He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, December 31, 2018

A Picture of Grace

We are entering another New Year; a time when people often make New Year’s resolutions.  I considered attempting to create a new list again, but thought better of it since I rarely follow through with my efforts, although my intent when beginning is strong.  It seems “life” has a way of changing priorities and my “list” gets tucked at the bottom of my “to do” and eventually vanishes into nothingness!

Now that said, there have been years where I committed to making God first in my day and thankfully, by His grace, I have sustained this way of life.  I find it empowering when I begin the day in The Word and prayer for my daily thought process and behavior.  It’s a reminder of what is important in the whole scheme of things.

There’s a story in the Bible about a woman who visited Simon the Pharisee’s home who endured the label of “ill-repute.”  She was not an invited guest, so when she arrived, Simon was not pleased.  When she saw Jesus, she washed his feet with her tears, and wiped them with her hair, and even kissed them.  Lastly, she poured expensive perfume on them.  She recognized Jesus for who he was, and also recognized her sinfulness.

Because of her humility, Jesus forgave her sins, telling her, her faith saved her.  Her forgiveness wasn’t granted because of the “work” she had done, or lack thereof. Grace was given because she understood the value of Jesus’ worthiness.  Her understanding created a great love for Jesus, which confused those around her, who didn't.  

As we face the uncertainties and challenges of the coming year, where or who is your first love?  It’s easy to say we love Christ first, but does our lifestyle bear witness to this statement?  We live very busy lives.  Between work, parenting obligations, family commitments, our social life, and entertainment, it seems there aren’t enough hours in any given day to be able to complete the long list of things demanding our attention.

Is God first? Do we commune with him daily? Is there ample time to sit and listen to his direction for our lives?  I suggest for many it’s not.  Because our lifestyle dictates what time we finally make it to bed because we are either up late due to work, watching TV or enjoying the “night life” whatever form that takes, we are still tired in the morning when the alarm goes off.  We hit the snooze button, because the last thing we want at that moment is to crawl out of bed.

Jesus gave his life so that we can experience a personal relationship with him, as Savior of the world.  Do we recognize that?  I’m certain at Easter (and even at Christmas) this thought comes to the forefront of our minds.  But does it the rest of the year, or does He get lost in this thing we call “life”? 

I encourage you to reflect on old habits.  It's a great day--a great year-- for a new beginning!  Happy New Year!   

Monday, December 17, 2018

Recognizing The Christ Child

          Christmas is only days away.   Excitement can be felt when you stroll the mall, visit a small gift shop, listen to Christmas music, wrapping presents, baking, church services, sitting in front of the tree with a cup of hot chocolate, the sparkle in the eyes of little ones and a long list of other traditions families share.

            Beyond all of these ideas, however, is something even greater, that should cause every believer to become giddy with excitement.  Think about that very first Christmas!  The Angels announce the birth to the Shepherds with no small ceremony! They were excited!  The Shepherds responded with “Let’s go see this thing!” So, they left their flock and went! 

After the Shepherds found the tiny Babe, just as the Angels described, they shared with others as they returned to their home, what they had seen.  They were giddy about their news!  They wanted everyone to know the message of hope they witnessed in the least likely place; Bethlehem and in a very humble bed, a stable with animals.  They had seen the Savior!  The glory of God came and they were invited to celebrate! In essence, the Shepherds were the very first evangelists!

            The Shepherds also demonstrated that God can use the poor and weak to be strong and wise.  What a great lesson for us.  We get so tangled up in the things we don’t feel qualified to do, we lose opportunities to do great things.  

            Simeon who saw the tiny child only eight days later, was also excited.  He knew when he saw this little one, that He was the Messiah!  Simeon was so excited he even said he was ready to leave this earth.  He had witnessed the coming of the Savior. Luke 2 describes Simeon as giving a message of praise after seeing the child.  He was celebrating!

            Still another who recognized the significance of the Jesus, was Anna, the Prophetess.  She knew that this baby, which Mary held close, was the Savior.  She, was also excited!  What a gift both she and Simeon were able to receive, but also proclaimed.

            Are we any different?  Should we be any different?  Christmas is all about hope and joy, love and gifts, celebration and obedience, sharing and sacrifice.  We should all have a message of praise!  The gift Simeon and Anna recognized, should be even more evident to us.  We have God’s Holy Word to confirm what they just “knew!”  We have written scriptures and the Holy Spirit to guide us, give us purpose and the supernatural gift of Salvation!

            As the time creeps closer to Christmas day, remember the gifts we give to each other are in celebration of the Christ Child.  We are sharing with those we love the tradition of gift giving, with Jesus being the Greatest Gift ever given.  When we sing Christmas carols, we should sing with great praise in our hearts, not only through a pattern of habit.  When we read the scriptures of Jesus’ birth, we should remember that little baby was the ultimate sacrifice who came to give his life for our sins. What an amazing and life changing gift. 

