He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, May 13, 2024

A Bend In The Road


  It’s been an interesting week for me, but in an unusual way.  Normally I am on top of things, getting, ‘it done’!  This week I’ve found myself pondering about ‘just where I am!”  Am I right where I want, or need to be?  Perhaps you’ve been in this place too.

As children we have hopes, dreams and even plans.  But sometimes life sets a new path for us we hadn’t counted on.  Sometimes this happens because of bad choices; other times it’s circumstances over which we have no control.  So we either ‘dive in’ and make the best of it, or let life ‘beat us up’ while we wish things were better.

What can we do about it, when like me, you wonder where the road is leading you?  The other night in prayer my mind had the picture of a huge bend in the road.  I was left with wondering what in the world that meant!  What was God trying to tell me?  So I pondered, prayed and read His Word while I tried to figure it out.

I still don’t have the answer clearly defined, but I see a change coming.  Interestingly someone once said that “if you change nothing, nothing will change.”  So the question becomes ‘what do I change?’

It may be an odd perspective, but I believe all of me belongs to God.  But I wonder if I really give it all to Him, honestly.  I’ve been blessed with staying small all my life, still I make bad choices when it comes to food!  I enjoy snacking, and eating ‘stuff’ that isn’t good for me.  My health isn’t bad, but am I optimizing God’s natural creation when it comes to eating?  Probably not!  A change would be good here!

Every doctor will tell you exercise is a good thing!  It’s even mentioned in the Bible as being a good thing.  So why do I NOT exercise?  Again, I’ve been blessed with being small.  I’m not a strong person (especially my upper body strength!)  Should I consider exercising regularly?  Clearly the practice would benefit my health and probably even improve my sleep!  So yes, I absolutely should exercise!  Notice a trend here?

Spiritually, most everyone could do better.  I read the Bible daily, study, take notes, and pray.  But could I sit and just ‘let God be God?’ in my life?  I’m a fretter!  I’m impatient sometimes and worry about things not going according to plan!  That, too, is going against what is Biblically sound advice.  God says clearly, that HE is in control!  

        I am not supposed to have all the answers and solutions to every problem that crops up!  We live a human life and we can only do so much!  I need to pause and accept that God already knows what’s going on and in HIS time things will work out according to HIS plan!   Another change is necessary!

But there is another area where I seem to struggle—-with my work!  I love to write!  I completely believe God has called me to do this—-and specifically to write for the ‘disability people group.’  This was NOT my plan; but I am honored to be a part of it.  

       Still is this part of the ‘bend in the road’ that entered my prayer the other night?  Is it time to step out of my comfort zone and branch out—-even while staying in the ‘disability arena’?  It scares me silly and would require a different kind of writing, which requires studying on just how to do it—-and then NOT to be afraid of the rejection I may receive when my work is done and ‘out there’!  Is there a change here also, in my future?

All parts of me belong to God!  Sometimes we get too comfortable with where we are and change is hard —- sometimes really hard!  But since each part belongs to God, each part must be given 100% back to him if I want to be blessed by Him.  

Perhaps you see a ‘bend in your road’ as well.  Do you need to make changes that will strengthen your relationship with The Father?  Share what changes you’d like to make in your life over the coming weeks or months.  We can do this together!

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