He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, August 7, 2023

Cultivating Joy Over Happiness

        Some years ago, my husband and I were traveling across country.  We stopped at a resort we planned to stay for the week, and of course there were planners and hospitality folks (Concierges) who love to help you do the most with your time while you are staying with them. 

We obliged and sat with a very nice young lady, who advised us, based on our interests.  As the conversation continued, for whatever reason, near the end of our conversation (and I can’t remember now), I handed her one of my business cards.  She picked it up, studied it for a moment and then said, “I knew there was something.”  

She already knew I was a writer. The only thing that she wouldn’t have known about me when I handed her the card was, I was a Believer.  I’ve had other people make similar comments.  I’m always astounded.  It’s not me, in that case, whom they see.  It’s Jesus!  It’s the joy I claim from the relationship I have with Christ.

I am certainly not always happy.  There have been major trials in my life, just like everyone else.  I cry, and have on some levels, dealt with depression during difficult seasons.  That sounds like a contradiction, but even David dealt with a large range of emotions, including anguish.  But even in the depths of his despair, he could (and did) still praise God, which can be difficult to do when your brain is yelling at your heart about the circumstances around you!

                                            Circumstances Dictate Emotions

Our circumstances often dictate our emotions.  We all occasionally feel like a leaf in a wind storm, not knowing if we will ever land, and that causes us to be anxious and unhappy.  That’s different than having joy. Life can be incredibly challenging.  

        Some use the expression, “fake it until you make it.”  I don’t know if I’m totally on board with that idea, but perhaps.  When we can smile, regardless of our circumstances we change our immediate mood, because our bodies respond positively due to tiny molecules being released from the brain to fight off stress.

                                                     Joy Comes From Christ

But even heartbreak or sadness cannot steal our joy if we are in Christ.  Even in the depths of sorrow we can cling to the knowledge that we have a God bigger than any trouble we may have.  He knows the beginning from the end and carries us when we can no longer walk!

Cultivating joy is all about nurturing the relationship with the Savior.  It means digging into the Word and knowing who He is.  It requires quiet time in prayer so we can hear his voice.  During this next week, as you deal with circumstances that are unpleasant, stressful, or downright ugly, remember the joy we have in Christ can be what brings us to the top of the turmoil we are under.  It’s greater than any human happiness.  It’s the unique love and inexpressible joy of Jesus, that can get us through!

#joy  #Christ'sJoy  #FakeItTillYouMakeIt   #circumstances  #life'sChallenges  #NotAlwaysHappy   #travel  #KnowJesus   #writer   #believer

Photo Credit:  free pics of joy 

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