“I just don’t know where I belong,” a friend said to me. “When I’m out west, that feels like where I belong. When I’m in the south, that feels right too. But truth be told, I feel like I belong right where I live sometimes, too.”
Finding answers can be very frustrating. I remember a movie we watched not long ago and the young woman looked at her mom and said something about her life getting so complicated that she didn’t know what to do. The mom looked at her daughter and said, “You’d like to be able to pray one of those simple prayers and get an answer.” It was actually more of a question than a statement.
The young woman said, simply, “Yeah.”
In a very matter-of-fact way, the mom said, “It still is that simple. Ask, wait, and search your heart for what God is telling you.”
I know I’ve struggled in times of desiring discernment. I had questions and I wasn’t even sure I could name them. But I wanted answers. I suppose at some level, I still do. My own life feels as complicated as the young woman in the movie. It seems each day I still wait for answers. In my very small mind, so many things are a jumbled mess! But I know God’s mind is so much greater than mine. (There is really no comparison!) But I know he has the answers and I need to wait. God, in his perfect time and in his perfect will, will indeed answer my questions and will reveal to me what he wants me to know.
I think he may have given me a clue this week. It was such a simple statement, but when I heard it, I heard myself saying, “Okay Lord. If that’s what you want then I’m good. It isn’t what I’d planned, but it’ll work!”
I learned in the service this week that Jesus prays for us. I think I knew that—He is our intercessor, after all, but it was never more clearer than it was in the service. Isn’t it funny how God uses something we think we know and understand, to teach us something just a little bit different than what we expected!
We’ll see what the future holds and if I heard God right. I know he’s not going to leave me hanging. In the days, weeks or months to come there will be further evidence that will guide me into His truth and onto his paths. The Bible promises this if we believe it. What’s really interesting about that is, that is a scripture I read just yesterday! I don’t believe in ‘coincidences.’ I believe in ‘God incidences!’
God does not want me to flounder and not know his plans for me. But sometimes having too much information is as bad as not having enough. Have you ever been there? —-You happen to know too much information about a person you’ve just met and you find yourself making a judgement call without getting verification of truth. Because of your presumption of the information learned, you make a judgement call that is all wrong. Of course you don’t discover that until it’s too late and it just ruins everything!
By waiting on God to give me the right information at the right time, I can know he will show me through little ways or even a big way that will leave no further clarification, that his way is exactly what I’m supposed to know and will enable me to move forward.
Photo credit: free searching for something pictures