He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, July 3, 2023

Freedom And Responsibility

      A person I know recently took a position that took years of training to acquire.  Oddly enough, despite the educational training this person has, she has great difficulty arriving to work on time, and creates issues for those around her when she does arrive.  As a professional that had the freedom to accept the position, comes the responsibility to see the task through to the best of her ability.  Sadly, it seems she falls well short.

When Jesus took the responsibility of our sins on the cross, he knew the huge sacrifice would be his very own life. He knew he would be facing a cruel mob, lies about who he was, a beating that defies human defining, a cruel cross that included nails in his hands and feet, and a crown of thorns.  More, he even knew God would turn his back. because even He could not bear to see what The Son was enduring.  Jesus didn’t have to take on such responsibility, he chose to be the Sacrificial Lamb for the sins of the world and gave it everything he had.

As humans, we have the freedom to accept Christ as our Savior.  With that freedom comes responsibility.  Our responsibility is to share the good news with others.  Additionally, comes the responsibility to read and study the Bible so we can grow in our walk with Him, and gain knowledge so we can respond ‘Biblically’ to questions others give us. We are also, to have prayer time so we are in ‘communion’ with the Father enabling us to mature in our faith.  It also includes helping others when we can, as well as, using our gifts and talents for his service.

Just as the little child grows in stages to reach adulthood, we grow in Christ to become solid Christians that have a deep love for our Lord. We first learn to crawl before we walk, jump or ride bike.  As teenagers, we extend ‘our world’ a little farther beyond our comfortable parent living area and even more as older teens.

As young adults, we venture into a world our parents are no longer a part of: college and lives of our own.  At that point, we are responsible for our own decisions based on the knowledge we’ve gleaned until then.  We have grown to a point where we can use the knowledge we’ve learned properly, and functionally.

Christian grown is no different.  We learn in the company of other Christians, searching The Word and in prayer.  We grow to be able to serve others in a Christ-like mind, and produce rich fruit worthy of the Kingdom.

We will never be able to match the love of Jesus when he freely went to the cross and took the responsibility of our sins for ever and ever.  But we do have the freedom to choose him, and then accept the responsibility to be as righteous as we can be.

#FreedomInChrist  #responsibilities  #ChristianGrowth  #WalkBeforeWeRun   #SacrificialLamb  

Photo Credit: free pictures of the cross 

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