He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, December 16, 2024

We All Have Struggles

  My friend lamented, “It’s been an interesting six weeks.  There have been four Emergency Room visits; three included extended stays in the hospital.  We’ve learned, that regardless how a person looks on the outside (totally wonderful and healthy), the insides can be in total turmoil!  We’ve been deep in conflict with medicines that do or don’t work, doctors trying to figure out how to handle the continuing or new health issues, and emotional struggles that come with an illness that is all encompassing and potentially life threatening.”

It’s likely most everyone reading this has dealt with a circumstance in their life where emotions and fear cause struggles that leave a person feeling like they are stuck in a shoulder deep snowdrift and totally unable to make any forward progress.

When I was asked how I dealt with struggle, I had to really think about it.  First and foremost in any situation, I’d like to say I immediately call out to God; and in some sense I do.  But my initial instinct is “What can I do –or need to do --about this right now?  I’ve got to go to the hospital.  I’ve got to make sure this or that is done.  Do you see the pattern?   “I’ve, I’ve, I’ve.”   

It’s not about me!  It’s about God’s plan.  I need to stop and remember that I am not alone in my suffering, no matter what kind it is!  Medical issues belong to everyone in the family regardless of who is specifically ill!  The emotional side of it also takes its toll!  The family ultimately begins a journey to places they’ve possibly never gone before and it can be hard!  To paraphrase someone else’s thought;  “The devil keeps knocking at my door and I keep opening it, rather than rebuking him in Jesus’ name!”  I’m working on that!  

I also need to remember that I need not struggle alone!  I like the expression “Do not fear, God is always near!”  It’s wonderful to have human words and physical embraces that are encouraging and supportive even when circumstances cause a melt down!   Not only is our biological family important, but so is a church family that embraces the family with all the love and aid a family could imagine.

This is how it’s supposed to be!  We are to be a ‘community;’ a ‘family’ who holds up every other member within our congregation, as well as, Believers who need us even when we hardly know them at all –or in some cases don’t know them at all.  This doesn’t apply only to a medical issue, but to other types of struggles families and individuals find themselves.  Sometimes it happens because of choices, other times, it has nothing to do with anything anyone did.  It’s life!  It’s ‘stuff’ that happens beyond our control.

During dark times, we all suffer from time time, we can be reminded of Mary and Joseph who had plans of an engagement, and marriage and probably dreams of their married life.  But God had other plans.  They were obedient and God blessed them.  God’s timing was perfect; he gave us the perfect gift for his perfect purpose.

As Christmas closes in, I encourage you to embrace those around you who are struggling with all kinds of different circumstances.  Each of us has a story.  Embracing each other is a gift that keeps on giving and giving.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Photo Credit-Christmas Pics

Monday, December 9, 2024

Renew Daily

  A friend of mine recently shared she was experiencing serious changes in her life.  What she was certain would be her future changed nearly overnight.  Her first reaction was “why Lord?”  But as time passed, the questions subsided and she said, “Okay…..I just want to be obedient.  But I still don’t understand!”

I get this.  Sometimes we feel like we are “thrown under the bus” when life throws us a curve we didn’t expect and we just don’t know how to deal with it!  Being in God’s service, however, doesn’t mean we will always understand, even when we have an obedient heart.  Another friend of mine was sure she was supposed to teach after college; and she did, and did it well.  But God had other plans and led her down a path so far from teaching, her family was in a panic that she was making the wrong moves.  As she followed where God was leading, she completely believed, even though almost everyone close to her, gave her nothing but discouragement. 

Going against friend and family’s expectations can be a difficult thing.  It’s like being offered a position in the family business, but choosing to walk away.  Those “offering” can’t understand the mindset, even when they are told, “it’s not what God wants for me!”  They feel rebuffed and let down.

God knows our yesterdays, todays and our tomorrows.  He can take care of the future because he knows how it ends.  We haven’t a clue.  That’s the nature of being human.  From our perspective we are taking huge risks, and those risks are monumental to those who don’t understand our heart.

