He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, September 9, 2024

Everyday Joy


       Have you ever thought about the things that bring you joy?  Some would immediately answer grandchildren, while others may say getting a compliment or taking a bubble bath! 
       Personally, I do take great joy in my grandchildren, but there is also remarkable joy in giving a hug or compliment; sharing a smile with a stranger and seeing the smile returned; saying I love you; sunshine and conversely a horrible, cloudy, rainy, curl up by the fire kind of day; holding a baby or smelling a flower; even taking a detour!  This list can go on and on!  Much of it has to do with perspective….kind of whether you see your cup half full or half empty!  

       I think a lot about the return of Christ for the church.  It will be a time of indescribable and unbelievable joy for all believers.  Yet, while we live here on Earth, I wonder about the joy (or lack of ) we project as Christians, sometimes, even while in a sanctuary, the worship temple of Christ. 

       I have been in churches where the service was rhetorical and without feeling, leaving me to wonder if those in attendance were joyful at all.  I have been in congregations where many people spoke at once in prayer, with apparent joy and exuberance as they shared their heart with their Creator.  There have been services where the music dripped of worship and joy while the sermon seemed dry and dissatisfying.  And I have been in services where joy in the Spirit of the Lord was so tangible “Holy Ghost goose bumps” rippled over my body!  

       There are many ways to worship.  People find worship through music, reading the Word, prayer and praise, a walk in the woods, looking at a night sky, the ocean and a variety of other means, all in an effort to commune with God.  It’s a very personal experience.  And this experience strengthens our relationship with the Lord.  It is here we find peace, understanding and complete acceptance.  Our hearts are bare before him and in that clarity, find nearness.  We are in awe and our hearts (and sometimes our physical bodies) fall down and worship Christ.  

       We have reason for joy even now. There is much unrest in our nation with the upcoming election, the violence which seems so prevalent in our schools, the economy, and more!  When we look at the world from only this perspective we are frustrated and saddened and perhaps even on some levels, fearful. But even with all the negativity around us, Christ still reigns and is in control.  That alone is reason for joy! 

Because of this we can--and should project the love of Christ to believers and unbelievers alike.  Our joy can and should be in the many small things of our daily lives, like friendship, the smell of Spring rain and fresh bread! All we need to is look to nature, our spouses, homes, our children, extended family, friends, church family and more and our hearts rejoice with gladness at our blessings.  

I suggest, however, our joy should not be contained, but be so apparent to whoever is near, that the observer will want to know the source of our joy.   It is then we can explain our ultimate joy is --and is in --God.  Sharing this joy is what we are to do even while we wait for His return!  Is your joy emanating from your soul so others can see Christ in and through you?

Photo Credit: Everyday Joy

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