our lives are being threatened, even as our beliefs are being challenged. The enemy is all around us trying to destroy
us, luring us into a slavery of sin. The
enemy is plotting and scheming in every way possible to steal our joy, our
faithfulness and everything that is good.
There is a very real war for our souls going on between heaven and
seeks to destroy our belief in God’s promises, but we can know with absolute
certainty the enemy cannot do this, unless we allow him. God's Word is true. We can also know the enemy will be
destroyed one day by God. Our freedom
is rooted in God's promises!
with all the “drama” in secularism the enemy has added to the Christmas holiday, it’s hard to stay focused on the meaning of Christmas. With the shopping,
decorating, entertaining, mailings, cooking and baking and all the other “must
dos” on the list, we often feel overwhelmed and lost in the wonder of it
all. We lose sight of the “why” we are
doing all that we are trying to get done.
promised he would send the Messiah to save His people. He kept his promise, although not the way
many people expected and therefore, they missed the fulfillment of this
promise. Jesus is the Greatest Gift
every given.
heard the most interesting analogy in a sermon recently. God told his people to multiply and share His
message. Yet how often do we hold
back? Imagine seeing a centipede, and in
our dislike of the little critters we step on it to kill it. Because of the weighted impact, we are sure the
critter is dead. When we take our foot
off, however, each section has now reproduced. So instead of one squished bug, there are thousands of
little centipedes and no matter how many times we step on it, the centipede sections
still reproduce. That is how God’s
people should be. No matter how many
times we get “stepped” on, we should reproduce God’s people, by sharing the
Word, as we continue sharing God’s
Greatest Gift.
as you put the finishing touches on your Christmas tree, wrap the last of the
presents and complete the last minute baking, I challenge you to remember God’s
promises, especially when satan lurks behind every corner just waiting to see a
twinge of doubt, a momentary lapse in good, Godly judgment, or the weakness for
a sinful behavior we still haven’t given to God.
is at our side, waiting to give us Jesus again, again and again. While Christmas celebrates Jesus’ birth,
Easter celebrates His resurrection and offer of salvation. This is reason to celebrate Christ. These holidays are so connected, it’s impossible
to believe in the one, without believing the other. Christ came, Christ died,
Christ is resurrected. Be the
centipede. Share this incredible gift. It is the Greatest Gift ever given and
received. And, you can know God
will not fail His people because God keeps all His promises!
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