We are responsible for this moment.  It’s all we have.  We have a duty to carry out what is in front of us with pure motives, believing God will lead us in the right direction when we trust in Him.  What comes next, when we put our faith in the Great Creator is God’s plan.  We must trust His plan is so much better than what we had planned.  Even when changes come, and we clearly have no idea why, when, where or how; we can know when we are in His will, it’s going to be good—although it may be challenging!

When we are conscientious about searching God’s heart and will, and making a pure 'heart' decision to follow him daily, all the fretting, fussing, worrying and hard decision making, become easier.  We can be like my friend at the beginning of this post.  The heart will change, because God will change it.  He will remove the doubt, even if all the questions remain unanswered.  Because--- in God’s time, those questions will have all the right answers and it will make complete, good sense.

As you face decisions this next week, daily ask God’s will for your life.  Are you following what you want to do, or are you following God’s plan, even if it seems so unlikely, friends and family are having a panic attack?  As long as you are in God’s will, peace will reign in your heart and you can know it’s God, not you.

Photo Credit: Going Against The Grain

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

God Knows My Pain

  My son made the decision to leave home just shy of his 18th birthday.  I was devastated.  He wasn’t moving across town or even to the next state; he would be over 1800 miles away.  He chose to walk away from a secure financial college setting and go into a world of total unknowns.  There was just one thing he was absolutely certain of, he explained: “South Dakota is calling my name.”  As odd as that may seem, I understood when he said those words.  They resonated with my own feelings of that area.  Understanding, however, didn’t lessen the pain of his leaving.  

Joseph’s early adult life had already been filled with surprises.  First he was told to take for his bride a woman who was already pregnant, which was unheard of in those days.  He also discovers the child she is carrying is God’s son.   

Then Joseph received the warning from an angel that he should leave the area where he now lived and journey back to his hometown of Bethlehem.  There he found no room at the inn once he and Mary arrived.  It must have seemed ironic.   The child is born in a manger, an unlikely place for a new birth.   Can it get stranger than this?  

Still Joseph kept his heart and mind open to the Lord.  So when the command came to escape to Egypt, Joseph knew God knew what he was talking about!  Joseph listened.  God had already provided for them sanctuary in a stable; and was now providing sanctuary from King Herod in the unlikely place of Egypt.

God called his son from this place (Egypt), as prophesied in Hosea 11.  (See Matthew 2:13) He called his son out of a place where God’s laws were ignored.  He calls our name from a world of sin if we listen for it.  We then must accept this gift and be obedient to the call.   Symbolically Jesus being called out of Egypt demonstrates the new covenant of Grace.  We are no longer under the law.  It is a new beginning through Christ Jesus which leads us out of sin and death through Grace.  His life would begin with escaping the cruelness of Herod to be thrust into Egypt, but he would endure an even greater cruelness on the cross as he carried the weight of all our sins. 

My heart ached when my son left home.  God’s heart and all the angels must have been broken when Jesus left heaven to come to earth as human, knowing that his leaving meant an even greater sacrifice: his death.  Yet there is joy, because it was through this selfless act that we can know God and live an eternity with him if we accept his greatest gift: His only Son. We can not fail, as we would under the law, unless we choose to turn away from the gift of salvation by faith through Grace.

Have you ever felt intense pain from a loss?  Many of us have.  How do you deal with your pain?  Some lash out, become angry, cry, withdraw, vent or a react a dozen other ways a person deals with grief.  Have you ever considered that God feels your pain?  He knows where your heart is and wants to comfort you.

Most of us know someone who is going through a tough time because of divorce, or even death.  Perhaps a mother is facing the pain and fear as I did, about a child going off to college, or moving to another state because of a career.  What can you do to ease the pain of those hurting?  It might be as easy as a phone call or sending a card.  It might be visiting and allowing them to share their pain while you listen. Bring your thoughts before the Lord and ask for his guidance, and then like Joseph, be obedient.

