He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, December 10, 2018

Encountering Christ

There are many ways to open gifts.  It’s amusing watching the child who is just learning there are treasures beneath the pretty paper, and needs encouraging to pull off the paper.  Once he has the idea, the pieces often come off in two inch squares. 

Then there is the child who is so excited, the paper comes off in great large swatches!  As the paper goes flying, the only thought on his mind is attempting to find out the contents!  His exuberance doesn’t always end even with the opening of the package! He “oohs” and “ahhs” for at least fifteen seconds and then is ready to open the next one, again with the same amount of exuberance as displayed moments earlier!

And then there are those, like my mother-in-law used to be, who opened her gifts with agonizing patience so not to injure the pretty paper wrapped around her gift!  Not only was her paper completely intact after opening, the tape was so carefully removed or cut, you couldn’t even tell tape was there!  And before she would even open the box, she would neatly fold the rescued wrapping and place it beside her for next year’s gifts!   For those of us who wanted to know her prize, or those who knew what was inside and waited to see her pleasure, found our nerves nearly bursting with excitement!

            While the little ones didn’t “really” have what anyone would call a tradition, surely my mother-in-law savoring the opening of her gift (or maybe it was a fun type of torture!) was a process that actually became her own “personal tradition!”  Everyone knew to expect it as we sat around the tree opening gifts! 

            Some traditions include celebrating the joy of Christmas through unbelievable lights that line the streets and outline buildings during a Christmas Parade.  It can be dazzling and mesmerizing.   Other times there are Christmas festivals, Christmas cookie bake-offs, Advent calendars, attending the lighting of the Christmas tree in the center of town, caroling and attending a Christmas Eve service.  

The reality of the season, however, is best when we are encountering Christ.  At the end of the day, it’s about Jesus!  It’s about opening our hearts to allow the greatest gift ever given to melt all prejudices, hatred, fears and ills of the world from within us.  We have not only the pleasure but the privilege of opening the best and greatest gift ever given!

Jesus is the ultimate gift, born in a humble manger to be the Savior of the World. Easter is so closely intertwined with this holiday, since this tiny Babe would eventually fulfill his mission on earth only 33 years later when He gave his life for the entire sins of the world. This gift is beyond human understanding; yet it is as real as the air we breathe.

So, I encourage you to reach out to your neighbor, friend, family member or even a stranger as you reflect on all this holiday represents. It doesn’t matter how different we are from our neighbor down the street, across town, and beyond our natural boundaries.  The Infant in the manger came to touch all lives. Embrace the joy, love, kindness, giving and peace that is Christmas.  Offer a smile, a touch or hug, and spread the joy!

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