Monday, December 10, 2018

Encountering Christ

There are many ways to open gifts.  It’s amusing watching the child who is just learning there are treasures beneath the pretty paper, and needs encouraging to pull off the paper.  Once he has the idea, the pieces often come off in two inch squares. 

Then there is the child who is so excited, the paper comes off in great large swatches!  As the paper goes flying, the only thought on his mind is attempting to find out the contents!  His exuberance doesn’t always end even with the opening of the package! He “oohs” and “ahhs” for at least fifteen seconds and then is ready to open the next one, again with the same amount of exuberance as displayed moments earlier!

And then there are those, like my mother-in-law used to be, who opened her gifts with agonizing patience so not to injure the pretty paper wrapped around her gift!  Not only was her paper completely intact after opening, the tape was so carefully removed or cut, you couldn’t even tell tape was there!  And before she would even open the box, she would neatly fold the rescued wrapping and place it beside her for next year’s gifts!   For those of us who wanted to know her prize, or those who knew what was inside and waited to see her pleasure, found our nerves nearly bursting with excitement!

            While the little ones didn’t “really” have what anyone would call a tradition, surely my mother-in-law savoring the opening of her gift (or maybe it was a fun type of torture!) was a process that actually became her own “personal tradition!”  Everyone knew to expect it as we sat around the tree opening gifts! 

            Some traditions include celebrating the joy of Christmas through unbelievable lights that line the streets and outline buildings during a Christmas Parade.  It can be dazzling and mesmerizing.   Other times there are Christmas festivals, Christmas cookie bake-offs, Advent calendars, attending the lighting of the Christmas tree in the center of town, caroling and attending a Christmas Eve service.  

The reality of the season, however, is best when we are encountering Christ.  At the end of the day, it’s about Jesus!  It’s about opening our hearts to allow the greatest gift ever given to melt all prejudices, hatred, fears and ills of the world from within us.  We have not only the pleasure but the privilege of opening the best and greatest gift ever given!

Jesus is the ultimate gift, born in a humble manger to be the Savior of the World. Easter is so closely intertwined with this holiday, since this tiny Babe would eventually fulfill his mission on earth only 33 years later when He gave his life for the entire sins of the world. This gift is beyond human understanding; yet it is as real as the air we breathe.

So, I encourage you to reach out to your neighbor, friend, family member or even a stranger as you reflect on all this holiday represents. It doesn’t matter how different we are from our neighbor down the street, across town, and beyond our natural boundaries.  The Infant in the manger came to touch all lives. Embrace the joy, love, kindness, giving and peace that is Christmas.  Offer a smile, a touch or hug, and spread the joy!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Christmas Connections

             Traveling, some years back, my husband, son and I visited a community who had developed a “live stage of Nazareth.”  When we were ushered into the “play” we were confronted with busy townspeople, all going “about their business.”  There were women getting water from a well, a street vendor selling wares and beggars on the street. Our journey continued, until finally we were at an animal stable with a trough.  It wasn’t the cleanest spot of the town, but it wasn’t supposed to be; animals lived there!  By the time we finished our “tour” of the town I was completely mesmerized by how “real” the whole situation had felt!

            As children, many of us participated in Christmas Plays.  It’s wonderful to be able to hone in on the context and genuine feelings initiated by those who experienced the “original first Christmas.” But it’s safe to say, often the best efforts of little ones add a spark of humor in the way only little ones can! 

            It seems some of the oddest things can happen during our local Christmas plays. There is the normal situation where a child forgets his lines and needs a little coaching, or a little angel whose halo keeps falling, regardless how many times it is adjusted.  But occasionally there is the child who when playing a camel will have one of the lumps on his back shift to the side as he makes his way down the aisle. Or the little angel who didn’t allow for the door and finds her wings ripped off.  And when the young ones sing there is always one child who sings much louder than the others, and one who sings totally off key.

            But no matter what happens during these precious plays, it’s the idea that we become part of the holiday.  We are in the first Christmas story that happened so many years ago.  We get a giggle out of the “odd” thing that happened, but it’s the story that stays with us.  It’s that feeling of Christmas that can’t be replaced by any material gift.  

            Certainly, we are grateful for the gifts we receive.  It’s a joy to watch the children’s eyes light up with delight as they open that one gift they were hoping for all year.  But it’s traditions like the Christmas play people use to “reconnect” with the “joy of the season.”  

            Christmas parades and other productions continue around the country. It’s awesome when small towns have their own parades and celebrations, with the entire community taking part.  Some towns will produce their own version of the Nativity story, much like the one we visited while traveling but not on such a detailed or grand scale.

            Most people, however, as our Christmas traditions become more and more secular, decorate with Santa, the Grinch, elves and Charlie Brown/Snoopy characters. I enjoy seeing these decorations, but they are not the heart of Christmas.  Jesus Christ is the singular reason why we have Christmas.  He is God in human form, providing the means of the Perfect Atonement for our sins.  