So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son."   Matthew 2:14-15   

Photo Credit: Sadness and Pain

Monday, October 28, 2024

Missing Opportunities

Paige looked at her husband, fighting tears.  The accident had turned their world upside down.  Gavin was getting better, but was a long way from being able to go back to work and the insurance company was dragging their feet on making good on their policy.  It seemed every time they thought they had everything documented, there was someone who contested something causing delay after delay.  

“You know I don’t want to go back to work and I know you don’t want me to,” she said swallowing hard.  “But it’s the only thing to do.  At least we won’t have to get a sitter.  Your mom said she’d help you watch Joey and Rachel.”


“No buts.  I’ve already talked with Mr. Summers at the diner.  I start tomorrow.”

Each of us deal with dark seasons in our lives.  It could be the loss of a loved one, divorce, financial stress, emotional upheavals related to moving or our children, health concerns, or a hundred other things.

There are those who believe our lives are dictated by how the stars align, while others believe our lives are completely in their human hands; each moving forward by the strength of their own decisions. Our personal fate or destiny is still another perspective people will use when shifts in our lives happen.

Others are convinced it’s all about their beauty, abilities, money, status, or intelligence.  Where they are on the “ladder” of whatever business or societal group they are in, they are certain they made the difference, without any help from anyone else. When trouble comes, however, they can’t possibly be responsible.  It’s someone or something else’s fault.

Our God, whether people will admit to it or not, is the Creator of the Universe!  He knows the end from the beginning.  He’s aware of all that happens to each of us. It is He who “aligns” things to happen in his time and for his reasons, although situations can also happen because of free will—and our personal decisions!  Pain is real and happens to everyone.  He doesn’t want us to suffer alone.  He encourages us to come to Him.  He teaches us to use our negative or unpleasant circumstance to grow and then use it!

Sometimes we get “lost” in the confusion, hurting (emotional or physical), anger, insults, or offending situation.  We lose sight of who is “at the wheel.”  We lash out instead of reaching out.  Instead of using our circumstance for good, we inflict more hurt.  There’s an expression that “hurting people, hurt other people.”  There are times when this is true.  But by striking out we are likely going to miss an opportunity to do good.  

No matter what we are going through, we don’t own this “corner of the world” on pain, anger or anything else negative.  There are others in at least the same “corner,” or in a worse place.  

I encourage you to use your circumstance as “defining moments.”  Use the different (or dark) seasons in your life to allow yourself, first to heal if necessary.  Secondly, use these times to make a difference for the Kingdom.  This is where you are really going to find healing.

Photo Credit: Emotionally Hurting People

Monday, October 21, 2024

Critical Use of Time


       My interests include reading, quilting, chatting, my family, traveling and what seems like a ridiculously long list of more! Added to this list, is the necessary “to-do’s.”  After all, I am a mother and even though my children are grown, motherhood doesn’t stop.  I am a grandmother and a wife, house keeper and all those other “titles” that fall in the domestic line; friend, aunt and more! The point is, by the end of most days, I am very tired and my lists are not nearly completed!  I move several items to the next day and then the next.  

            Admittedly, I don’t “work” outside the home and I know there are many women who do.  I applaud them.  I do, however, try to keep up with my writing.  This is what God has called me to do.  It is my responsibility to put on paper the thoughts of my heart that will help and encourage others.  But where does that leave my time?  There are only 24 hours in the day, and I’ll admit sleep is a necessary element of my life.  I spoke with a man today who functioned on about three hours a night.  Me?  Well, I can’t operate like that!  I need (emphasize the need!) about seven hours.  So how do I find the time to spend with the Lord?

            Jesus was a busy man.  He traveled, healed the sick, taught and was about his Father’s business.  But he took “time” to be with those he knew and loved.  He went to the wedding in Cana.  He had supper in the home of Zacchaeus, visited with Mary and Martha and his friend Lazarus, and shared endless hours with his disciples.  But more important than this, Jesus spent time with the Father.

