He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, February 26, 2024

The Cricket's Song


  It’s only the end of February but I saw daffodils blooming in my yard this past week.  I was elated.  That tiny miracle puts a song of joy in my heart!  I expect it to turn cold again, but it reminds me Spring is not that far off!  That said, I couldn’t help but think of other Spring events which I completely enjoy!

I totally enjoy the sound of crickets — as long as they are outdoors, or used as a ring tone on my phone!  One Spring day in the wee hours of the morning I was being awakened by the sound of a cricket in my bedroom — and no, it wasn’t my phone; it was live!

In the dark, I went quickly to retrieve my bug spray.  As quietly as possible I creeped to where I thought it was, and sprayed lightly, hoping the effects would put an end to the piercing  sound.  I crawled back into bed to hear, only moments later, the weak song growing stronger and stronger. It hadn’t worked, and I was becoming frustrated.  I just wanted to sleep!

Again, I sprayed, a little hardier this time.  The sound stopped and again, I crawled into bed hoping for sleep.  But again, the weakest sound began turning into a hearty song.

I thought how very much like that cricket God wants us to be with Him in prayer. Even when things don’t seem to be going our way, and obstacles beset us, He wants us to keep praying heartily to him about our concerns, difficulties and desires.

Just as that cricket hid itself from the poison spray that would have cost him his life; we are to hide in God with constant prayer so we can be free from the poisons of life all around us.  Distractions are in abundance!  

My goal has been to have devotions in the morning before I do anything else.  So I get ‘done’ (make up, hair, etc),  and get my coffee with the intent to get to my Bible and have prayer.  But oddly enough, while I’m waiting on my coffee to brew for a moment or so, (I hate walking away and having something weird happen with the coffee maker--and yes, that has happened), I pick up my phone and check the weather, or even facebook!   These are distractions and that’s NOT putting God first!

Even Jesus in Luke 6:12 found it necessary to pray.  He even went into the hills to be apart from distractions and spent the night in prayer!

If we lift our prayers heartily to our Lord and Savior, believing he hears us, cares about our needs, desires and concerns, surely he will answer.  The obstacles, ‘poisons’, doubts, distractions and fears of life will still try to claim us, but we can rest in the knowledge that God is beside us, every step of the way.

  We must be patient in faithful prayer, so we don’t become victims of affliction or even apathy.  We must sing our song of praise heartily and joyfully, just as the cricket raised his song to let the world know he was there.  Like this small insect, we can wait in joyful hope for answers to our prayers and guidance for our lives, because we serve a God who promises to always be with us! 

Photo Credit:  https://www.pexels.com/search/cricket%20insect/ 

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