            Our connections with the season is important.  It is why we celebrate.  I encourage you to reflect on your traditions of Christmas.  What do they symbolize?  Do they share the message of the birth of the Christ Child and redemption or something else?

Monday, November 26, 2018

Don't Give Up!

           For several years, I worked as an instructional assistant in our local elementary school.  I worked with children who struggled, not because they weren’t capable, but they needed “one on one” attention a classroom teacher just couldn’t give them.  There was one little girl who taught me a lesson!

            When she was reading, she would often get stuck on a word. With coaxing, she would figure out the word; but then she would go back to the beginning of the sentence and begin again.  In this way, she not only learned the word, but strengthened her reading ability over all. There were days when she would become frustrated, but she didn’t quit!

            Jesus teaches us we should be like that small child.  She didn’t give up; she would begin again.  When things are not going our way or our prayer requests seem unanswered, we need to go back to the beginning.  When we become frustrated we need to let God know.  He wants us to tell him how we feel.  Isn’t this what best friends are for?  We must never give up!  We need to seek Jesus in prayer.  We should continue to seek his counsel and will, and believe there will be results.  When we do this, not only will we see answers to our prayers, but our relationship with Christ will grow stronger.

            This child’s insight into doing the right thing – by not giving up – made me also think of the Cherokee Indians who didn’t give up during the Trail of Tears in 1838 at the end of the Civil War.  Many Indians lost their lives while making the long trek across the country; others stayed hidden in the hills, not giving up on the land they loved and land they called their own.  There are plenty of other instances in God's Word and our nation's history of those who refused to cave to surrounding elements or enemies.  They moved forward toward their "cause," regardless of obstacles.

            I’d like to be like the little girl I worked with those years ago, the Cherokee Indians, and others who weren’t ready to ‘give in’ to the powers that be that threatened the course of their lives.  We need to believe that things need to be done right.

            Our Christian walk can become frustrating with the demands of life.  We plan and schedule in Bible Study and prayer time, but life has other ideas!  Children get sick, a call comes in, company comes or we don’t feel well.  My nemesis has always been travel.  I get in a ‘good groove’ for several weeks, and then there is a road trip, sometimes lasting only a few days; other times several weeks.  Whatever the time frame, my ‘proposed schedule’ is out the window. Once the habit (however meager) is started, breaking it, is remarkably easy and it’s harder than ever getting back on track.

            I encourage you to consider areas in your life where “giving up” seems to be the best option.  Ask God to give you the courage to keep moving forward, clarity to know where you are heading, perseverance to stand against the obstacles that will certainly arise, and trust in God who goes before you in all things! Be inspired! Don’t give up!  


Monday, November 19, 2018

Blessings Of God

          Thanksgiving is this week and I have much to be thankful for:  good health, a wonderful husband, great kids, a nation where we have freedom of speech, religion, press, and the list continues.  The Lord has blessed me as a person and He has blessed our nation.

            It is God’s desire to bless us.  He blesses that which is good in his knowledge and his love for us.  The Pastor reminded us this past Sunday morning that “He’s [God] Got The Whole World In His Hands,” and I think sometimes we forget that.  The question is often asked “Why do bad things happen to good people?”  God has a bigger plan than we can see and he can see the whole picture.

            We are given a purpose in life, a mission if you will, whether it be praying for our neighbor or family member or being a missionary in another country.  Each requires determination and dedication to the position we’ve been given.  As we serve Him with a grateful heart, blessings seem to flow.

            But then Satan has a temper tantrum and does everything in his power to turn our world upside down. God never promised an easy road. We live in a world where evil principalities do their best to create doubt, cause pain, break hearts, and tempt us with seemingly unsurmountable opposition.

            Yet God is faithful. This is a unique blessing of God, which sometimes we take for granted.  Yet on the flip side of this, we sometimes think of God as a “vending machine.”  That may sound odd, but we ask God for “things” we want and then when we are blessed, forget to even say thank you!

            How can God bless that which is not good?  Our country is changing dramatically not only by decades, not even by years or months, but by the day.  How can we even expect him to bless the propagating of witchcraft and sorcery, when he explicitly forbids it?  How can he bless pornography and its industry when he proclaims that to be immoral and wrong? How can he bless those lifestyles that go directly against the man woman relationship he created? 

            We ask as a country to “God bless America.”  God loves this country and has blessed it greatly.  Can we expect continued blessings when our citizens choose to go the direction opposite of God?  It is up to us as Christian believers, to spread God’s word and His truths throughout the world, our nation, our cities and our communities.

            Yet, even as we fulfill our responsibility as Believers to share the Good News, we need to recognize the end is near.  The day is coming when Christ will return to claim His own.  We will reap the extraordinary blessings of following a Risen Savior.  