            What made Jesus’ time with the Father so important?  Jesus knew, even though he was God’s son, he was also a man.  Men need to draw strength from others to do well, no matter what his calling.  If Jesus needed to have a relationship with his Father; to spend time with someone he knew as well as he knew himself, isn’t the implication even greater that we need this time?

            We fill our lives with so many things to do; we forget we are defined by how we live our lives or by what we don’t do.  When we forget or neglect to draw strength from our Lord and Savior, our Rock, Fortress and Shelter, what we “do” loses meaning.  We rob ourselves of energy and abilities, not to mention blessings, while our successes risk losing their worth and importance because we attempt to do it on our own away from God. 

            Leisure time is a gift in our world’s economy.  That said, “leisure time” is often defined in perspective.  What one person does for the sheer joy of the activity, others would consider stressful work!  I believe “leisure time” would be defined as spending time being with, or doing things, which brings us to a place of low stress and a place where our minds, bodies and spirits can rest.  Additionally, however, time, no matter how it is defined, is best spent with the Father for a balm to the soul.  And when we make Him part of our daily routine, every day is just….well….better!

Photo Credit: Use of time

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Small But Great

  I saw a movie once where a young man was intimidated by the larger boys on the football team.  His stature was small, although he was quite agile.  His father told him to allow God to use his small size to do something great and wonderful to God’s glory.  At a critical time in the game the young man, relying completely on God since he alone could not humanly complete the task, kicked a field goal well beyond his means and the team won the game.

This same concept is demonstrated with David and Goliath.  He faced what seemed like insurmountable odds when he faced the giant, especially when the giant was holding weapons of war that minimized even more, the simple slingshot and stone, David held in his hand.  

David believed he was following the will of the Lord, however and God saw him through.  The giant, Goliath, was killed by a small, shepherd boy, who had not even yet, been in battle.  David used a small stone and slingshot and God’s strength to down Goliath who carried a sword, wore solid armor and was huge in size.  Yet, God’s plan included showing that if you depend on him, he will bring glory despite obstacles such as size and human strength.

Jesus came to touch the lives of the lowly, much like he touched the town of Bethlehem.  We are all unworthy of Christ’s redemptive power.  Yet, God in his infinite wisdom and love, provided a way for each of us to find grace.  It is through Christ we are born again.

Bethlehem is yet another symbol of the last being first (Matthew 19:30).  Bethlehem was a small town compared to those around it.  It seemed unlikely that a great King could come from such a place.  It didn’t house great politicians or anyone rich and famous.  It seemingly had nothing worthy to offer.  Yet God chose this unlikely place for the birth of Christ.  

Jesus told his disciples that there will be many who are first now but will be last in times to come and those who are last will be first.  Bethlehem was last in the minds of most, as a place of birth for the King of Israel.  It just didn’t seem possible.  Yet Micah many years before Jesus’ birth prophesied that it would be so.  So the question remains, “Why did so many people miss the event?”  Why are there still those who refuse to see Jesus as the Messiah?  

What “giant” are you facing today?  Is there conflict between you and another person, between your head and your heart, from pressures of your peers or desires of your heart that would not be acceptable?  How will you take that ‘giant’ down?  David used an unlikely slingshot and stone.  God used the tiny town of Bethlehem as the birthplace of his Son in the form of a tiny baby, to be a Living Sacrifice, not a full grown king, as many expected.to fight Satan, and the sins of the world. 

We are all given gifts, even if they seem small to us.  Perhaps you think it’s a gift that seems unimportant, unlikely and certainly unused.  Could you, if you dedicated it to God for his glory, use your 'small scaled' gift for something great?  God is just waiting to see what you will offer.  Don’t disappoint him.

Photo Credit: High School football

Monday, October 14, 2024

Here I Am, Send Me!


       I was talking with a Pastor friend the other day, who actually prefers the title, “Chaplain,” about his ministry in a well known theme park.  The Park actually not only allows, but encourages family unity and traditions, and also Biblical teaching among the employees and guests, if they choose to do so.

