He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, April 22, 2024

Two Choices

  Do you know where you’ll spend eternity?  As a Believer this should be our greatest concern about, our family, neighbors, people in our workplace or in folks we meet along the way in life, with whom we have conversations.  Our hearts should yearn for opportunities to share the Gospel with those who don’t know the Risen Christ as Savior.  

Yet, often, I find myself shying away from verbal conversation with others regarding this topic, even though I absolutely know where I’ll spend eternity, and the message Jesus wants us to share.  I feel like somehow I’ll skew the information, or be unable to give accurate scripture references, or seem pushy and righteous.  Perhaps you can relate.

However, I had the opportunity to have a conversation with a young woman one day and somehow began talking about choices in life.  Along the way I asked her if she knew where she’d spend eternity if Christ came back today.  

“What?” she asked, clearly startled.  

I repeated the question, and another woman in the room whom the young girl knew well, looked at the girl directly and said, “Oh don’t worry about that.  I’ll explain it to you later.”

I knew the other adult well and knew she grew up in a Christian home.  She however, does not follow the Christian values her parents displayed. My heart fell because I knew I was “done.”  Even though I tried to bring the subject back around to  eternity, I was abruptly and almost harshly stopped.  

As I reflect on the conversation, I know it isn’t I who leads another to Christ, it is the Holy Spirit and I must leave the results in His hands while praying a seed was planted even if Satan tries to squelch my efforts.  I know I don’t have to be a theologian to share about the Gospel.  Sometimes I just need to share my story; what Christ has done in my life; my joy!

We celebrate Christmas and most recently, Easter and  Jesus’ resurrection.  These two holidays are so closely tied together, it’s almost hard to see them separately.   Following that, we can be sure Jesus will return one day, and I believe, in the not too distant future.  So it’s really about choices----and “not choosing” is choosing—and it’s at a great cost!

Jesus was willing to leave His throne in heaven and come to Earth to be the perfect sacrifice so sin and death could be defeated.  When we reject that belief, we reject Him.  Isn’t this reason for each of us to be in deep prayer for the souls of our loved ones, neighbors and others around us?  

When Jesus comes back, there is no more time to make things right.  It comes down to a single moment, a breath, if you will, and it’s finished.  Every person will have a destination and there are only two choices.  Those who have accepted Christ for who he is, and will live eternity in a place of everything good; or those who choose this world and Satan and will live eternity in a place of eternal torment. 

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