!

If I understand the Bible correctly, we will get new names in heaven.  I’m excited to find out what my new name will be.  I didn’t grow up with a nick name (aside from ‘shorty’ and I never liked that one!), but surprisingly have acquired nicknames that I very much favor, from the most unlikely people!  

Sometimes, like the nickname ‘shorty’ I heard over the years, we are given the tag that people ‘see’ when they meet us, (even if it is a name we don’t care for).  My husband was ‘PeeWee’ when he was growing up because he was small, and many of his cousins still call him that, except he’s long since ‘outgrown’ that name.  He grew to six feet tall!  Those who did not know him as a youth are surprised when they learn of this nickname.

There’s a song I love to sing that has a line, “I am who you say I am!”  There is a unique sense of calm and reassurance in knowing that God chose me as one of His children; and within his family, he doesn’t see me as ‘shorty’ or ‘chatter box’ or any other name that sometimes gets tagged on me.  God sees me as someone special, despite my limitations and exterior nuances.

Some people go through life hearing they are dumb, weak, un-attractive, not enough, and any variety of unkind words or innuendos.  These kinds of labels can cause us to forget those are not words God uses.  This is not who he says we are!  He uses good, kind, encouraging words to build us up, not tear us down.  He even tells us in his Word that we are his special possession. (1 Peter 2:9)

As Believers we are instructed to build each other up, just as Jesus did when he was on the Earth.  I wonder though, do we do it naturally or is it something that sometimes causes us to struggle?  After all, every ‘family’ has those within, whom just seem to ‘get under your skin’ during a discussion, or ‘rattles your cage’ given a behavior or attitude that sends shivers up your spine.

How do you deal with people that don’t align with your way of thinking?  Disagreements are sure to come.  That’s as normal as the sun coming up every morning.  But when we can be the ‘sun’ in someone’s day, even if we’d rather be a cloud, imagine the change of relationship!

        Words are important; as are names.  Do you ever get called a name you don't like, which is hurtful and unkind?  God doesn't want us to be hostile, antagonist, demeaning or humiliating to others.   We are chosen to be part of the Kingdom.  By accepting that gift, we must choose to be the sunshine, like Jesus did every where he went; not the rain in someone else’s day.

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