            Have a blessed and thankful Thanksgiving everyone.  Remember all our gifts come from God.  I am thankful for you.  That you would take time to read my thoughts, is humbling.  I have much to be thankful for….and I suspect you do, as well.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

God Knows All Our Flaws

           I remember as a young child, eight or nine, a woman in our church who had an angelic voice, was beautiful and soft spoken.  I admired her faith and looked up to her as the perfect role model.  On a chance occasion I went home with her after church one Sunday morning to return with her to the evening service.  The afternoon was grand until that unthinkable offense. She lit a cigarette.  I was crushed.  I cried and cried as my “perfect” Christian friend sinned.

            As an adult now, and I reflect on life, I see that no one human is perfect.  We all have flaws.  We try with great effort to do what is right and just and pleasing to God, but each of us fail in some way.

            I know as a parent reflecting on the raising of my children, I certainly made mistakes.  There were times when I didn’t listen, didn’t understand, said the wrong thing, had the wrong opinion and on and on!  As a wife, it’s no different.  I fail, if not my husband’s expectations, certainly my own! 

As a friend, I’m certain there are those who would say I failed as a friend.  It wasn’t a deliberate act of hurtfulness, but circumstances dictated something different than they expected and it’s my failure.

A friend of mine has a daughter who is certain all the ills of her life are her mother’s fault.  She takes no responsibility for her own decisions. It’s with great effort that this mother deals with her pain in a healthy and godly way so as not to sin. Bitterness could creep in and cause her to sin in a way she hadn’t even anticipated.  It happens.  Homes are broken because someone didn’t do the right thing--- or avoided doing something—or just plain did the wrong thing, even if it was for the right intentions.

Our human-ness makes us vulnerable to sin. We were born into it, yet God is consistent with His love.  He doesn’t hold back.  In fact, he gave us the perfect sacrifice; His Son!  That gift was given even knowing all our flaws!  Jesus took the entire sin of the world onto His shoulders.  

            With effort, many people never see our greatest failures.  Just as my innocence of human frailty was devastated by my friend’s actions, and even though God provided the perfect sacrifice, surely He must be even more devastated and grieved by our actions.  The “failure” by my friend was seen by me, by chance.  We can never hide our failures from God.  What a responsibility—and what’s more, we are each accountable!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Face Book and Church

           I find it interesting to see those folks post on Face Book that they are taking “leave” of the social media platform just to “refresh” and leave the “drama” behind.  I mean, let’s face it, people put their lives “out there” for everyone to read or see, via pictures.  We know when people take vacations, have family disruptions, children’s sicknesses (or their own), potty challenges, and a host of other personal circumstances.  This is our world!

            I admit, I too, have a Face Book account (there are actually two: my “regular one” and —my author page: Author Margie Harding – which is where I usually post 5+ times a week!)  I don’t spend a lot of time on the “regular one”, but I enjoy seeing (and responding) to the various comments from family and friends.  But what piqued my thought process this week was something I read (I haven’t a clue where) that compared Face Book to church.

            The article commented on how when you “join” church or Face Book you are welcomed, people are kind with the greetings and encouragement.  There are those within the body of people----- those you’ve known for a long time, and others who are new but want to be “friends” as well.  It’s up to you to choose.  

            There are those who seem to have all the answers and are quick to share their opinions whether you agree or not.  If the offense is great, you may get asked to leave, at least for a while until things are made right.  Yet, you are welcomed back, often like nothing happened, once amends have been made. 

            Sometimes when you don’t post in a while, there are those who may miss you, while others haven’t even noticed you’ve been missing!  Since I don’t post often, (except on my author page) people have no way of knowing when I haven’t been posting!  However, there have been times in a church body, where being absent from the congregation was never even noticed.

            Regardless, both venues, Face Book and church provide a sense of community. But somehow, that seems just wrong! Face Book can’t offer anything like a good, Holy Spirit filled church!  I admit there are similarities, unless you value feeling the Holy Spirit sweep into your soul and over your body in what I call “Holy Ghost bumps.”  This you likely won’t find on Face Book!

            Are there those who seem to carry the “holier than thou” mentality in church, like those on Face Book?  Probably. But as believers we have to understand there are those who have more knowledge than we do.  Should they be humble…and not act like they are superior? Sure.  But we need to be forgiving and study and pray that when we encounter someone, regardless of how someone projects themselves, we can have conversation from a Believer’s perspective out of kindness of heart.  

            We need to know The Word.  It’s important to remember the church body of which we are a part (along with all Believers around the world) are family.  Not everything is going to be perfect all the time.  We are people……people who make mistakes, but not usually on purpose.  But sometimes we can’t see the woods for the trees!  

            I encourage you, as we begin the countdown to the holiday season of both Thanksgiving and the Christmas, where we try to extend kindness and goodwill, to let these feelings continue throughout the entire year.  Our personal congregations should be a true extension of our personal families.  It’s designed to be that way!  

