He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, June 24, 2024

Praise With All My Might

       Worship is a powerful word.  According to Wikipedia it’s “showing regard with great respect, honor, or devotion”  In our very secular world that could be anything from money and fame to sports or any variety of personal pleasures.  Some would even strongly suggest people often worship themselves.  We have ideas and concepts we believe are right and then focus all their heart and soul into projecting these ideals on those around them.

Biblically, it’s my understanding that worship is to “bow down, humbly beseeching, and to offer reference to.”   —- and of course, these elements of worship must be offered to the one and only God.

As I consider our world today, God is not the only God who/what is worshipped.  There are many who devote their life to their career, their causes, sports, specific people and other elements people find important. Spiritual life comes at best, in second place to all these ‘things’ which claim our intense energy, funds, and interest.

So how are we supposed to ‘worship?’  There are varying opinions about this, as well, even in the religious realm.  Some are very demonstrative even within a worship service, while others object adamantly to any extension of animation.  The service is quiet and in no way exuding excitement or energy.

When I think of the Holy Spirit, I think of energy!  I picture the flames of fire on all the Believers at Pentecost.  Fire is energy!  Or I picture King David in 2 Samuel 6 dancing before the Lord with all his might.  Imagine if we had so little inhibitions we could dance before the Lord in a worship service—- or even in the privacy of our own homes and not feel like we might be doing something wrong!  

It’d be amazing to let the Lord, who we serve, know, we have as much energy as any person who goes to a football game and screams and shouts and sometimes jumps up and down with crazy excitement over a football that just went through the goal posts for the winning touchdown!  As Believers why aren’t we singing with gusto, while being caught up in the music? Or feeling the presence of the Father while prayer or even in a powerful sermon?  That would be true worship!

In addition to this, however, is how much of our worship is done in complete devotion?  Do we sometimes only offer ‘lip service’?  Are we comfortable agreeing with Biblical principles while in a church service, but when in our workplace we are cautious and timid about sharing our faith?  Do we hold back our worship when we are in public place fearful of offending someone or in an effort to avoid any kind of confrontation? 

Consider the person who loves his career or a particular sport.  How easily is it for that person to quickly talk about his love of his particular passion?  Often he fairly ‘gushes’ with excitement or enthusiasm about the latest success, or news item about a person who’s done something great (or not!) within this framework?  

As Believers do we ‘gush’ about God?  Do our eyes and total personality ooze with excitement as we talk about what God has done in our lives?  Do we share what a wonderful God he is and offer examples of the power he’s demonstrated in our lives?  When we do, this is worship; this is praising him with all our might!


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