He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, December 31, 2018

A Picture of Grace

We are entering another New Year; a time when people often make New Year’s resolutions.  I considered attempting to create a new list again, but thought better of it since I rarely follow through with my efforts, although my intent when beginning is strong.  It seems “life” has a way of changing priorities and my “list” gets tucked at the bottom of my “to do” and eventually vanishes into nothingness!

Now that said, there have been years where I committed to making God first in my day and thankfully, by His grace, I have sustained this way of life.  I find it empowering when I begin the day in The Word and prayer for my daily thought process and behavior.  It’s a reminder of what is important in the whole scheme of things.

There’s a story in the Bible about a woman who visited Simon the Pharisee’s home who endured the label of “ill-repute.”  She was not an invited guest, so when she arrived, Simon was not pleased.  When she saw Jesus, she washed his feet with her tears, and wiped them with her hair, and even kissed them.  Lastly, she poured expensive perfume on them.  She recognized Jesus for who he was, and also recognized her sinfulness.

Because of her humility, Jesus forgave her sins, telling her, her faith saved her.  Her forgiveness wasn’t granted because of the “work” she had done, or lack thereof. Grace was given because she understood the value of Jesus’ worthiness.  Her understanding created a great love for Jesus, which confused those around her, who didn't.  

As we face the uncertainties and challenges of the coming year, where or who is your first love?  It’s easy to say we love Christ first, but does our lifestyle bear witness to this statement?  We live very busy lives.  Between work, parenting obligations, family commitments, our social life, and entertainment, it seems there aren’t enough hours in any given day to be able to complete the long list of things demanding our attention.

Is God first? Do we commune with him daily? Is there ample time to sit and listen to his direction for our lives?  I suggest for many it’s not.  Because our lifestyle dictates what time we finally make it to bed because we are either up late due to work, watching TV or enjoying the “night life” whatever form that takes, we are still tired in the morning when the alarm goes off.  We hit the snooze button, because the last thing we want at that moment is to crawl out of bed.

Jesus gave his life so that we can experience a personal relationship with him, as Savior of the world.  Do we recognize that?  I’m certain at Easter (and even at Christmas) this thought comes to the forefront of our minds.  But does it the rest of the year, or does He get lost in this thing we call “life”? 

I encourage you to reflect on old habits.  It's a great day--a great year-- for a new beginning!  Happy New Year!   

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