was even more special was the “reunion” with cousins and other family I hadn’t seen in years. We chatted,
embraced and promised to stay in touch.
They reminded me I am part of a much larger extended family that I don’t
see on my day-to-day basis.
doubt my family is much different than most others. We have those we stay close to, sometimes
from sheer proximity, but other times because the relationship was strong
enough to sustain distances, and the desire to cultivate the relationship was
greater than the consequence of not doing so.
cousin attending had me mixed up with one of my siblings. Once we got that straight, I asked him about
his. Obviously grieving, he said, "I
don’t know. I haven’t seen my sister in
twenty years, and my brothers don’t return phone calls even though I leave
messages on the machine."
do we allow this to happen? I was
overwhelmed with the love and affection from family I haven’t seen in so long! What keeps me from staying
connected? Our days are getting shorter
by the moment. Even the fact that we
were all attending my aunt’s funeral should drive that home. We are mortals. We never know what day we will breathe our
last. We deprive ourselves of
relationships to people we have a blood connection to, yet we hold back and
sometimes make excuses to avoid them.
was important to God. It was important
enough to list them in the Bible. Not only is
lineage important to The Lord, but family is grounded in all that is God! He made Eve for Adam, and joined them as
one. Even out of the Garden of Eden
family existed as they had children, grandchildren. God told Abraham he would be the leader of a
great nation, as many as numbered the stars!
This is family!
commented to my son this morning, I didn’t realize or perhaps had forgotten
that I meant anything at all to my extended family! How sad!
Surely I’m not the only one who has felt this way! But feelings for another can be buried deep
within us if we only see someone ten, twenty, or even thirty years in between
heart warming reunion, despite the reason for the reunion, reminded me how much
I miss my extended family and how important they are to me. It also made me determined to stay connected
much better than I have been.
are only here a moment. Our lives have
value to each other and we need to recognize that. This too, is part of the Christmas
story! Jesus came as part of a
family. He was son to Mary and Joseph
and had many brothers and sisters!
challenge you to remember families are important! Especially remember your family is
important. Make memories this Christmas;
hold each member close and make a deliberate attempt to stay connected all year
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