He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, September 23, 2024

Fly To Jesus

            A friend of mine said recently, “I tried to fly to Jesus, but He wasn’t ready for me yet.”  She had been in the hospital with a kidney stone and the medications they put her on for the procedures planned, sent her in full respiratory arrest. By God’s grace she made it through the process and was finally released from the hospital.  

            Her reflection included a heartfelt thank you to Jesus, along with the acknowledgement that while she would love to have been with Him, she accepted the fact that He felt her husband and children needed her here, a while longer.  The experience left her with a new perspective.

            Our faith is often tested in ways we can’t even imagine, and if our choices aren’t the right ones, we can suffer awful repercussions.  We are a people of free will, but each choice, good or bad has consequences.  Our responses and behaviors affect those immediately around us and often well beyond our little circle of family or friends.  And when we are faced with a trial, the impact of our behaviors can have far greater effect on non-believers than it does on believers.  

            As Believers, we are constantly being scrutinized to see if we really “walk the walk” every day or if we are another who just lives our Christian life on the Sabbath.  Do we “live in Him” from day to day, or only when it’s convenient or when we are trying to make an impression?

            When Jesus walked the earth, he lived a life that caused quite a commotion.   He went against the grain.  While professing to be the Son of God and the King of the Jews and even describing his Kingdom, he wasn’t what people imagined or expected.  He was kind and gentle rather than aggressive and domineering.  He loved people; all people, regardless of their station in life.  He was the perfect example of what we should be.  He taught us how we should live and even now gives us the strength to follow his example.  

During the summer, probably more than any other time, (except maybe Christmas!) our lives are exceedingly busy.  There are countless activities to complete outdoors, vacations to take, sports events to enjoy and so much more that keeps our schedule beyond full!  Because of this activity,  our faith often gets placed on the shelf to be dealt with another time.

God wants our attention every day, regardless of our human activities that attempt to dominate our time.  Are you keeping your “faith activities” at the top of your daily list or is your faith renewal shuffled somewhere toward the bottom?   

Even in scripture Paul reminds us to stay focused on Christ.  Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. 

I encourage you to re-evaluate your priorities, and make certain God remains first in your undertakings, above all the human demands of life.  When you daily commune with Jesus, you won’t be disappointed, but rather filled with the blessing of joy and close relationship with the Creator of the Universe.

Photo Credit: Fly To Jesus

Monday, September 16, 2024

Faith In Spite of Trials

I have a friend going through a really bad time.  There is an upheaval in her world she never dreamed possible and is facing challenges that leave her on the brink of despair.  Yet when I see her, she stands strong for her faith in Christ.  She is an incredible inspiration in this way.  

       She is quick to share her faith with everyone she meets, despite her own pain.  Her situation has her totally dependent on God to see to her needs.  There are times when she literally has no idea how God will provide, but He always does.  It’s here she finds rest and reassurance she isn’t alone.  She finds strength in a God she loves and believes in; and is able to share with others.

I’ve heard it said everyone is either ‘coming out of a trial, going into a trial, or currently into one’. Our lives are inundated daily with situations at work, school, or in personal relationships that test the very core of what we believe, our values, our faith in people and sometimes, even ourselves.  Further, we live in a culture driven by instant gratification.  Then we ask God, when things throw us off kilter, “Why me?” Biblically we should probably be asking, “God, why not me?”

Most of us would not volunteer to be put through a trial or tested.  Yet when trials and testing come our way, if we can recognize them for what they are: as God given and an opportunity for growth, we will have a better ability to deal with them.  Our value system determines how we evaluate the situation.  Will we allow the trial to bend us or build us?  Will we choose to find someone for quick comfort or will we allow our character to grow into a solid man or woman of God?

  Pain allows, sometimes even demands, taking time for asking direction. We need to acknowledge God’s inspection and correction, which leads to His protection, and finally a means to God’s perfection.   In this mindset we can face our situation with a joyful attitude.  This doesn’t mean we are necessarily happy, but we can still experience joy, since joy is a fruit of the Spirit. 

When we trust in faith, on God, we can act on what we believe despite how we feel! This isn’t always an easy task.  As humans our emotions can cause us to veer down a wrong path.  Anger and bitterness can drown out forgiveness causes an even greater problem, even affecting physical health, and certainly relationships, since often words are spoken in anger that cannot be recaptured.

When trials are received with patience and endurance, which is not passive acceptance, they can be an aid to spiritual maturity.  By having a surrendered will, asking God what he wants to teach us, and what he wants us to do, we have the opportunity to grow in Him.  He told us in His Word to ask and reassures us He will give.  This is not the same as “name it, claim it,” but God does want to bless us and when we are in prayer, study His Word and follow through on His commands, we’ll be better prepared for whatever trial life hands us.

