He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, October 14, 2024

Here I Am, Send Me!


       I was talking with a Pastor friend the other day, who actually prefers the title, “Chaplain,” about his ministry in a well known theme park.  The Park actually not only allows, but encourages family unity and traditions, and also Biblical teaching among the employees and guests, if they choose to do so.

         My Chaplain friend provides Sunday services in a small church within the Park for guests who are vacationing and choose to spend their Sunday there.  The church is usually packed with standing room only for the Sunday morning worship service.  Traditional hymns are sung, testimony shared, prayer uplifted and a sermon given. 

         Primarily, however, he provides spiritual guidance, encouragement, teaching, comfort and more, to the 3,000 plus employees of the park on a daily basis.  This is basically why he prefers “Chaplain” to Pastor, Preacher or Reverend.  In many instances he finds himself giving spiritual guidance to people other than those, within his own faith.   While being true to his own faith, he is sensitive to others.  

          He explained in his “job” he is witness to all kinds of needs, much like any other large and thriving business.  As guests of the park, he sees the performers wearing their best smiles, using their best manners and projecting perfect personalities.  But like all “families” there are problems with health, stress, children, aging parents, homesickness and any other malady you can imagine!  Most big businesses provide someone qualified who is available to provide necessary services when required, to employees in need.  In this park, it’s a person who loves the Lord and can offer spiritual aid first, and then all else second.  

        We live in a world where “spiritual” needs tend to come in about second from the bottom and in some cases, doesn’t exist at all.  In fact in some places, it’s considered “illegal” to discuss spiritual matters, to pray, or to reflect any type of Christian faith at all.  We’ve come to a place where we must worry about “offending” those who don’t think like us!  

         Regardless of many people’s belief system (or lack thereof) our God is real and still choreographs amazing miracles in people’s lives.  I have personally seen this happening in my own life and am overwhelmed even as I see the script coming alive!  God is working in the lives of those who love him and choose to say “Yes! Here I am. Send me!”

         Even as He sends us, he knows our unique capabilities and has been preparing hearts, circumstances and even attitudes for many years.  God knows the beginning from the end.  He knows how, when, where and who would be best for a specific task.  Even when we believe we can’t possibly do what we are being asked to do, or be remotely worthy of the challenge, God chooses who He wants in a particular place.  We just have to trust Him to help us meet the challenge with His strength and power.

          I encourage you this week to look where you are right now.  Evaluate what you believe God is asking you to do.  Do you trust Him enough to walk out on faith and say, like Isaiah, “Here, I am.  Send me?”

Photo Credit: Sharing Our Faith

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