            I repeat, Face Book can’t offer what a good Holy Spirit church can.  Face Book is of this world, with worldly intentions. A good church with Jesus as “Head” offers salvation, peace and joy, which can be found nowhere else.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Checkbooks and Calendars

        On the first of each month, I pull out my checkbook and pay my bills.  It’s what I do.  The date on the calendar demands it.  

            It’s interesting as I think about the ritual of paying bills.  I loathe the process even though I’m glad there are funds enough to cover them.  I am painfully aware there are many people who live pay check to pay check, trying to decide which bill they should put off in any given month.  It’s after all a very important decision.  When we are unable to pay our bill(s), interest builds so fast it doubles the basic amount in no time.  

            Jesus found it important to pray before making important decisions.  That blows my mind in a way.  He was God…..yet…..  he was a man. He deferred decision making to his Father.  I wonder how often we even consider consulting God for advice for making decisions….even paying (or not paying) any particular bill.

            Our culture has created the mindset that we can buy anything we want and have it now.  It’s how we live.  Many families have two, three or even more credit cards and each of these cards are maxed to the limit.  That’s a scary thing---well it would be for me, anyway.  I’m terrified of being in debt.  Don’t misunderstand.  We do have debt.  We have a mortgage payment and a truck payment and then there are all the monthly utility, internet, satellite TV, insurance bills, and others that keep reminding me I have much to be thankful for!

            All this focus on our checkbook has a way of cluttering our calendars, as well.  When we pray about God’s will, which is one thing Jesus was careful to pray about, we become afraid that to do anything constructive will require more funds. Even if the funds include paying for gas or food items for a Christian gathering.  Could giving to a missionary fund even be possible given our current financial situation?

            Even if we could donate a little extra funds to a worthy church project, what in the world are we to do with the giving of our time? Our time (or lack of it) is often running neck and neck with our finances.  There is little of it to share with anyone, especially if you have young ones who are in sports events or other extracurricular school activities.

            Still, there’s a “catch 22” in this scenario. While funds are stretched to the very last limit for paying those credit cards we’ve maxed out, we seem to be able to find enough money to attend sports events, or buy extra sports equipment. (An extra fishing pole, bowling ball, golf club or even running shoes are absolutely essential.) Right?  Then when you add the monies spent on the snack foods (or meals) purchased at these events, or the coffee or other beverages while there, we’ve suddenly found funds for those “things” we really find important.  ….Or even the manicure, pedicure, hair cut or coloring.  It’s what we do!

            My point to all this rambling is to bring into focus how skewed our perspective can be when you place our checkbooks and calendars side by side.  They really are “best buddies.”  But should they be?  Should we put on our calendars those events and purchases, our checkbooks can’t handle?  Is it time we place both our checkbooks and our calendars at the feet of Jesus and ask Him to give us wisdom on how we manage both?  

Monday, October 15, 2018

Picking Up Habits

         It’s interesting to listen to my now grown daughters talk about “me” when they were younger.  They would grow impatient with me when they were young, because I constantly cleaned the counter in the kitchen or my “obsession” with dusting or worse vacuuming!  More dreadful still, was they were expected to help.  What makes such comments even more interesting is my daughters have “picked up” my habits!  It is what they learned, and now they find themselves doing the very things they found annoying as children.

            Habits become comfortable for us; sometimes even bad ones!  But the routine settles our nerves and fears, causes us to relax and feel secure with what we are doing, learning and sometimes even who we are with.  Habits give us identity and provide a route for commitment in our lives, while creating a template of our daily schedule.

            Routine, consistent behaviors and patterns are even true for animals. There are programs, throughout the US which uses animals for visitation in hospitals, homesick college students and senior citizens.  The programs have different names, such as Pet VIP therapy, PAWS for People and even HABIT, but generally have the same desired result. 

Studies show animals (primarily dogs, but some cats and even rabbits) have a way of offering unconditional love and a positive presence, even to strangers. They can calm and soothe just by the very nature of their presence and allowing the stroking motion along their fur.  While they need to be taught certain behaviors in addition to having a gentle demeanor, these animals have learned habits of people, enabling them to be of service in ways no human can.  

This ‘habit’ idea is much the same when applied to our Christian lives.  As God’s children, even though we may become impatient with his teachings and not fully understand them, we find ourselves doing what He commands, just as my daughters would follow my directions in their youth.  Following God’s commands, which over time eventually become habits, we grow in Christ.

We learn by doing, just as my girls, who modeled my behaviors.  As we read and search scripture, remain in fellowship with other believers, we are learning the “habits” God wants us to know. We become more and more comfortable with what we are doing or saying, as we practice what we are learning.  These “feedings from Him” build our understanding. We find ourselves, sometimes years later saying, “I remember when I first began reading my Bible every day and having prayer time.  I didn’t always have the time to do those things, yet now I can’t imagine not taking the time.”   