So it’s important to first identify the trial and decide how to respond. Will the reaction be based on what we believe or what we feel?   We can know with complete confidence, testing can work for us and not against us when we believe in faith …. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28 (NIV)

Photo Credit: Faith Over Trial

Monday, September 9, 2024

Everyday Joy


       Have you ever thought about the things that bring you joy?  Some would immediately answer grandchildren, while others may say getting a compliment or taking a bubble bath! 
       Personally, I do take great joy in my grandchildren, but there is also remarkable joy in giving a hug or compliment; sharing a smile with a stranger and seeing the smile returned; saying I love you; sunshine and conversely a horrible, cloudy, rainy, curl up by the fire kind of day; holding a baby or smelling a flower; even taking a detour!  This list can go on and on!  Much of it has to do with perspective….kind of whether you see your cup half full or half empty!  

       I think a lot about the return of Christ for the church.  It will be a time of indescribable and unbelievable joy for all believers.  Yet, while we live here on Earth, I wonder about the joy (or lack of ) we project as Christians, sometimes, even while in a sanctuary, the worship temple of Christ. 

       I have been in churches where the service was rhetorical and without feeling, leaving me to wonder if those in attendance were joyful at all.  I have been in congregations where many people spoke at once in prayer, with apparent joy and exuberance as they shared their heart with their Creator.  There have been services where the music dripped of worship and joy while the sermon seemed dry and dissatisfying.  And I have been in services where joy in the Spirit of the Lord was so tangible “Holy Ghost goose bumps” rippled over my body!  

       There are many ways to worship.  People find worship through music, reading the Word, prayer and praise, a walk in the woods, looking at a night sky, the ocean and a variety of other means, all in an effort to commune with God.  It’s a very personal experience.  And this experience strengthens our relationship with the Lord.  It is here we find peace, understanding and complete acceptance.  Our hearts are bare before him and in that clarity, find nearness.  We are in awe and our hearts (and sometimes our physical bodies) fall down and worship Christ.  

       We have reason for joy even now. There is much unrest in our nation with the upcoming election, the violence which seems so prevalent in our schools, the economy, and more!  When we look at the world from only this perspective we are frustrated and saddened and perhaps even on some levels, fearful. But even with all the negativity around us, Christ still reigns and is in control.  That alone is reason for joy! 

Because of this we can--and should project the love of Christ to believers and unbelievers alike.  Our joy can and should be in the many small things of our daily lives, like friendship, the smell of Spring rain and fresh bread! All we need to is look to nature, our spouses, homes, our children, extended family, friends, church family and more and our hearts rejoice with gladness at our blessings.  

I suggest, however, our joy should not be contained, but be so apparent to whoever is near, that the observer will want to know the source of our joy.   It is then we can explain our ultimate joy is --and is in --God.  Sharing this joy is what we are to do even while we wait for His return!  Is your joy emanating from your soul so others can see Christ in and through you?

Photo Credit: Everyday Joy

Monday, September 2, 2024

Not Antique or Archaic

         I love antique shops.  There is something about looking at items that are fifty or more years old which I not only identify with, but in some cases still own one, just like it. We went into an antique store some years ago which was more like an antique museum than a store.  The areas were set up in themes and time eras.  It was fascinating and absolutely made me smile.  

          I wonder, however, if often we don't put our faith in an antique store—or at least in “antique storage” to just look at occasionally.  We pull it out when we feel nostalgic and smile.  It isn't something we keep as new or exciting or even worthwhile unless we have a crisis and feel the need to drag it out of the box or off the shelf to be used only as necessary. It has become old and out of style, replaced with newer ideas or technology.

Do we consider our Bible an antique, choosing instead to read books having little or no moral value or spend time on the computer visiting sites less than optimal for spiritual growth?  Do we exchange prayer time for television shows or movies which use violence and sex as the major enticement for interest?  Do we replace worship time for sports events or concerts which don’t even recognize God as a Supreme being?  Do we substitute fresh or natural foods for processed foods and junk food having little or no nutritional value? Do we trade exercise for anything which expedites any process with as little energy as possible?  In general, do we make daily trades of newer ideas or concepts, in place of things we know to be good and right? 

          The end of time is very near and God is Sovereign.  The events putting this in motion began in 1948 when Israel again became a nation.  Other signs include the preparation of the Temple rebuilding and worldwide communication; increased earthquakes, pestilence (like biological warfare and diseases which have no cures), famines, and more and more natural disasters; the continuing efforts of a one world system, language, and religion; a knowledge explosion, a great falling away, crime and lawlessness.  

          As I watch all this coming together, I stand in awe of Christ’s return, even as I cringe with horror and revulsion at the dreadful events and repercussion of said events all over the world.  I suggest this is not the time to put “antique tags” on our faith.  Instead we to recognize the urgent battle we are facing; fall on our knees with supplication to the Lord.   We need to ask that He give us the ability and strength to stand up to the deception of the evil powers of this world, even as we acknowledge these happenings as a fulfillment of scripture to His ultimate plan.  It will be in this place we will find hope, and faith to face each day.

Our Lord has “been” since the beginning of time but is not in the slightest way antique, archaic or futile.  I urge you to “dust off the Bible” and revitalize the relationship with God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus the Son who promises to return one day…..soon!

Photo Credit: Antique Stores