         My Chaplain friend provides Sunday services in a small church within the Park for guests who are vacationing and choose to spend their Sunday there.  The church is usually packed with standing room only for the Sunday morning worship service.  Traditional hymns are sung, testimony shared, prayer uplifted and a sermon given. 

         Primarily, however, he provides spiritual guidance, encouragement, teaching, comfort and more, to the 3,000 plus employees of the park on a daily basis.  This is basically why he prefers “Chaplain” to Pastor, Preacher or Reverend.  In many instances he finds himself giving spiritual guidance to people other than those, within his own faith.   While being true to his own faith, he is sensitive to others.  

          He explained in his “job” he is witness to all kinds of needs, much like any other large and thriving business.  As guests of the park, he sees the performers wearing their best smiles, using their best manners and projecting perfect personalities.  But like all “families” there are problems with health, stress, children, aging parents, homesickness and any other malady you can imagine!  Most big businesses provide someone qualified who is available to provide necessary services when required, to employees in need.  In this park, it’s a person who loves the Lord and can offer spiritual aid first, and then all else second.  

        We live in a world where “spiritual” needs tend to come in about second from the bottom and in some cases, doesn’t exist at all.  In fact in some places, it’s considered “illegal” to discuss spiritual matters, to pray, or to reflect any type of Christian faith at all.  We’ve come to a place where we must worry about “offending” those who don’t think like us!  

         Regardless of many people’s belief system (or lack thereof) our God is real and still choreographs amazing miracles in people’s lives.  I have personally seen this happening in my own life and am overwhelmed even as I see the script coming alive!  God is working in the lives of those who love him and choose to say “Yes! Here I am. Send me!”

         Even as He sends us, he knows our unique capabilities and has been preparing hearts, circumstances and even attitudes for many years.  God knows the beginning from the end.  He knows how, when, where and who would be best for a specific task.  Even when we believe we can’t possibly do what we are being asked to do, or be remotely worthy of the challenge, God chooses who He wants in a particular place.  We just have to trust Him to help us meet the challenge with His strength and power.

          I encourage you this week to look where you are right now.  Evaluate what you believe God is asking you to do.  Do you trust Him enough to walk out on faith and say, like Isaiah, “Here, I am.  Send me?”

Photo Credit: Sharing Our Faith

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A Crystal Clear Sign

My husband and I, some years ago, made the decision to rent the home we were living in, to another family.  That meant literally moving 35 years of “stuff” into a smaller home which we purchased several years earlier.  We had struggled for months trying to decide which home we wanted to live in.    

      Our first residence was built largely by my husband over 25 years ago.  We had central air and heat, an above ground swimming pool, plenty of room, an oversized two car garage, a beautiful yard and virtually everything we had dreamed of.   The home we bought about ten years ago was purchased to help a family member who was struggling in their marriage and was having financial issues.  The home did not have central air or heat, had no pool or garage and in fact wasn’t even “finished” on the inside.  

We had prayed for guidance that would be so clear we couldn’t miss it.  The answer came when we learned of a family needing a large home for five, of their nine children.  We raised five in ours and knew room wouldn’t be an issue.  My husband and I had the exact same idea simultaneously, within just seconds of each other.  We knew God had given us each the idea and knew conclusively we would move, and allow this other family to use our home.  This was the sign we had prayed for.

Signs from God can come in a variety of ways.  The biggest road block can come from not being open to his voice in whatever form it comes.  It may be a still small voice, a verse from the Bible that speaks clearly to the problem, a talk with a friend or Pastor, and sometimes you might even find the answer through a dream.  

Years before Christ was born, people wanted a sign so they would know when the Messiah would come.  They were testing Isaiah’s patience with doubt and unbelief.  Further they tested God’s patience by asking for a sign that would be unmistakably clear.  Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would come by way of Virgin Birth.  The child would be a son and be Immanuel meaning “God with us.”  Yet many missed his coming.  Their perception of a “king” to save them was different from what God promised.  The sign was crystal clear, yet clearly fuzzy to those waiting for him at the time of his birth.

