He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, September 2, 2024

Not Antique or Archaic

         I love antique shops.  There is something about looking at items that are fifty or more years old which I not only identify with, but in some cases still own one, just like it. We went into an antique store some years ago which was more like an antique museum than a store.  The areas were set up in themes and time eras.  It was fascinating and absolutely made me smile.  

          I wonder, however, if often we don't put our faith in an antique store—or at least in “antique storage” to just look at occasionally.  We pull it out when we feel nostalgic and smile.  It isn't something we keep as new or exciting or even worthwhile unless we have a crisis and feel the need to drag it out of the box or off the shelf to be used only as necessary. It has become old and out of style, replaced with newer ideas or technology.

Do we consider our Bible an antique, choosing instead to read books having little or no moral value or spend time on the computer visiting sites less than optimal for spiritual growth?  Do we exchange prayer time for television shows or movies which use violence and sex as the major enticement for interest?  Do we replace worship time for sports events or concerts which don’t even recognize God as a Supreme being?  Do we substitute fresh or natural foods for processed foods and junk food having little or no nutritional value? Do we trade exercise for anything which expedites any process with as little energy as possible?  In general, do we make daily trades of newer ideas or concepts, in place of things we know to be good and right? 

          The end of time is very near and God is Sovereign.  The events putting this in motion began in 1948 when Israel again became a nation.  Other signs include the preparation of the Temple rebuilding and worldwide communication; increased earthquakes, pestilence (like biological warfare and diseases which have no cures), famines, and more and more natural disasters; the continuing efforts of a one world system, language, and religion; a knowledge explosion, a great falling away, crime and lawlessness.  

          As I watch all this coming together, I stand in awe of Christ’s return, even as I cringe with horror and revulsion at the dreadful events and repercussion of said events all over the world.  I suggest this is not the time to put “antique tags” on our faith.  Instead we to recognize the urgent battle we are facing; fall on our knees with supplication to the Lord.   We need to ask that He give us the ability and strength to stand up to the deception of the evil powers of this world, even as we acknowledge these happenings as a fulfillment of scripture to His ultimate plan.  It will be in this place we will find hope, and faith to face each day.

Our Lord has “been” since the beginning of time but is not in the slightest way antique, archaic or futile.  I urge you to “dust off the Bible” and revitalize the relationship with God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus the Son who promises to return one day…..soon!

Photo Credit: Antique Stores

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