He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, October 3, 2022

Success And Our Destiny


  When we work in an area that encompasses our talents, and fuels our passion we are more likely to enjoy what we are doing, and do whatever we are doing, that much better!  Some call this ‘our calling,’ or even according to Stephen Covey who wrote the “8th Habit”, ‘our soul’s code.’

It’s hard sometimes to know what our talent is and certainly what our calling is.  We struggle as we look in the mirror and see a person who feels inadequate, uneducated, (even when we have a degree), unprepared, and even to some degree-- a failure.

But what is failure?  Is it not having failed, but rather not having tried?  How can we grow if we don’t try, even if it leaves us feeling less than a ‘winner?’  I know.  I’ve been there.  I suspect we all have.  We have things we want to try, to accomplish, places to go, dreams not yet fulfilled and we wonder if any of those things we want to happen, will!

But when we don’t put forth a true effort, who is really responsible for not having acquired success?  God granted each of us gifts from birth!  Some discover those gifts early on.  Others, like myself, take what seems a lifetime to find.  

I wasn’t a young writer.  I have only a vague memory in fifth grade when writing a story for an assignment, excited me.  In truth, I lack any other glimpses of writing during my entire school experience—aside from once in 9th grade, wishing I could write like the girl who sat behind me.  I’m not sure the desire came from really wanting to write, so much as the desire to get a better grade! 

I was wife and the mother of five little ones before I started writing!  Life was challenging while raising my children, being a good wife and all the other struggles of life!  Still I was compelled to write.

And sometimes even now I wonder if I qualify!  Yet, there’s a deep sense within my soul that reminds me God has given me the gift of putting words on paper that will make a difference in the lives of those who read them.  It may not be scores of people, but just one who needs to see what message He has for them.  I am simply the instrument He is using.

Do I still get discouraged?  Absolutely!  I have written much over the years and it always feels good when I see a completed project; and sometimes that is the extent of what I see, in regard to being productive and helpful!  That isn’t a bad thing and most of the time, seeing the work completed is enough.  But there are days when Satan attacks and destroys my ‘working energy’ so I begin to ponder my worth and the value of what I’ve written.

Should I quit?  Nope.  Sometimes it requires taking a ‘rest’ but quitting is not an option.  I read somewhere that God’s callings are irrevocable.  They just are.  Our talents or gifts we’ve been blessed with are to be used for His glory, not our own and therein is what I forget sometimes, as Satan feeds me seeds of doubt.  

I may not be destined to become a well-known author, but I am destined to write.  It’s my ‘duty’ to be unrelenting in striving to be the best I can be, despite the doubts which threaten to overwhelm me every now and then.

How about you?  What is your calling?  What blessings are your destined to share with others?

Photo Credit: free pictures of birth-gifts 

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