That is true no less today.  Many people want to be saved from their miseries.  They long for peace and understanding.  They desire love and fulfillment.  Yet they are missing the signs.  As the end of this age creeps ever closer, those who are distressing, search for relief in drugs, alcohol, immoral acts, adultery, pornography and other types of sinful behaviors that brings them no closer to what they really long for; and can only receive from Jesus.  They don’t recognize the gift before them: Jesus the Christ.  It is only through him we can find peace, fulfillment, understanding and unconditional love.  

Have you been searching for an answer in your life?  Have you given the problem to God?  Do you agree that God cares about all areas of our lives, both big and small?  Write down the biggest personal problem you are facing right now.  Document in writing a problem that seems unimportant to most people, but important to you.  

Look at each area of your life.  Consider personal, financial, spiritual, emotional and social.  Record challenges in each area which requires more than you can do alone.  Turn those problems, issues, requests, desires and anything else you’ve written down, over to God.  Lay them at His feet and allow him to work out the details.

Then Isaiah said, "Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough to try the patience of men? Will you try the patience of my God also?   Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.  Isaiah 7:13-14  

Photo Credit: God Given Sign 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Faith Greater Than My Fear

As I sit here, penning my thoughts, Hurricane Helene has moved through and created so much havoc, chaos and devastation for surrounding areas, it’s downright mind boggling.  The washed away roads, homes, landscapes and more importantly lives, is beyond comprehension. 

There are those in Asheville N.C. and other areas who are reeling from the massive destruction, since their town isn’t even recognizable.  It will take months, perhaps even years before all or most roads are completed, and there are areas where recovery may never happen! 

When you add the recent hurricanes, Idalia, Berly and Debby, among others, and the newest, Milton ---preparing to hit central Florida; along with all the horrific fires ravaging the West, it seems a little eerie!  Then, when you consider the school shootings, other horrific crime scenes across our nation and the world, it’s a little like a mirror image of the weather!  It's shocking, unsettling, and makes a body a little nervous and anxious about what might be next.

We're in a season of political unrest given the upcoming election, and that doesn't help any.  As a country, we're so divided, it's frightening! Who would have thought even ten or fifteen years ago that our nation would be in such turmoil?  Or sure, there was dissension and even conflict, but the viciousness of people now multiplied by their hate, is downright scary!

I was reading about how Africa went through a military overthrow of the government. The writer of this article was terrified for her life as she remembered forty-five years earlier when she was a child, how she and her family were spared death because of their faith in God and the prayers they raised up to Him.

Yet, there are those Believers who minister in other countries and face death from a non-welcoming government daily.  Even citizens who live in these places are under this kind of threat should they believe in Jesus Christ.

I am convinced the turmoil we are facing today is directly related to the second coming of Christ.  As a human it’s natural to have fear.  Just this morning there was a headline on the news which said, “War is coming!”  I can’t even imagine what format that would take, or even how you would know who your enemy is, since it would be based (I believe) on your political views!

During the Civil War it was North against South and there are those who left their homes from one side or the other, given their conviction, and physically went to that geographic location!  How on earth would we find a dividing line now?  Again, I have no answers, but it’s certain fodder for fear and lots more questions!

Despite what we are facing, there is another certainty.  Jesus will return and we, even as Believers, will not be spared suffering.  It is the End Times.  We must face that, but I suggest not with fear, which is what the enemy would prefer, but with a level of joy they could not begin to understand.  It is here my faith must be greater than my fear!

As Believers, we know when our time on this Earth –our temporary home—is done, we will come face to face with the Father.  I can’t wait to see Jesus!  Oh, my goodness, can you even imagine the joy?  Now that said, don’t think I want war, violence or any other kind of ugliness to precipitate my going!  But knowing this, absolutely can, if not totally take away the fear, at least lessen it.  One day I’m gonna see Jesus face to face and that my friend is reason for joy!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Who Is This Jesus?


