He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, January 16, 2023

Creating A Christ Centered Calendar

        I read a post some time ago how having a designated amount of room in our mouth for our teeth is a lot like the hours we have in a day.  The post resonated with me since I have a granddaughter who is dealing with this very problem.  She’s been wearing braces because her teeth were crowding each other, causing them to shift sideways rather than stay straight.

Sometimes the dentist must pull teeth to make room for new ones, apply braces and expanders and even a combination of things because of the limited space.  To make matters worse, my granddaughter needed to have the frenulum in her mouth clipped, because if it had remained, her teeth would have shifted again, due to tension in that area.  That caused the process to even be lengthened!

Our lives are filled with to-do’s and we jam our calendars with as much as possible to get everything done.  It was interesting (and harrowing at times) when we were in “coronavirus mode” causing lockdowns and requiring us to adjust to “stay at home mode.”  This was a foreign idea in our culture!  We’ve become a worldwide civilization that believes we have to continually be moving, or we aren’t accomplishing anything.  

We juggle work, education, sports, and home life with very little left for relationships or ourselves.  Our nerves are taunt and moods on a roller coaster from moment to moment due to exhaustion emotionally, spiritually and physically.  It necessitates medication to help us sleep, rise in the morning and caffeine to keep us going all day long.  And at the end of the day we ask ourselves ‘what did I really accomplish today?’

God didn’t create us for that.  I like how the Bible describes God’s work.  There was a definite plan of action.  He completed one part and stopped. On the first day he created Heaven and Earth, light and darkness.   He said, (paraphrased, of course!) “What I’ve created today is good.  It’s time to rest.  I’ll work more tomorrow!” On day two he separated the waters.  On the third day he, separated the waters creating the ‘land and seas’ and produced vegetation; saw that it was good and again stopped.

God continued in this manner until the seventh day.  He stopped all work and rested.  This ‘plan’ should be the perfect model for us to follow.  We are not nearly as capable to do all the grand things God did in such a short time.  We are designed to work within the space of hours and then rest, just as God did---every day—for optimal health!

Using his example we should look at our calendar and list of to-do’s, determine which of those on the list need to be pulled (much like a dentist looking at the spacing of teeth in the mouth), shift and align those that need to be adjusted, and hold our day together with the right amount of spacing.  The rubber bands and braces holding our day together keeps us from juggling things all out of control!

#work  #rest  #Calendar  #ToDoList  #AlignTime  #ManagingTime  #TimeManagement #dentalWork  #braces  #rest  #alignedWithGod

Photo Credit: //www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-white-stylus-768472/n  

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