            I encourage you to reflect on what God has taught you. We learn by doing, often even before we understand.  We are His children; His heirs.  He will teach us if we allow him.  Can you recognize the lessons that have become ‘habits’ you have acquired, even if inadvertently?  Do your habits offer calmness and a positive presence, without even having to think about it?

Monday, October 8, 2018

Pushing The Envelope

          Friends of ours have a large family like my husband and I. Both families made sure their children went to church, had the nurturing of both parents, were given guidelines and boundaries, love and respect, and generally tried to raise their children to be honest, God fearing adults. 

            It’s been fascinating and frustrating, as well, as our children have grown, to see how very different they are.  Different is certainly not a bad thing.  Everyone wants their children to have individuality. But when one (or more) of the children goes so far “out of the bounds” set for them in their youth, you wonder how, if all the children were raised the same, did one miss it?  Yet in each family (ours and our friend’s), there was one child who “pushed the envelope!”

            God must wonder the same thing about the human race. “How can they miss it?”  We all have been given His Word to live by, teach, guide and comfort us.  It has all the rules and directives outlined.  How can some hear this and yet never really “hear” it?  How can a person read His Word and not see the value in it?  How is it possible to know about God, yet not believe?  Yet, God says in his Word eyes will not see, ears will not hear and hearts will not understand.  We can witness this all the time, all around us.  

            As our world continues to splinter in so many different directions, it’s easy to see how individuals are often not even interested in the values and traditions long believed to be sacred throughout our land. Authority is being defied, as are the ethics, beliefs and morals on which this country was founded.

            The consequences of bad behavior affect everyone, as the idea of uniformity in “going against the grain” and “remaining in tune with peers” becomes more and more important.  Unity in defiance is growing.  It seems the world has taken a spin, which turns so fast, we are beyond the ability to slow down.  We are spiraling out of control, much like the single child who chose to go their own way, regardless of the teachings set before them in their home and church, in their youth.

            There are programs available nationwide to help those parents struggling with raising children set on rebellion and disobedience. There are professionals who work toward meaningful solutions rather than necessitating court interaction to resolve problems and conflicts.  The purpose is designed to provide “road maps” with alternatives, that allow both parents and children to see the need of peaceful resolutions to situations that can become a major problem, not only for the family, but for others, even indirectly involved.

            It becomes our burden, as those who love God, to reach out to those who won’t or don’t listen, with the love of Christ, so that their hearts will be opened and their faith born.  It becomes our responsibility to pray that the seed of Christ will be sown and grow into what God wants that person to be.  I encourage you, as a Believer to not just “witness” this decline our world displays.  Instead with a godly heart and motive…..reach out to others and share your faith.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Displays Of Love

          It’s fascinating to watch my small grandchildren react with pure delight when their mother walks into the room, or the opposite, agony and fear when she leaves.  There is no doubt that these little ones, despite who else is around they may know, rely on their mother.  She is the focal point of all they do.  Their greatest effort is to please her, to win her approval in all their activities. 

            We see displays of love all around us if we are observant.  A couple will hold hands while walking; gifts given at special times of year – or – a gift given ‘just because;’ other times a child will love on a sibling; flowers are picked by a child; or any variety of options.  

          There are all kinds of ways to display love to those you care about…..  and perhaps even to strangers.  Love can be demonstrated here by taking someone to a theater, a fair or festival, to ballroom dancing or a botanical garden, enjoying a food fair or river boat rides, as well as taking in an art museum or visiting a park!   

            For a stranger, a demonstration of God’s love may be buying a ticket or a lunch; paying for someone’s purchase of groceries, or load groceries into someone’s car; offer to cut someone’s lawn, fix a car (if you have the skill), offer food from a garden and whatever creative idea you can conjure in your mind!  

            A friend of mine recently lost two grandchildren in a house fire.  She is devastated and still reeling from the event.  Another friend, in this same week lost his son to suicide.  Our world is hurting!  Loving on these people who are suffering is yet another way to demonstrate God’s love.  We can’t take their pain, but we can be there for a shoulder to cry on, an ear for venting anger without being judgmental, a hug to soften the tears and someone to just be with them in their hour of need.

            God’s love for us parallel’s a mother’s to her children. God’s love reaches beyond what we can do for a friend in pain or a stranger who feels lost.  But when our love is sincere to someone else, it can have much the same effect as my small grandchildren to their mother.  Our greatest goal should be to please Him. Our greatest efforts toward reaching that goal should be placed in the forefront of all we do.   

When we obey his word by sharing our love, we are displaying our love for Him. When we fail, we should react like the small child: with agony and fear until we have made things right.   Our agony and fear may not be demonstrated with tears or other demonstrative behavior, but our hearts will be heavy with contrition with the great need to remedy the wrong.

Displays of love for our Father, who loves us beyond anything we can compare, are what we will carry within us when we are made complete in him.  I encourage you to demonstrate His love with everyone you meet, through your actions, words…..and even your thoughts! 