      I watched a TV show some years ago where a young man learned through an obituary that a friend he hadn’t seen in years, died.  When he learned of his demise the young man stole his friend’s identity because he believed his friend had “had it all.”  His friend had a doctor’s career, wealth, notoriety, confidence and everything good in life.  This person had everything the young man in the show didn’t have, but wanted.

He learned years later that his “friend” whom he thought he knew, died from an overdose of pills because he couldn’t handle the pressure of his lifestyle.  The young man through a variety of circumstances eventually took his own identity and again, lived his own life.  Often the people we think we know, surprise us with characteristics we have never seen.

    I heard once that who you are in private is who you really are.  In public, when there are people around, we usually display our very best traits.  The last thing we want is someone to see us losing patience, yelling out in anger, being spiteful, envious of others, belittling someone else, being the least bit dishonest, speaking unkind words and the list goes on and on.  We 'perform' at our best so people don't know our worst!

Jesus tells us in the scripture three specific things about himself.  He is the Way; He is the Truth and He is the Life.  Jesus is the only way to get into heaven.  It cannot be through any other means than Him.  He is the only living God.  All other claimants are either dead or non-existent.  

Jesus is the truth.  Everything about him is true.  His Word is true as guidance we can live by; it is true regarding our soul’s eternal life; it is true that he provides for our needs.  There is no falsehood.  

Jesus is the life.  We are alive spiritually because He is alive.  Christ died a physical death, but he rose again, as shall we, if we are born-again through Him.  He is our advocate before his Father.  He is the only one who campaigns on our behalf.  He can do this because he lives.

Our meager lives on earth will be nothing compared to the lifetime of worship and praise we can look forward to when we see Jesus for an eternity!  There can be no falseness in our relationship because he knows each of us personally, unlike the relationships we have with other people.  He knows us even better than we know ourselves.  

Our lives are dictated by the choices we make regarding relationships, careers, political feelings and especially our faith—or lack thereof.  Jesus wants a relationship with each of us.  He has made himself available by sacrificing himself on a cruel cross.  It is up to us however, to choose to know him, just as we choose our partner, career path and those we choose to lead our government.  

       We can be easily deceived by what we perceive others have.  Sometimes those who seem to have much, really have little, since material things are only superficial.  Money, fame, and material goods do nothing to comfort the soul.  That can only come through Jesus.  

Consider your lifestyle and how others may perceive you.  Make a list of what you think people see.  Ask a good friend near your own age to be honest with you and perhaps other age groups, as well, who you encounter often, to create a list of how they 'see' you.  Compare their lists with your own.  What do you see?

 How do you see your life guided?  How did you decide what career path to follow?  Are your choices for daily living yours alone, or do you find other people influence the way you think, feel or even act?

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."  John 14:6-7

Photo Credit: Who Is Jesus

Monday, September 30, 2024

Preserved By Grace

      As I look back on my childhood, I see a dysfunctional family.  While my life wasn’t nearly as bad as many, I endured my share of hardships.  My parents early in my memory were good God fearing individuals.  They practiced what they preached and expected us children to do the same.  But things changed and weren’t as they seemed.  My parents, like many, had huge problems and those problems extended to us girls.

I accepted Christ as my Savior as a child when I was ten, and understood the meaning.  I knew that God was in control and would work things out even though our family was dirt poor and seemingly breaking apart at the seams.

As I reached adolescence I continued my journey with Christ, but during my late teens I wandered away.  I stopped attending church regularly, reading my Bible intentionally and even prayer ceased, except for my grace before meals, which had become habit.  It was by God’s grace that during high school I never once was introduced to drugs.  I am amazed and will be eternally grateful that God saw the need to keep me from those things that would have replaced, at that time in my life, what I understood as a “normal family”; not to mention where those 'alternatives' would have left (or taken) me!

