He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, August 12, 2024

Spiritual Sleepiness

I am a ‘sleeper’!  I don’t ‘need’ at least 6 hours of sleep at night; I require it!  What’s more, I can only do that one or two nights, and then I’m done!  I actually require 7 hours of sleep a night or I become ‘sleep stupid’.   My husband even teases me saying that not only do I need to get my 7-8 hours of sleep a night, but if I’ve failed to get it, then the ‘bank owes me.’  Those hours I didn’t get, I need to reclaim!

My mind does not process when I’m deprived sleep.  I feel like I’m sleep walking and do ‘dumb’ things like putting the sugar in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard; or be in the middle of a sentence and can’t recall what I was saying, or have serious problems processing what’s being said to me.  It seems distorted and outside my understanding capability!  In a nutshell, my mind and body shut down and I can’t function.  

This scenario can also true of my spiritual life.  When I’m not awake to receive nourishment and able to make it applicable to my life, I may be experiencing spiritual sleepiness!

This isn’t a new idea.  Paul talks about it in the Bible.  He tells Believers they need to wake up.  They are reminded that they need to be in the Word in order to keep the interest and ‘fires burning’ for God.  When we don't, we find ourselves more attracted to the things of this world; and slide away from what we know is wrong.  And because of this, we find our prayer life waning, because we can’t talk to God the way we used to.  

Satan is on board with our inability to move productively on the pathway to God.  He uses every ploy on the planet, to feed our drowsy condition.  He keeps reminding us we are too tired to go to church, or shifts our attention in the service to other things because he’s feeding us the word, ‘b-o-r-i-n-g’ and we’re listening, allowing our minds to wander far from the words God wants us to hear!

Our country is preparing for an election in the Fall.  Changes will be made regardless of who wins the election.  New laws will be put in place and we will either agree with what happens or we will feel upended by it. 

Even before all this takes place, we need to look at our world and then our lives and discern how we fit, in relation to what the Bible tells us is right.  Are we on the fence about some things, adamantly opposed, or are we so acclimated to situations we no longer care, or don’t recognize it for being not at all what God says in His Word?  Do we even consider his Word to be ‘inerrant’?  Have we moved to the center isle because it’s safe and rather not pick a side, either as a Believer or one who isn’t?  Does it matter if we have an opinion— or not?

Are we awake enough to hear what the Spirit says to the churches and how we are to live?  Are we living a Holy life like Jesus or are we having a difficult time deciding what is right or wrong?  Are we remembering to seek God when we realize we’ve failed to follow His word, and live in His boundaries?

Or, are we asleep and missing the spiritual nuggets found in the Bible, our ultimate guidebook? Are we ignoring the fact that we are responsible--and accountable-- for what our eyes see, our ears hear, where our feet go, where our thoughts take us, and how we respond, to all that goes on around us? 

       As Paul told the churches in the Bible, 'Wake Up'!  Hear what God is saying and make it applicable to our lives every single day!  Our Eternity insists upon it!

Photo credit:  Sleeping

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