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Best Product Available

           One of my daughters several years ago began a small sales business. To get started, she sent many information packets about her adventure, via the internet, to friends and family.  Her goal was to get as much information out, to as many potential customers imaginable, in the quickest way possible.

            There are lots of venues and social media sites to use and many are free!  There is Face Book, LinkedIn, Twitter, outside billboards, newspapers, flyers in the mail, email and the best of all, is word of mouth.  If you have the funds to spend, there are always television commercials!

            Of course, once you become known, the internet will also accommodate, if your product becomes popular.  That is when a business begins making lists formed by “those in the know in the advertising world, (without an additional fee)!” 

            When doing a search on popular products in a particular geographic area, there are often many! There are so many, they are broken down into large categories.  From computers and gaming to digital health and fitness, home and autos to networking and security with many in between! In some areas you will find Farm Goat Milk Soap to Pointer Brand Jeans; or hot chili peppers to Chesapeake Bay crab cakes; or Sturgis Jerky to Black Hills Gold jewelry, along with many others!  These products, because they are known for their tried and true quality, receive rave reviews, which further encourages other people to try them!

            Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we, as Christians, were as exuberant about “selling” Jesus as my daughter is about selling her products or any of the well-known products we use everyday?  Imagine if each of us would contact everyone we know about the “greatest product available,” Eternal Life through Christ.   If we did, then Jesus would reach as many people as all sold products combined!  

            He would be easy to promote:  Loving, faithful, understanding, forgiving, Father, Savior, Comforter, Counselor, Creator of the world, the only One who can give peace, Healer, and on and on!  What a product!  How can anyone go wrong?

            Yet, many of us don’t live our lives that way.  We quickly share and “sell” a variety of other thingsevery day that brings us joy, but neglect to mention the person who supersedes all else: Christ, the Messiah.

            Christmas Eve is rapidly approaching (well….  It is still 91 away!) and it along with Easter is when most Believers will visit a sanctuary of their choice, because it’s the “thing to do!”  How sad a situation!  If we claim we know God, why do we usually find something else to do instead of worshipping with other Believers? 

            If we like a certain restaurant, we eat there often. If we have a favorite sports team, we will stay on top of the stats, players, when a game is televised or better yet, get excited on a date we can attend.
            The best aspect of our life, as a “product,” but more, as a real, living person who wants a relationship with us, is more often remembered when it’s “convenient,” tragic, or on a special holiday.

            I encourage you to remember the source of all good things, strength, faithfulness, forgiveness, eternal life and day to day blessing!  He is better and more special than any product you can imagine on earth! 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Inferior Words

          When my husband and I traveled across country, people could often tell where we were from because of our accent and the words or expressions we used.  Once while camping in South Dakota and using the shower facilities in a campground with my young daughters, someone called out to me and said, “You have to be from the Eastern Shore!” 
         “We are,” I responded.  “But how did you know that?”
         “By the way you talk,” she said.  
         Needless to say, I was totally shocked.  I had no idea I had even the remotest accent or used any particular dialect relative to the place we lived.  But given I never saw or met the woman who spoke to me, I apparently did!
         In the northern states people put items in a sack, while on the east coast items are put in a bag.  We have sodas, other people have pop.  Many grandparents are mom mom and pop pop, while in other areas they are Grandma and Grandpa or Nana and Poppa.  It has to do with geography.  None is wrong, just different.
         In the Appalachian Mountains there is a distinct dialect which sets it apart and has been suggested as being inferior, due to seclusion from other areas, apathy, and absence of education.  The culture has been subjected to accusations of unsophistication.   This is far from the truth.   People are just different, and there is nothing wrong with that.   In fact, the dialect and accent is an appealing element of the area. There have been times when I’ve looked at a total stranger with whom I’m having a conversation and say, “I could listen to you talk all day long!” 
         As Christians, when we share the Gospel, we are accused of a variety of things. It might be stupidity, lunacy, ignorance or even fanaticism.  When attacked in such a way, we might choose to cower and stop sharing, even when we would rather not.  We aren’t trying to be fearful or even disobedient, we just want the mocking and insults to stop.
         Recently a young woman I don’t know “followed” me on Twitter.  I responded with a thank you and hoped she’d find my posts a blessing.  I was taken aback when her response was negative and downright insulting, especially when she “followed” me, not the other way around.  I wanted to respond, and ask why she followed me, but the internet (or my computer) –or God, intervened and I could not make connection.  Instead I prayed for her!
         We are told not to be shy about sharing, but to rely on the Holy Spirit. It’s difficult to react positively when unkind things are being said.  Often our instinct is to respond with equally negative reactions.  When we do this we are not allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us.  Instead we are inviting “things of this world” to rule our thoughts and behaviors.
         So I challenge you to offer understanding when people are different from what seems “normal” in your world.  Different isn’t necessarily wrong.  Additionally, consider the person throwing vile and offensive comments as an opportunity to demonstrate God in your life.  You might be the only glimpse of God they’ve ever seen.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Limited Range

Temperatures, wind, rain, and pollination are huge factors in how—or if-- a plant can grow.  Depending on the plant, a cooler climate and thereby shorter growing season can have a huge impact on whether or not a given plant will survive.  Some plants require well drained, yet moist, sandy, loamy or clay soil.  Others want warm and wet conditions, and grow better in or at the edge of small ponds. Still others thrive in climates with cooler summers and even colder winters!

