I am learning so much in my
different Bible studies. On a recent day
the object of prayer was discussed. As
people in a very busy society, we are likely to feel rushed and pushed on all
sides to get as much done in as little time as possible. This thought process affects every aspect of
our lives, from the way we drive a car to the way we eat our meals! Everything is rush, rush, rush; hurry up
and get it done!
We have appliances that fill our homes. They might include, but are
certainly not limited to a microwave, toaster, blender, food
processor, coffee, sandwich, waffle and bread makers, tea brewers along with the required vacuum cleaner, sewing machine or other specialty items we choose! Now, I’m the first to admit that I like my
appliances and use most of them. (Most being the operative word!) They are each designed to perform a
particular task and supposedly, in the most effective, efficient and economical way. In a nutshell, they
are designed to save time. But do
Oh, and please don’t forget our
computers! I admit I would be lost
without mine! But that being said, while
it is much more efficient than paper and pen and the trusty typewriter, because
I can “do” so much more on the computer, I find that “just writing” doesn’t
happen! I get sidetracked checking my
mail, or face book; doing searches (and honestly often it is for writing),
checking the weather and on and on! But
the truth is I’m just busy and it isn’t always productive!
you add obligations to clubs or organizations in which we participate,
sports activities, business meetings, even church and Christian
responsibilities along with our day to day commitments we find ourselves feeling frazzled by the time we get everything finished!

Satan and his band of demons are
becoming more and more aggressive every day in our world. We need to remember that Christians are under
constant attack from the dark side.
Marriages are failing, people are turning to chemical substances for
escape, while immoral and shameful behaviors permeate advertising and are
flaunted all about us. Degradation of
the human race is becoming rampant. We
need prayer; specific prayers, if we intend to stand up to this evil. Our prayers need to be Spirit led, thoughtful
and caring for each person we lift up.
But praying effectively takes
time. It takes a quiet mind and still,
loving heart in tune with God. Rushing
through a practiced prayer or “one thought covers all” kind of prayer, leaves
our prayer life weak and vulnerable. We
need to bow before God with a humble heart and childlike innocence. I will admit this is an area in my life where
I really need to improve. So I ask you,
how is your prayer life? Is your
relationship with the Father a time consuming, tedious task you feel like you
must accomplish as your Christian duty?
Or do you cherish with all your heart the time you spend with the
Lord? I hope you’ll give it some
thought, search your heart and make the relationship and prayer life with Jesus
the most important part of your day.
day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his
disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his
disciples."He said to them, "When you pray, say: " 'Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom
come…..” Luke 11:1-2
Thank you Margie, this is so true, we get caught up in so many things and rush from here to there and go in circles when we need to get off and get down on our knees more and pray for each other and spend time with our Lord.