When I consider Job’s understanding of God’s grace I can parallel God’s love of Job, to my own life.  Job knew he was given the gift of life, that God had made him, even when in mortal life his mother gave him birth.  He also knew that God formed him so that the model in view, would best be for God’s purpose.  Even as instruments that could be broken, could through God, be used again and again, because God had a plan.

Job never gave up on God as it seemed I had.  As a child I held fast to what I had learned about God.  It is without question what served as my foundation, forming my attitudes and understanding of life.  As a teenager, I began questioning who I was and where I belonged, since I no longer felt connected to my family.  

I struggled to keep my identity secure, yet God knew.  He also knew that I was weak during that time and would (and could) have been easily enticed into situations I wouldn’t have handled well, if given the opportunity.  It was by God’s grace I was bidden away from such situations.

God knew he had a plan for me.  As a teen I didn’t recognize any divine plan.  I was just trying to get through.  But God had given me life, he had formed me for something special and spared me injury until I was strong enough to recognize my life could only be in Him.

While I wonder (and sometimes doubt) on some days, if God’s grace is as sure and sound in me now, as it was described in the life of Job, I do know it’s solid.  Job was unique and a wonderful role model.  The strength he held onto with all his being is what I want to have, regardless of circumstances.  

Job’s unique strength demonstrates what we can draw from and on, when we allow God to shower us with his abiding love, while molding, refreshing and restoring us through his grace, as only He can do.  As the scripture reads today, “my life was preserved by his care.”  Can you see his preservation in yours?

Job 10:12  You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit.  NIV

Photo Credit: God's Grace

Monday, September 23, 2024

Fly To Jesus

            A friend of mine said recently, “I tried to fly to Jesus, but He wasn’t ready for me yet.”  She had been in the hospital with a kidney stone and the medications they put her on for the procedures planned, sent her in full respiratory arrest. By God’s grace she made it through the process and was finally released from the hospital.  

            Her reflection included a heartfelt thank you to Jesus, along with the acknowledgement that while she would love to have been with Him, she accepted the fact that He felt her husband and children needed her here, a while longer.  The experience left her with a new perspective.

            Our faith is often tested in ways we can’t even imagine, and if our choices aren’t the right ones, we can suffer awful repercussions.  We are a people of free will, but each choice, good or bad has consequences.  Our responses and behaviors affect those immediately around us and often well beyond our little circle of family or friends.  And when we are faced with a trial, the impact of our behaviors can have far greater effect on non-believers than it does on believers.  

            As Believers, we are constantly being scrutinized to see if we really “walk the walk” every day or if we are another who just lives our Christian life on the Sabbath.  Do we “live in Him” from day to day, or only when it’s convenient or when we are trying to make an impression?

            When Jesus walked the earth, he lived a life that caused quite a commotion.   He went against the grain.  While professing to be the Son of God and the King of the Jews and even describing his Kingdom, he wasn’t what people imagined or expected.  He was kind and gentle rather than aggressive and domineering.  He loved people; all people, regardless of their station in life.  He was the perfect example of what we should be.  He taught us how we should live and even now gives us the strength to follow his example.  

During the summer, probably more than any other time, (except maybe Christmas!) our lives are exceedingly busy.  There are countless activities to complete outdoors, vacations to take, sports events to enjoy and so much more that keeps our schedule beyond full!  Because of this activity,  our faith often gets placed on the shelf to be dealt with another time.

God wants our attention every day, regardless of our human activities that attempt to dominate our time.  Are you keeping your “faith activities” at the top of your daily list or is your faith renewal shuffled somewhere toward the bottom?   

Even in scripture Paul reminds us to stay focused on Christ.  Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. 

I encourage you to re-evaluate your priorities, and make certain God remains first in your undertakings, above all the human demands of life.  When you daily commune with Jesus, you won’t be disappointed, but rather filled with the blessing of joy and close relationship with the Creator of the Universe.

Photo Credit: Fly To Jesus