I considered how we, as a people, are a little like plants. We find ourselves in “our little corner of the world” and rarely wander out of our boundaries.  We require a specific kind of soil to grow in, or at least to remain “alive” in.  We allow our boundaries and growth requirements to limit us to our abilities and talents God has given us.  We choose to not place our “roots” in uncomfortable surroundings for fear of failure, ridicule, or timidity!  We don’t trust God to help us move forward.

God is not limited to what we can see.  His space and time dimension flows well beyond ours of length, width, height or even time.  He is not limited to physical laws or physical senses.  He lives in eternity, in that which, at this time, we cannot see. 2

During a recent conversation with a friend of mine, the idea of how we let “religion-osity” rule our world was discussed.  We get so caught up in the rules and traditions we’ve learned over the centuries since Christ walked the earth, we lose what the Bible says.  His Word clearly gives the directions for our lives, but we try to conform and fit in, if not with the “world’ certainly with those closest to us, even if it’s a skewed understanding of Doctrine.  By following our own creeds, standards, traditions and principles we are not gaining right understanding and acceptance of God’s laws.  

The Pharisees were rebuked by Jesus for exactly this. They worked to be noticed by man, were hypocritical, didn’t speak the truth and turned people from the right way and even rejected the prophets.  Isn’t this what we are doing today?  Our world is filled with those who would twist, contort, water down, add to, delete or otherwise change what God’s Word says!

Using God’s Word as a guideline, we have to choose to follow or not follow someone we believe to be godly leaders if they are not giving us truth from God’s Word.  If we don’t know His Word because we aren’t studying, it is easy to become so comfortable where we are, that we don’t even recognize we aren’t hearing truth.  God’s truth is not limited and neither are we, when we are in Him!  

He told us in the end days, many will be deceived. So, I challenge you to know God’s Word; study it, be in fellowship with the Creator, so you are prepared should someone ask questions about the Word or challenge your faith in some way.  It is what God not only wants, but expects us, to do.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Buried Secrets

         I was reading about someone who disappeared forty-five years ago in the Great Smokey Mountains.  It seems reasonable over the course of time something would have been discovered to give some hint of what happened to him.  Apparently this hasn’t yet happened.  In fact, not only has this man never been found, but small planes have taken years to find and pilots…… sometimes never.  This isn’t unique to the Great Smokies, but all over the world.  People disappear.  Why? Where?  Who or what is responsible?

         It amazes me to know a mountain range can create one to three inches of earth every year.  According to experts even though the Appalachian Trail is one of the most traveled trails in existence, with the heat, humidity, leaf decomposition, underbrush and debris, if something, or someone goes missing, finding them can be challenging at best.  There is an eerie feeling the mountains bury secrets deep beneath the layers, daring anyone to find the hidden “treasure.” 

          Just like the mountain hides what is underneath the earth, we create layers in our lives in an effort to hide what we don’t want others to see.  We mask all those personality traits and behaviors we are sure others would not approve. We replace negativity with smiles and congeniality; abrasiveness with gentleness; meanness with kindness and insincerity with an air of authenticity for everyone who doesn’t know us well, to see.

         Sometimes we are successful to outsiders.  There are those close to us, however, who often see the real person we are on those days we allow the world and the evil prince of this world to bring us down.  We become crabby, insecure, short-tempered and sullen with those around us and forget to mask those things we don’t want the outside world to see. 

         Unlike the hundreds of searchers who look for days, weeks and years for the mysteries beneath the earth of missing hikers, planes or lost children, we aren’t ever hidden from a God who knows where we are no matter what our station in life, decisions we’ve made and circumstances we’ve allowed to control us. There is no where to hide!

         Our God loves us right where we are!  It doesn’t matter what debris, seeming decomposition or underbrush that hides us from the world, we can be found.  Scars from the thorns of life, mud that cakes us, or trails that led us down the wrong path are no match for God.  We can be found!

         I challenge you to become the person God wants you to be.  He created each of us to be special and beautiful with a purpose grander than our minds can comprehend.  He looks past all the dirt, grime, scratches, breaks and debris that is our lives and sees us as His pure child.  

         Buried secrets need not be a part of our lives.  The guarded layers we have allowed to cover us can be removed from our world and replaced with a beauty and peace beyond our understanding.  We are designed to be a light unto the world! I encourage you to let your light shine!